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Mega Link (232MB Download)

I did a tie-in from this previous post. Should connect the dots a little better :P

--------- Story Time!

Lara hasn’t been able to do much exploring since the world came to a halt (2020). Now that everything is slowly starting to re-open, she feels a little too out of shape to start doing things again. She began to read about extra techniques she could use to get herself into shape again. That being said, they require specific clothing and supervision to make sure they’re done correctly.

However, the clothes she ordered came that came from Asia that have a different size to the West. Ordering in "her size", they came a bit smaller. Entering the room, she is a little embarrassed because despite being fond of you, she asked another friend to help.

Lara: Hi, I’m here… Um…
You: You took quite a while to get change. Is everything okay?
Lara: Making her way towards you Not really. These clothes...
You: Oh, it's just us two today. The big guy has to deal with something.
Lara: Smiles Oh, alright then.
You: I can handle it, no problem. Wait, aren’t those clothes too small?
Lara: Not anymore. Plus, I think you and I have a little unfinished business.
You: What do you mean?
Lara: Touching yourself in front of me? Pool? Remember?
You: I remember you liked it.
Lara: I remember you enjoying it more than I did. Not to mention this.
You: And what do you mean by-

She began to stretch her arms. The small top, lifted, revealing her boobs. Her sweet spot is half shown.

You: I err…
Lara: You’ve seen them before. Just didn't want brother to see them.
You: He's your brother? That's why you were embarrassed?
Lara: Not my real brother. He's just like a brother to me.
You: What about me?
Lara: If you play your cards right. You might be his brother... In-law.
You: Oh... Time for the leg stretches...?

Pulling her leg back and then forward, she stretches her thighs. Then bends over to reach for her toes.

You: Nice view
Lara: Of course. But now comes the trickier ones.
You: Mainly more reaching and then abs.
Lara: Yes, however this time. You can only look.
You: What do you mean?
Lara: You looked at me tugging yourself last time, right?
You: Yeah…
Lara: No touching me or yourself. Only looking
You: I’m gonna die from this.
Lara: No you won’t. You’ll just like it more. Especially the reward.
You: Reward?
Lara: Are you still talking?
You: Yes, Ma’am… I mean, no, Ma’am.

Lara gets on the floor and reaches for her toes, then spreads herself apart. Reaching for each foot.

You: Your top is…
Lara: They’re just gonna come back out anyway. Got a problem?
You: No complaints here.
Lara: Didn’t think so.

Laying on her belly, she stretches her legs outwards and then lifts herself. Her boobs hanging and legs spread for an amazing view.

Lara: Hope you’re not enjoying yourself too much. I still have one more to do.
You: One last stretch for your stomach. On your back
Lara: Not quite on my back, but close enough.

She lays on her back and lifts herself. Her clothes spring back, everything gets revealed. Looking at you, she says…

Lara: I have to do this for one minute. Get started.
You: Uhh… What?
Lara: You have 57 seconds to cream all over me.
You: Woah… Uh…
Lara: 56…
You: unzips pants
: 55…

The end?
To be fair, who would even last 10 seconds? ;)


This set is BIG because it was easy to render with such a lightweight scene. So I did a LOT with it. Including extra angles and nude renders. 35 images in total.

Some of these stretches were based on my own routine. Although I've got a ton more I could do, I didn't want to overdo it for obvious reasons.

Hope you all enjoy it for now! :D

Mega Link (232MB Download)




Damn, that's a huge pack...love it!