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Mega Link (113MB Download)

The original plan didn't include this theme, but I did it anyway to continue the narrative. Plus, post-apocalyptic scenes do get a bit annoying to make :P

--------- Story Time!

Joining a new academy for your higher education has been nothing short of stressful. But you find yourself with connections in very high places because of it. This will be good for business and future relationships. Especially with people deemed “out of reach”. So you will keep going.

You find yourself in Principle Williams’ office. Not quite sure of the reason why but she’s taking a liking to how promising you are. The only problem is, she gives out quite a few mixed signals.

Ellie: Come in, take a seat.
You: Principle Williams, any particular reason I am here today?
Ellie: I’ve been told much about you. I merely want to help you personally.
You: Help me with what, a written piece of yours. It’s not quite right.

Ellie uncrosses her legs to concentrate more on her work so that she can help you sooner.

Ellie: I’m just finishing up here. I’ll show you what I mean shortly.
You: Take your... time?

You glanced down and saw her white underwear. You wish there were non, but it’s a start. Did she even notice what’s going on? How is one so oblivious? However, before you knew it, she got up.

Ellie: That can wait. Let me show you what I wanted to point out.
You: Go ahead
Ellie: the suminejgnmngek…

She mumbles to herself as she leans over the desk. Giving you a full view of her open shirt. She leans a little more and it’s the full monty of her boobs! :D But she soon gets back up to walk over to your side.

Ellie: Sorry, I’m trying to make sure I’m pointing everything out correctly.
You: I can certainly see between your lines there.
Ellie: I beg your pardon?
You: Sorry, I was drifting. I am a little tired.
Ellie: Well, as soon as we are done here, you can go to bed.

She leans on the table and spreads her legs a little. Perfect for you to just look whilst she’s distracted.

Ellie: It’s this paragraph in the middle that’s the cause of concern.
You: Is it?
Ellie: Yes. You give excellent information, but you could reorder it slightly.
You: Should I order it in between?

Pointing at the part you need to change, she picks it up before speaking further. She seems really comfortable as she lifts her leg up to stretch. Does she know you can see her underwear now with light?

Ellie: I’m talking about the order of importance.
You: What about the lesser important and trivial information?
Ellie: Those can be put in the middle I suppose.
You: I think the middle is very important. It’s the sweet spot.
Ellie: In some cases I suppose. Wait… Hold on.

For a moment you thought she finally caught on to your staring at the her treasure. But that’s not the case, she’s spotted something else on the paper. She changed position and begins to analyze it. Her ass in your face.

Ellie: That can link into there.
You: It can link perfectly in that.
Ellie: I know!
You: Spread the information a little more so it’s more formal.
Ellie: That could work!

Ellie forgets herself and continues to study your paper. Spreading her legs more and more…

Ellie: Do whatever you want for now.
You: Wah?
Ellie: I’m not an idiot. I can multitask.

Oh my… What’s going to happen next? :O


I've already said I'm cutting down on these sets because of the heat. So that's 12 images + 5 FaceApped Images. 17 in total. A nice number this time.

Anyhoot, this post will tie into the animation. I am yet to decide how I'm going to do the animation. Please vote in the poll when it goes live!

Mega Link (113MB Download)




Ellie and stockings and heels and faceapp? Omfg is Christmas already? Marvellous job!!!!!!!