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A bit inactive recently but I'm slowly coming back to it.

I've revived a Brigitte project from last year. I've always wondered if her chest plate just comes off like a lid, so I made it happen :P

I need to work on it a bit more cause I realised the model was older than I thought. The side tails of her hair are the older version I always had issues with.

I'll get fix it when I can. As for the Judy render, I want to finish it but I keep hitting crossroads on deciding the final look. I'll get it right, in time.


Two new models to play with-ish.

I recently purchased an Eve model for Daz and basically morphed the body to more what I want. So I'll be doing some more Eve at some point.

As for Aloy. Same thing. I wanted to make sure her body was a little more unique, so I'm going to do some sculpting one I'm done putting her together.

I'll be soon starting on the prime project with Aloy once I've finalised her. Because I can more easily add clothes to her now, I've got a fun story to use based off Forbidden West were they only let her into the building if she wore clothes that resembled Elisabet Sobeck.

Maybe she has to wear specific clothes to get to restricted areas of the ancient labs she is exploring to find some equipment she needs :)


That's all I got right now. I'll get back to it!
Happy Friday & have an epic weekend! :D




stellar blade please :)


I fast tracked Eve's model. Right now, I'm just throwing ideas at the wall and hoping something sticks


Flame hair looking good!👀