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Hello and sorry for nothing to update in a long time.

I got many messages about Lunateria is still working or dead yet that please no worry, my project still going on but just lack of material to update.

Because of my fault to send chapter4 script too late, plus it pretty longer than previous chapter. So my editor who busy with many writing projects estimate my script might finish around end of year or later. Then I can do only waiting but I don't waste my time and already did what I can like

- pre-coding with unedited script to save a time when I receive my script back.
- check overall gameplay like character expression, sound and music to match with a scene.
- complete new scene and new art sprite.
- might start write last chapter script on next month.

Until the time I get my script, I might not active on Lunateria work and lack to online here at patreon.
If you have anything to ask me more detail please contact me at Facebook or Twitter.


Thank you very much for support me until now and sorry for the inconvenience.


Amelio (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-25 06:07:32 I just joined and you don't have to worry, I will support it even without updates, I believe in your project <=)
2022-09-17 12:09:42 I just joined and you don't have to worry, I will support it even without updates, I believe in your project <=)

I just joined and you don't have to worry, I will support it even without updates, I believe in your project <=)


Hey, so I just wanted to contact you because of an error the Android version has. Someone on itch pointed that out. When you try to install the downloaded APK, it tells you to update an existing build which doesn't even exist. When I tried it myself, the same message iwas shown. To me, this seems like an easy error to fix, at least I hope so. Can't wait for chapter 4!!! (; So I tried to install another game, but guess what, the exact same error happened. Now I'm very confused and honestly a little bit worried.