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The young, crimson-haired woman had a plan; a path forward in her quest for vengeance and belonging. Alas, as she lay there in bed, Rowan was struck with the realisation that she wasn’t quite ready to take the next step.

She was too weak.

It didn’t matter that she had started to fill out since her escape from the caves. She was too weak. Even with her Gift invigorating her healing factor as a result of her having her first time with the tawny-haired Ferran that slumbered next to her, she was too weak. Her Gift was limited. All it had effectively done, aside from it being an incredible experience, was undoing some of the damage from her years of malnutrition. Yes, it had invigorated her for a time which enhanced the moment, but the moment had passed.

For her Gift to do more, she would need to cultivate it further. With Alena’s help, she was confident she would get there eventually, especially as she wanted to deepen their relationship beyond the misconceptions of others. Rowan knew there would be many who would mistake their relationship as being nothing but lust at this point. She could also see why. They had known each other for less than a month, and their dance at the ball oozed desire.

For the most part, Rowan even agreed with them. Lust and desire definitely played a massive role in their initial attraction to each other. But to think that was all there was to them would be to ignore Rowan’s nature as an Ardent or the personality quirks of the two girls. If they knew Rowan better, they would know how fast her emotions build once a seed was planted. For Alena, Rowan couldn’t say for certain, but she could feel the weight of Alena’s words when she told Rowan how she felt. That had to account for something.

Still, it was something they would need to work on, ideally before Alena left for Særis. That gave them a week, give or take a couple of days. Alas, Rowan also had to prepare for her own departure which brought her straight back to her earlier realisation that she was still far too weak. To make matters worse, she was at a loss for how best to maximise her recovery. Nutrition was fine, but exercise and managing her metabolism? That was easier said than done.

The training and exercise she had done during her captivity were meant to build reflexes and muscle memory for the most part. It also had her maximising the efficiency of her muscles whilst they kept her as weak as possible. Almost as if they had a way to quickly bulk up those who accepted the deal.

In theory, Rowan could use the exercises from her captivity as well as those from her youth to get the strength she needed. The problem was that she didn’t know which exercises to use or the best way to utilise them. In the lead-up to the ball, she had focused on dancing and sword routines. They had helped, but only slightly.

Rowan sighed heavily in frustration, and Alena stirred. The Ferran girl yawned sleepily and asked Rowan, “What’s wrong?”

“I feel like I’m getting nowhere! The only thing I truly have more of since escaping is stamina. I need to be stronger!”

Alena kissed Rowan’s shoulder gently and said, “You’re doing fine. These things take time.”

“We don’t have time!”

“If time is what it takes for you to get better, then of course we do. I know you want to visit home and that you want to strike back at the people responsible for your captivity, but you need to look after yourself as well.”

“I know! It’s just…” Rowan’s voice trailed off. She felt like a failure, and the air was getting heavy with guilt.

“You don’t need to bear the weight of this alone, Rowan. I could help. I’m not that great at strength training or fighting, but I could do other stuff with you.”

For a second, Rowan’s skin took on a radiant glow, and her lips invited Alena in.

“Not like that, silly, “ Alena laughed. “Well, not just that. I meant dancing and the like, but we can do some late-night exercise as well.”

“I’d like that,” Rowan said, the weight of her guilt lifting.

“You could also ask someone to help guide you through an exercise program. Someone in the military, perhaps? They take their fitness and conditioning very seriously from what I’ve seen.”

Rowan kissed Alena promptly on the lips and exclaimed, “You’re a genius, Alena! I could ask my brother!”

“That sounds like a great idea,” Alena replied with a smile. “He’s in the navy, right?”

“Aye! He also trained me to fight when I was younger.”

Alena’s ears twitched with curiosity. “He did?” she asked.

“Yeah. Back when I was eleven. It took me a while to convince him. Especially as my ribs were bruised at the time.”

“It sounds like you’ve got quite a story here.” Alena’s words were oozing the curiosity of a cat, and Rowan could see the outline of her tail swishing slowly beneath the blankets.

“It’s not the happiest story,” Rowan replied, with a slight downcast to her eyes.

“I’m sorry,” Alena apologised, seeing the sadness in Rowan’s eyes and the subtle rise in her temperature. “You don’t need to tell me if it’s a painful memory.”

Rowan smiled back meekly. “I’ll tell you. It’s nothing compared to my captivity or the time leading up to it, and I want us to get to know each other better anyway.”

Alena kissed Rowan once on the lips and once on the forehead. “Well, if you insist, take all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere.”

“Thank you,” Rowan said, turning to face Alena in bed and taking her hands. She spent much of that morning telling Alena about her childhood and early adolescence. She glossed over a few details and highlighted others. Telling your new lover about past romances wasn’t exactly peak dating etiquette after all, but the training was rather pertinent to their earlier discussion.


Shortly after breakfast, Rowan and Alena ventured into the city proper in search of the elder Naliir sibling's home away from sea and barracks. Seres had also been invited, but she made some excuse about how she had things she needed to do in the Palace and that it would be nice to have an opportunity for Rowan to introduce Alena to Tyris and his wife without her being in the way. Rowan didn't really understand Seres' reasoning, but she respected it nonetheless. It also meant that they could leave a lot more promptly as they didn't need a guard.

Still, it was a strange experience, being away from Seres and having confidence that no harm would come to either of them. So much so that it made Rowan a little anxious. If Alena wasn't there beside her, it may have been too much. Another thing she would need to work on.

Fortunately, the walk through the ever-beautiful Palace District was peaceful for the most part. The excitement didn't really start until they reached the gate to the Iridescent Flame District, one of the city's three main residential districts. Tyris had moved there with his wife after his last promotion and the news that Talia was pregnant.

As for the excitement that greeted them at the gate? Overly inquisitive guards.

“Hold up, miss,” they said to Rowan after motioning Alena through.

“She’s with me,” Alena told them.

“In that case, could the two of you please step inside the gatehouse?”

Rowan’s anxiety started to rise and rise, stopping only when Alena took hold of her hand. “It’ll be fine,” she said soothingly. “I’m sure they just want to ask a couple of questions, and then we’ll be on our way.”

With a guard leading the way, they were shown to a small room with a table and some chairs in the centre. A quick glance revealed an absence of any windows and only the one door in and out.

The guard motioned for Rowan and Alena to sit down, waiting to do the same until they were seated. A moment or two after taking his own seat, the guard cleared his throat.

“Now, before we begin, I just want to assure both of you that this is just a routine interview to ensure the security of fair Midiris.”

“We understand, Corporal,” Alena interjected before Rowan could respond.

“Capital! Now, without further ado, what brings you to the Iridescent Flame? You don’t appear to be locals, and none of the other guards stationed here recognise you.”

“My brother,” Rowan blurted out, her words tumbling over one another.

“Yes?” the corporal responded inquisitively.

“We’re guests of the crown, and we’re visiting her brother, Rear Admiral Naliir,” Alena clarified.

“Naliir? One second, please.”

With that, the guard stood up, went to the door, and called over one of the other guards. Rowan had one fear-enhanced ear to the whispered conversation, but she was too distracted to make out the details.

The guard had his back to her, after all. She could strike. She could win their freedom.

She could…


Her voice was audible as she tried to rid her mind of the intrusive thoughts that were plaguing her. Alarmed by the sudden outburst, Alena gripped her thigh, and the guard turned back to face them.

“Is something the matter?” he asked.

Rowan was sweating.

“Water,” Alena responded, her voice carrying an air of command.

Rather than question her, the guard ensured that her request was granted. Soon after, another guard returned with a wooden cup filled with freshly chilled water. Rowan and Alena were then left alone for a short while as Rowan slowly sipped away.

The guard returned after five or so minutes and told them that they were free to go after apologising for the stress they had caused.

For the rest of their walk to Tyris’ home, Alena refused to let go of Rowan’s hand. It was a small comfort, but a much-appreciated one. It reminded her that she wasn’t alone.


The young couple garnered a few looks as they made their way through the Iridescent Flame. A curious glance at their hands for the most part. Same-sex relationships, whilst not typically frowned upon in most circles, were still rare enough to be unusual, after all.

Fortunately, they did little more than stare; a gesture Rowan could largely ignore. Especially as they didn't need to venture too far before reaching the entrance to her brother's estate.

After two sharp knocks, the door was opened by a middle-aged man, distinguished in his features and sharp in his dress.

"How can — ah, you must be Rowan, the young master's sister?"

Even his voice carried the panache of a gentleman.

"Y-yes," Rowan replied hesitantly, not expecting to be recognised by the man. She hadn't exactly sent word ahead that she was coming, after all.

Seeing the question in her eyes, however, the man spoke up.

"The young master has described you in detail," he said, "especially after his reunion with you. As steward of this household, I felt it prudent to memorise his description of you in case of this very eventuality. "

"Is he home?" Rowan asked.

"Unfortunately not, but the mistress can receive you until his return, if that is agreeable."

"Do you know how long he'll be?"

"In the absence of any emergencies, I estimate little more than half an hour."

"In that case…"

"We'd love to be received by the lady of the house," Alena interjected, hearing the shyness in Rowan’s voice.

"Well then, please come inside. I shall have someone send for her. Until then, you may call on me if you need anything. My name is Tamrik."

Once the two girls were inside, Tamrik led them through to a comfortable sitting room where they awaited their host. Before long, they were greeted by the sight of a young woman, perhaps three years younger than Tyris, with long, chestnut-coloured hair with golden highlights.

The baby-bump made it clear that this was Talia, Tyris' wife and the lady of the house. Her clothes seemed to be designed with both her profession and pregnancy in mind; comfortable, sky blue, and easy to change out of in the case of excessive contact with a patient's bodily fluids.

"It's a delight to finally be meeting you," Talia smiled at Rowan. "I'm Talia, Tyris' wife. Rowan, correct?"

Rowan nodded awkwardly before Talia turned to Alena.

"I'm sorry, but may I ask your name? Tamrik neglected to pass it on."

"That's okay," Alena responded. "I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Alena, Rowan’s — um…"

Talia returned a knowing look. "An absolute pleasure, Alena. I hope you don't mind me forgoing any titles."

"I didn't…"

"You have a noble's bearing, casual though it may be."

"We're not interrupting your work, are we?" Rowan interjected.

"I've got my nurses and secretaries handling the clinic," Talia replied. "And they'll send for me if a case needs my attention."

"That's good," Rowan responded, her speech wrapped in timidity as she tried and failed to keep a natural flow to the conversation.

"You don’t need to be shy around me, Rowan," Talia said with a smile, trying to comfort her. "We're practically family, after all."

"It's just…"

"I think Rowan skipped a few steps in preparing herself for meeting you," Alena opined.

"Tyris took the wind from my sails by describing me so much beforehand," Rowan said glumly. "Now, I'm not the one responsible for your first impression of me, and your second impression is doubtlessly ruined."

"That couldn't be further from the truth," Talia responded, a gentle warmth touching on her words. "If anything, you're just confirming to me that you are indeed Tyris' precious and highly adorable little sister."

To say Rowan blushed in response to Talia's commentary would be an understatement and a half; she was crimson from head to toe.

Alena patted her back and said, "There, there."

It was a comforting, yet somewhat mortifying gesture that had Rowan rather confused; an odd mix of elation and horror. Of course, Talia found a way to enhance the moment with a delicate giggle that she didn’t even try to hide.

Fortunately, it was still better than the encounter at the gate. A silver lining amidst the embarrassment that Rowan felt. Better yet, respite soon arrived by way of a young girl, barely thirteen, carrying a tray filled with drinks and a variety of snacks.

"Refreshments for our guests," the girl said politely.

“You don’t need to be so formal, Kaia,” Talia told the girl, “we’re with family.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the girl replied, this time with a timid air.

“This is Kaia, my niece. She’s staying here to train as a maid and assistant.”

With the added context, Rowan could see the slight familial resemblance. From the nuances found in Midiran, she was likely the daughter of Talia’s cousin instead of a sibling; the word was largely the same, but the inflection differed. Ultimately, the significance depended on the family, and it was certainly simpler than the traditional Ferran kinship terms.

“She’s precious,” Alena commented, eliciting a slight blush from Kaia.

“Thank you, miss.”

“Alena. And this is Rowan, Tyris’ brother.”

“Am I doomed to never introduce myself ever again!” Rowan exclaimed.

The short exchange seemed to help Kaia relax. “I’ve still got some chores left, Aunt Talia, but I’ll make sure to come back every once in a while with refills.”

“You can stay if you want, Kaia,” Talia told her. “You don’t need to busy yourself with work when we have family over.”

“I wouldn’t want to intrude on Miss Rowan and Miss Alena visiting you and Uncle Tyris. Especially if Miss Rowan is Uncle Tyris’ sister.”

“Well, if you insist. But please take a snack with you before you go.”

It was at this point that Kaia removed the cover on one of the snackboxes to reveal some Alyren Raindrops. Sweet Temptation.

A delicious calamity in the making.

After Kaia left the room to work on her chores, Rowan reached for the orb of fruity heaven. Not knowing what was in store for them, Talia smiled at her enthusiasm.


The results of Rowan treating herself to an Alyren Raindrop may have been expected by those who had seen her mother do the same. Granted, Rowan was the only such individual in the room that was privy to such knowledge. Furthermore, most people in the know often assumed that the raindrops were directly at fault for playing into her mother's desires.

The truth of the matter is that they mostly just teased away her inhibitions. Nothing about the treat impaired her cognitively.

That is to say that it was all her, and the same could be said for Rowan. Both Talia and Alena had been vastly unprepared for the very handsy Rowan that followed shortly after her sampling of the raindrop. It was subtle at first, but as more and more of the raindrop worked its way into Rowan’s system, the more affectionate she became.

Fortunately, her affections were all directed at Alena in what was becoming a rather embarrassing display; one that Alena would have welcomed had they been in private. Even with Talia there, Rowan felt Alena leaning in to some of her advances.

By the time Tyris arrived, Rowan was flushed and breathing heavily whilst the other two were blushing furiously. Any and all conversation had ceased in the twenty minutes since Rowan politely devoured the raindrop.

Upon seeing what was happening and noticing the box of Alyren Raindrops, he took his wife aside and suggested they step away to make some lunch.

By the time they returned, a couple of hours had passed, and both Rowan and Alena were crimson with embarrassment.

Tyris only added to their embarrassment when he shook his head at them with mock disappointment. He further punctuated his teasing by adding, "Next time you plan on introducing me to a girlfriend or boyfriend, Rowan, please resolve any sexual tensions in private beforehand. I'm sure it couldn't wait, but there is such a thing as time and place."

"Don't tease her or Alena too much, Tyris. If any more blood rushes to their heads, we might have an international incident on our hands."

"Is that your recommendation as a doctor or my beloved wife, Talia?"

"Both," Talia replied seriously, though her tone betrayed that she was playing along in her own way.

"Well, if you insist, I'll forget it ever happened," Tyris said with his usual dramatic flair.

"I do! And either way, I'm the one who suggested Kaia prepare the raindrops. You said they were a family favourite after all."

"That's true," Tyris admitted. "It's just they also give rise to certain behaviours in a select few members of our family. Namely Rowan, though she was a lot more modest in her youth. Our mother was much the same, though she had the tact and self-awareness to preserve our innocence."

"I must admit that the doctor in me is curious. What are the mechanisms behind the effect? What are the active ingredients? Are there any pharmaceutical applications? How about ethical considerations? So many questions…"

The clinical interest that radiated from Talia held Rowan’s deepening blush in stasis whilst Alena’s fluctuated in confusion. Fortunately, Tyris took it upon himself to distract everyone from what had happened earlier by presenting a platter filled with bread and a selection of meats, cheeses, and chutneys.

Everyone was quiet as they ate lunch, which gave the atmosphere in the room a chance to settle down. Kaia returned briefly after they had finished to top everyone up on snacks and refreshments, this time without any raindrops, and to clear away the dishes from lunch.

Tyris cleared his throat shortly after Kaia left the room. "So, was there any particular reason behind your surprise visit? I'm not complaining, but I imagine you didn't just decide to introduce us to Alena on a whim."

"Not entirely," Rowan admitted.

"And you would have sent word ahead if you wanted me to introduce you to Talia, right?"


"You’re supposed to say 'yes' or something when asked something like that," Tyris teased dryly.

"But where's the charm in that? Happy surprises are the spice of life!"

Talia and Alena blushed simultaneously in response to Rowan’s comment, a skill they were quickly developing together, while Tyris just laughed.

"I don't think you know what that means, Rowan," Tyris said.

A few quick glances were enough to give Rowan the context clues she needed to formulate the various innuendos hidden within her accidental double entendre. Furthermore, with her newfound understanding, she was able to translate the subtle glances between her brother and Talia.

Before Rowan could reclaim the title of deepest blush, however, Tyris grappled the conversation back on track.

"So, what is it that brings you here?" Tyris asked. "Apart from the mutual introducing of loved ones, that is. Speaking of which, it's a pleasure to meet you, Alena. I realise this hasn't been to most standard of introductions, but I trust your newfound relationship with Rowan prepared you at least a wee bit."

"It did," Alena admitted. "And likewise, the pleasure of meeting you both is truly mine."

"Told you she was a lady," Talia interjected.

"I already knew, dearest. I met one of her brothers during a group training exercise between the Midiran, Særan, and Ferran navies a few years back."

"Really?" Rowan and Alena asked in near unison, the surprise in their voices clear for all to hear.

"Really. Lord Tian, if I remember correctly. He wasn't especially high-ranked at the time, so I wouldn’t usually commit him to memory, but he had some interesting ideas. One of them I even used in the campaign against the raiders."

The recognition in Alena’s eyes was enough of an answer, but it didn’t stop her from also saying, "That does sound like Tian, but how did you recognise I was his sister?"

"That would be because the resemblance isn't why I knew you were a noble," Tyris laughed. "Your name was thrown around after the ball, and I made the connection. You made a lot of people jealous that night, by the way. I wasn't even there, and I could tell from how certain people acted the next day."

"I think we're getting sidetracked again," Rowan interjected, not wanting the conversation to devolve into what people were saying after the ball.

"Right, yes," Tyris responded. "The floor is yours, littlest Rowan."

"I want you to train me," Rowan said plainly.

"How so?"

"Exercise. I feel so weak and unbalanced."

"I can certainly help you in that regard if you wish, but it doesn't explain the surprise visit."

"It was really frustrating her," Alena said.

"We could tell."

"Tyris!" Rowan exclaimed, absolutely mortified at what her brother was referencing.

"Sorry," he apologised, though it was clear that he was still teasing her.

Rowan waited a second for the moment to pass before explaining in full. "Seres and I will be going to Særis soon, and I want to be ready. We'll be visiting home as well. I need to be strong enough."

"Are you sure this is what you want?”

On the surface, it seemed as if his question was about Rowan's ultimate goal of Særis and being strong enough, but she knew he was really asking about home.

"I am."

"In that case, Talia, could you please keep Alena entertained while I get started with Rowan?"

"Of course."

"Then, with your permission, Alena, I'll be borrowing Rowan for a short while."

"I'm not going to get in the way of what she wants and needs."

"Perfect. Let's go, Rowan. We have a training hall at the back of the estate."


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