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The first thing I noticed when I opened my eyes was a high ceiling, then the hard and slightly cold surface underneath me, followed by the smell of coal. It took me a few seconds to realize I was lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling.

I remembered a flash of light, a loud sound, and then... nothing.

Slowly, I brought my hand to my head, feeling the dull ache that lingered. As I attempted to sit up, a sharp pain shot through my body, causing me to wince. I surveyed my surroundings, my gaze lingering on the dimly lit room that seemed to be filled with an assortment of antique furniture and oriental decorations, from Japan perhaps, if the paper sliding doors were anything to go by.

Struggling to collect my thoughts, I decided to give the room one good look. Apparently, I found myself in a humble square wooden house. It was... quite different to my apartment, as it was much smaller, and only about ten feet across, maybe less. The paper sliding doors were left wide open, and the sunlight was shining through lines of bright green bamboo.

I frowned.

This didn't make much sense. I lived in Texas, and last time I checked there wasn't any place like this... Japanese looking anywhere near me. 

As I strained my mind to make sense of the situation, a soft rustling sound caught my attention. Turning my head, I spotted a figure standing in the doorway. It was a man, dressed in a traditional kimono or something, his long raven black hair partially tied up in a man bun with a single bang partially covering his left eye.

"Ah, young man, you are awake!" The man sat down beside me on the floor. "I was starting to think you would never wake up."

"Where am I?" I replied, just now noticing the man had a long scar with a few stitches running across his forehead. 

Just what kind of injury could result in that? Brain surgery perhaps?

The man let out a soft chuckle, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You are in Tokyo my friend."

Tokyo?! Just how in hell did I get here?! 

"So, my young friend, what's your name?" The man asked, his voice calm and gentle.

"My name is..." I started, realizing something. I didn't remember... My name. The moment he asked the question, and I tried to answer it, there was nothing but static in the back of my head, nothing but silence. "I can't... remember?" 

The man's expression softened with understanding. "Ah, that is quite unfortunate. It seems you have suffered some sort of memory loss. Do not fear, it happens from time to time, especially when one has experienced a great shock."

I wonder what else I can't remember. 

"So... who are you?" I asked.

The corners of the man's mouth lifted into a smirk as he spoke. "How terribly rude of me," he chuckled, "Here I am asking your name and I haven't even introduced myself." He extended hand towards me. "My name is Suguru Geto."

So his first name is Geto, that's how Japanese names work right? First the last name, and then the first name?

"A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Geto," I replied, giving him a handshake. All things considered it seemed like I owe the man one, the least I could do was offer some basic manners.

"My, how formal," Geto replied with an amused twinkle in his eye. "But you may call me Suguru, if it suits you. I did introduce myself the 'westerner' way to make it easier for you after all," He eased back into a more comfortable position, crossing his legs beneath him as he continued to observe me with an appraising look.

Oh, so Geto is his last name, and Suguru his first name. 

"I will keep that in mind," I replied, letting out a tired breath. I honestly had no idea how to even begin dealing with my current situation. "So, now wha-" Before I could finish my sentence, something about the size of a wolf shot in from outside, lunging towards Suguru, biting him in the arm. 

Seeing this, I leapt to my feet and, without thinking, kicked the creature on the side. The thing fell back, and as it did, I could see now that it looked like a big bug with green scaly skin. Changing targets the creature snarled and jumped at me, baring its sharp spiky teeth. 

I kicked it again, my foot connecting with a satisfying thud against the creature's body. It flew back once again before crashing to the ground, motionless. 




Just what in hell was that?!

My heart was pounding. Whatever that thing was, it seemed very real and alive. But it couldn't be real... there was no such thing as four feet tall bug with scales, there couldn't be... right?! I... could still feel the hard scales on my foot, I could still remember the impact that had vibrated up my leg just like expected. 

Before I could fully recover from the unexpected incident, Suguru cried out behind me. "Watch out! There’s another one!"

Hearing Suguru, I turned in time to dodge as a similar creature leapt at me. My punch hit the top of its head, and it thudded down on the wood floor with a nasty squeal, before a stomp to the head with my foot sealed its fate. 




There are more of this hellish abomination?!

This didn't make any sense, I was either hallucinating inside an asylum like your average nutjob, or I had been isekaided into Australia on drugs, that or Japan was Australia on drugs.  One thing was certain though, I wasn't in Texas anymore.


[Kenjaku POV.]

As I lay on the floor, holding my bleeding arm, I marveled at the scene that had just unfolded before my eyes. The young man I had found unconscious on the streets was far more interesting than I had initially anticipated. I had summoned a couple of grade 2 curses to test him, to gauge his potential. And despite knowing the result of this experiment, the way he handled them was nothing short of extraordinary.

Without experience, without knowledge, without any training, he had defeated two curses with barely any effort, his breathing heavy but his stance firm, displaying an incredible amount of curse energy, an amount that could possibly rival that of Gojo Satoru himself.

A dark smile crept across my face as I observed him, my mind racing with possibilities. This young man, with his raw, untapped power, could play a role in my plans. The magnitude of his curse energy alone was astounding, and it flowed from him effortlessly, as if he were born to wield it, making the notion worth thinking.

And the best part was, that all of this, and he had yet to grasp his innate technique.

Another monster in the making.

As he surveyed the room, looking for more threats, I maintained my charade, groaning softly to portray my supposed injuries. Yet, inside, I was exhilarated with the possibilities. It's rare to find such raw power, someone who could potentially change the dynamics of power within the jujutsu world.

I needed to know more about him, to understand the extent of his abilities. But from our interactions so far, I highly doubted he would side with me and the curses, willingly that is. I recognized his type, the kind who rushes into helping others without thinking, like he had done just now.

It matters not, though. Regardless of his allegiance, I can still make use of him. 

As I slowly got up from the floor, wincing in pain like the good performer I was, I approached the young man. His gaze locked onto mine, a mixture of shock and mild fear reflected in his eyes. I could see the questions forming in his mind.

"Are you alright?" he asked, concern etched on his face.

I nodded weakly, pretending to struggle. "Just a few scratches here and there," I replied, trying to downplay the severity of my injuries. "But thanks to you, we managed to overcome those monsters."

A flicker of relief passed across his features before he shifted uncomfortably. "What were those things?"

"Monsters, curses, demons, pick your favorite," I said cryptically. "Now, would you be so kind as to help me get to a hospital? I'm afraid I'm losing quite a bit of blood."

Dropping him in the hospital near the Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School, would draw the attention of the school, and eventually of Gojo Satoru, who would forcibly recruit him into his school, in turn helping him develop his abilities.

My grin widened at the thought. This was shaping up to be quite an enjoyable experiment. 



Thanks for the chapter