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[David Lance POV]

Cracking my stiff neck, I stood at the entrance of the training chamber ten levels below my lab, taking in its sleek, high-tech design. The chamber had been specifically designed for me to help me master his incredible powers.

The design and its measures to control my powers had been inspired by Brainiac, to whom I owe a lot, without the former being so vocal about his findings about me, it would've taken me way longer to achieve the same result I had on this chamber.

With a deep breath, I stepped inside the chamber and the doors closed behind me. The walls and floor were covered in a custom-made material, which glowed with a soft blue light. 

The chamber was designed to absorb the energy generated by the phenomena behind my voice, transforming that energy into fuel, making the chamber more and more sturdy the more I used my powers within it.

Taking the device that allowed me to pretend I could speak from my throat, I closed my eyes and began to focus my thoughts, calling forth my powers as Wioska had taught me. 

A low hum began to emanate from my throat before I uttered the first word. "Testing." 

At this, the chamber began to vibrate ever so slightly as the sound waves were absorbed and transformed into raw energy.


That meant I had designed the place well enough.

Now it's time to start training.

For the next following hours, I began experimenting with some of the theories I had about my powers, based on what I knew about Black Bolt from the few comics I had read about him, and while I would be the first to admit this wasn't much to go by, the results said otherwise.

Not only was I seeing clear signs that I was moving in the right direction when it came to this, but the training chamber itself was confirming such things.

The entire place was heavily equipped with sensors that could detect my every movement and measure the intensity of my powers, down to the slightest change in them. 

Meaning I could see my progress in real-time, watching as the readings on the screens grew and changed.

As the hours melted away, I continued to work hard, pushing myself to the limits and then beyond, learning more and more about what I could and couldn't do, and by the time the sun had begun to set once more, I was starting to do things I had thought impossible to accomplish only a few hours ago.

I was starting to tap into the self-enhancement area of my powers, by getting used to how the phenomena behind my powers normally occurred, so I could apply that feeling in other parts of my body.

The process itself still required too much concentration to occur, making it unusable for actual combat, that being said, the results were more than satisfactory.

To summarize, I could empower my physical attacks gaining a sizable increase in physical strength, and speed via the redirection of the energy generated behind my powers.

Unlike the normal use of my powers, however, this feat seemed to tire me.

While the result was undoubtedly marvelous for the short amount of time I had been testing things, it would drain me after each successful attempt. 

This showed that using my powers beyond the limited range of uses they seemed to have was a taxing endeavor, at least physically speaking.

That being said, I couldn't rule out the possibility of this drain becoming non-existent once I actually mastered the ability I was testing out.

One could assume the reason it was draining me was because I had no skill with it.

Further evaluation was needed before drawing a definite conclusion.

Before I could continue testing things out, my phone lit up with a text message, and with a quick glance, I recognized Raven's pet name in the corner of the screen. 

As of lately, the time we had been spending together had been rather scarce, so to speak. She had been busy dealing with multiple cases with the team, and I had been busy with endeavors of my own, so it was only natural our time together had been very short and in between.

[Hey, I'm finally done working! You better clear your schedule for tomorrow, 'cause I'm demanding your full and undivided attention for the whole day. And this is not up for discussion!]

I glanced down at the screen of my phone and a grin spread across my face as I read her stern yet romantic request. [As you command, Rae. After all, I would sooner cross a crocodile-infested river without my powers than say no to such a direct command.]

There was something about her demanding my time that just... hit me in the right spot.

[Going all saccharine with me, aren't you? Good, if you behave I might give you a surprise or two tomorrow, or today...]

At first, she had my attention. Now she had my erection.

[Meet at my apartment in two hours.] I replied, pushing my training for another day, for obviously more important reasons.


[Second POV]

The sun had set on the city as David stepped out of his car and looked up at the towering skyscraper before him. This was the building where his penthouse was, his sanctuary from the chaos of his daily life.

David stepped into the elevator and hit the button for the top floor. As the elevator ascended, he couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement building within him. 

He knew that Raven was waiting for him in the penthouse, and seeing they hadn't been together in quite a while, it was easy to know why.

The doors to the Penthouse slid open, and David stepped out into the spacious living room. The lights were dimmed, and soft music played in the background. 

He could smell the faint scent of vanilla in the air, showing that Raven had been preparing for his arrival.

With a wide grin, he walked through the living room and into the bedroom, where he found her waiting for him. She was dressed in a sheer black negligee that left little to the imagination, and her black hair cascading down her back in soft waves.

She smiled when she saw him, her eyes lighting up with desire. "Welcome." she purred, and David couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement course through him.

Seeing his hungry look, she moved towards him, her body swaying seductively, however, before she could reach him, David took a step forward and pulled her into his arms, pressing his lips against hers in a deep, passionate kiss.

Kiss after kiss, they fell onto the bed, their bodies entwined as they explored each other's desires. David reveled in the feel of her soft skin against his, the way her body responded to his touch, love, and desire intertwined together.

As the night wore on, and passions exploded, they explored each other's bodies with abandon, lost in the pleasure of the moment. And as the first light of dawn crept into the room, they lay entwined, exhausted but satisfied.

"I really needed that," Raven said, her voice soft as she snuggled closer to him.

"Me too," David replied, his voice filled with contentment. 

They lay there in silence for a few minutes, the only sound that of their gentle breathing, and then David said softly "I love you, Raven". 

"I love you too," Raven whispered, and they fell asleep in each other's arms, secure in the knowledge that they were truly home.

David could only hope to dream that this moment would last forever, because once everything began falling into place, things would change, and their seemingly perfect world would collapse like a house of cards.

It pained him to know this.

It pained him beyond understanding.

But for the sake of everyone he loved, he would change the world, even if they hated him for it in the end, after all. The right choices are always the hardest to take, but they must be made in order to see progress, because if not you, who?