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You all know how rocky these past few months have been for me, health-wise. So, I bring a final update, hopefully, to my health situation.

Tomorrow, or rather in a few hours, I will be going to the doctor for my last checkup. I've been taking a lot of meds for my various problems these past few months, but after today, fingers crossed, I should not need them.

Most of those meds made me lethargic and tired. So, naturally, my update rates dropped while I was on them. But, if everything goes well, which I think it will, considering I feel fine, lethargic, but fine, I won't be on meds anymore after tomorrow.

So, update rates will go back to normal. By this, I mean I will catch up to all novels, one by one, first DC. I aim to get at least 20 chapters ahead so that I can update one chapter a day, leaving me space to work on some of my other projects, like Marvel, for example, which I haven't updated because of how little energy I had had all this time.

My goal will be to reach 20 chaps ahead of DC before the 13 of this month and then start stacking on Marvel until I'm 20 chapters ahead, meaning that after I reach 20 chapters with DC, the updates would look something like this.



After I reach 20 chaps of Marvel, I will get into Naruto, doing the same. But stopping at Naruto. I know my limits, and I know them to be 3 storylines at a time, WHEN I finish one of these novels, I will take another of my projects to fill that place, and do the same, reach the 20 chaps a ahead of webnovel.

This is especially important for the novels I have posted on webnovel, but haven't finished. Like, Naruto and Marvel. Twilight, and Overlord, while sharing the same situation, are not as relevant to this as Naruto and Marvel, so they will be completed after Naruto and Marvel are completed.

Thankfully, Naruto is almost done, like 50 chapters away from being completed, and Marvel is too, relatively speaking, I mean, I estimate Marvel has around 80-100 chaps left.

Anyway, that's more or less my update on everything. I hope this answer some of your questions, and if you have more, just drop them in the comment section. I thank you all for your consideration and patience.

With Love, Corn.



Btw in the future how about making a fate fanfic? Cause it has lots of potential ( arturia pendragon best waifu 😍)


Heretic! You would dare say something challenge’s the key to eternal happiness that is Rin’s thighs! In all seriousness though i hope he finishes some of his other fic’s before he starts a new one and gets side-tracked.


I hope you get better! Getting off of meds can sometimes take a bit of getting used to. I hope you do well on these coming days!