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[Valor POV]

I yawned, blinking in the bright sunshine that was streaming across the window of the room where I was. My fur felt heavy and thick with warmth. At my side, a Minx I had met yesterday, laying in her bed naked, one of her breasts peeking out to say hi.

In the end, I had let my hormones push my actions.

Not that I regretted it. 

I felt more relaxed than ever.

It was all in good fun. She knew that I knew that. No strings, no talk, just fucking. A purely physical arrangement. One both parties were totally okay with.

Needless to say, Sakura would never know this happened. 

I yawned once again, my tail stretching and puffing, before jumping out of the bed. “Where did I put my clothes last night?” I muttered, looking around the room, trying to remember where I had undressed. Leave it to a horny-powered brain to forget essential shit. 

The living room.

That’s where I started undressing. I think.

Sighing, I walked to the living room, finding most of my clothes on the couch, save for my underwear and socks that were on the ceiling hanging on the ceiling fan.

“Hm,” I muttered, looking at my boxers rotating with the fans. Wondering how in the hell they ended up there. “I will question that later,” I sighed, grabbing my clothes, so that I could dress.

Finally dressed, I grabbed a pen and a piece of paper, leaving my last night's partner a note saying I had a great time. With that done, I left.


“Hello, Valor!” As I walked through the streets of Zou, a familiar voice caught my attention from over a fence. It was Leo. “What are you doing around here?”

“Walking,” I replied.

“You don’t say,” Leo deadpanned.

“I’m on my way home, nothing fancy. What about you?” I asked with a small chuckle.

“Working,” Leo replied with a wide smile. “I decided to follow in your footsteps, and do my best to become my best.”

“Following my footsteps…” I chuckled, my tail tensing, as I didn’t know how to feel about that. “Well, I am flattered. I guess.” 

Leo smiled, scratching the back of his head, his tail wagging. “Not literally, of course. I’m not a fighter, that’s not my forte. It will never be. But, as you said, I don’t have to help by fighting. So, I decided to join the medical program. It’s a bit expensive for my budget, so I got a job cleaning fences to save some money.”

I smiled, glad he had found something he liked. “If you want, I can help you pay for the program,” I offered, stopping him from rejecting the offer by adding. “You can pay me by doing charity after you graduate.”

“I… I don’t know,” Leo muttered, his eyes staring at the ground.

“You don’t have to answer me right now,” I replied, giving him a small smile. “However, remember. We are friends, and friends help each other. So ask yourself, if you could help me, would you?”

“That’s not fair. And you know it!” Leo accused with a chuckle. “You are putting me in a situation where I can’t say no.”

“Am I lying though?” I replied, waving at Leo before blurring out of sight, leaving him alone with his thoughts. 

I wanted to help him. I wanted to make his dream easier.

It was well within my power to do so.

My family was making a ton of money thanks to my image. I might as well do something nice with that money, I really had no need for anything, even before the money, I had more than enough.


As I got home, I found my mother in the living room, drinking some coffee, the newspaper in her hands.

“Morning,” I said, announcing my presence.

“Valor?” Mom muttered, gaze trained on the paper before her. Her eyes scrutinized me. “You had sex…”

How the fuck?

“I did,” I nodded, I wasn’t going to hide it. But it wasn’t like I was advertising it or wanted to.

“Hm, did you use protection?” Mom asked, taking a sip of her coffee.

“I did,” I nodded.

“Good,” Mom nodded. “I’m too young to be a grandmother,” she added with a chuckle.

“How did you know though?” I asked, smiling at her last comment.

“A mother knows dear, now go and eat something,” Mom replied, pointing to the kitchen. “There are some bagels and cream cheese, leave one for your dad.”

A mother knows. That feels both like a good answer, and like a vague statement. 

“Ok,” I nodded, walking to the kitchen. 

“Oh, I almost forgot. Don’t tell your dad,” Mom said as I neared the kitchen.

“Why?” I asked, grabbing three bagels.

“Three… two…. One….” Mom replied by counting from three to one, and by the moment she had reached one, I had caught wind of what she meant.

“Oh… right,” I muttered, like most things. He would make a big deal out of this.

“Yeap,” Mom nodded.

“I won’t say a word,” I replied, imagining Dad’s reaction, which in turn made me shudder.

In his eyes, I will remain a virgin.

I will delay that train for as long as I can.

“So, how was it?” Mom asked.

I frowned, “Not exactly comfortable talking about that…” not with her. It felt weird.

“Right, right, teenagers. Parents are yucky,” Mom mocked with a chuckle.

“Be that as it may. I would rather keep my policy. Kiss and don’t tell,” I replied with a chuckle of my own. 

“Good, ladies don’t like a man that can’t keep it on the bed,” Mom complimented. “On another note. Do you have training today?”

“Yes, but in a few hours. Lord Inuarashi said to come late today,” I answered, grabbing my bagels that were now full of cream cheese laying on a plate, ready to be devoured.

“If you can, bring some orange juice when you come back,” Mom said, as I made the mental note to buy some after training.

“Will do,” I nodded, going upstairs to my room. I had a long day ahead of me.