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[The Watcher POV]

As Alex Walker battled for the sake of the universe, against the Eldritch God Knull, the rest of the heroes in this universe encountered challenges of their own.

Thor Odinson, the promised son of Asgard, and holder of the power of past Kings struggled in a battle between his duty and his values. His position as a King, and his title as a hero.

Hela Odinsdottir, the forsaken daughter of Asgard, was, on the other hand, fighting to forge a path of redemption, even if she herself didn’t know that. Battling her demons, her past, and her future, all at once in the midst of war. 

Bucky Barnes. The Winter Soldier. A man that had lost it all in a single day, his family, his friends, his past, and his future, leaving nothing but a tool for Hydra, had thanks to the intervention of one, recovered more than he had lost, arming him with the hope of a future. Giving him the resolve to fight once more, waging his life at every turn; all in order to protect his new world.

The Ancient One. The child blessed by the stars, a prodigy of the mystic arts. For as long as she would care to remember, all there was for her was the order, for that, for the sake of everything she had grown to believe in, she had sacrificed more than anyone could possibly imagine, giving her life, her family, and her soul for the Mystic Order. 

Her future, set in stone from the moment she joined the order. Yet, without a warning, a single man shattered her path like a mirror, giving the old sorceress something she never would’ve expected the day she met this man, a future without chains. For the first time since she joined the order, her destiny was unknown to her, and that gave her hope. 

He had given her hope. A new path to walk on, one full of surprises, of unknowns, of endless possibilities, and for that, she was willing to die, to give her all. In her eyes, she owed him that much. He had saved her, breaking the cage she never knew was there.

Sif. The Asgardian Goddess of War. And one of Alex’s biggest admirers, second only to Emily W and Natasha W. From the day she met him, the man she had grown to love had shown her a world of change. In her eyes, she was certain he was the pinnacle of evolution, of what a warrior should aim to be. 

From the weakest to the strongest, he had shattered every wall she thought there was, pushing her to strive for more, for greater goals; giving her the hunger to never settle.

She didn’t know what the future had ahead of her. Or if she would remain by Alex’s side as her lover, but to her, life, after all, takes turns no one wants, but to her, that didn’t matter, she would appreciate every moment by his side and fight for him no matter what.

More than her lover, he was her hero. A man that was worthy of her sword, now and ever.


[Alex Walker POV]

Knull was stronger than me, at least in the numbers game alone. His level was higher than mine, and so was his cosmic energy, however, while he was a step ahead of me in the power department, he was a hundred steps back in terms of experience. 

Each strike would come with an inordinate delay. Allowing me to parry or dodge. Beyond that, his approach to things in battle was straightforward, almost too simplistic.

I hadn’t ruled out the possibility of him faking it. But, why would he? He could be pushing me, way harder with the power he has, yet I am able to not only keep up but win most of our exchanges.

I suppose he never saw the need to really train, after all, in his eyes, why would he? He was amortal, a being beyond the concepts of life and death, a monster that can just keep on striking until his enemy falls.

Credit where it’s due, though. While it was true I had the upper hand in the experience/technique department, he was pretty much on par with me in terms of energy projection, as well as energy structure analysis.

He had a keen eye for most things, being able to find their weakness, their breaking point with just a few glances. Thankfully though, my powers made all spells and or skills used by me, perfect, so they really had no breaking point, at least in terms of energy structure.

“Don’t you get tired of cutting me down, child?” Knull asked as I ducked under his blade, before slamming a [Lightbolt] to his face, blasting him away.

“Not really, it’s quite therapeutic if you ask me,” I replied, frowning. Even though he was technically stronger than me, I was keeping the upper hand in our battle, but what good did that do, if I couldn’t kill him? 

Not only that but what guarantee did I have I would keep this up for long? He could grow stronger or learn from our battle, ultimately deleting the gap between us in skill.

Even if that never happened, it was only a matter of time before I started slipping, making mistakes he could capitalize on, and even if that didn’t happen, did I really want to fight with him for all eternity?

The answer was no. 

“You will never win. I’ll admit, you have proven to be quite powerful, more than those that fought me the first time. However, I am the end of everything, the bringer of darkness, the King of the Void, and in time, your killer,” Knull sneered, holding The Necroblade tight, his eyes flashing in red. “My victory, my conquest, it’s inevitable.”

“Look anorexic Thanos wannabe,” I replied, taking a step forward. “Let’s save the small talk, shall we?”

Knull scoffed, slowly walking towards me. “In time you will see how pointless this all is.”

“This conversation? Yeah, I see how pointless it is,” I replied, with a cocky smile. All part of the act to keep him guessing, to push him off his game. 

It was simply a matter of time before I found a solution to deal with him. I was certain, in the meantime, however, I would keep him occupied with me, so that no one has to die by his hands. At least, not directly.



Thanks for the chapter