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[Alex Walker POV]


I had six days to become my absolute strongest.

“Stats,” I said, opening my character sheet.


Name = Alex Walker.

Race = Unknown.

Title = The Gamer.

Occupation = King of The Nine Realms.

Ranking = 90th.

Level = 3279.

Weapon = Serenity [Equipped.]

EXP = 99.1%/100%

HP = 2,123,445,000/2,123,445,000.

MP = 3,215,498,500/3,215,498,500.

STR = 1769875 (+190%) = 5132637.

VIT = 1698756 (+150%) = 4246890.

DEF = 1457896 (+150%) = 3644740.

DEX= 1789678 (+150%) = 4474195.

INT = 2572399 (+150%) = 6430997.

CHA = 871001 (+150%) = 2177502.

WIS = 1625978 (+150%) = 4064945.

WILL = 7018215 (+150%) = 17545537.

PER = 1103489 (+150%) = 2758722.

LUK = 10000 (+150%) = 25000.

STAT POINTS = 103812.

MONEY = 40,017,545,979.12$]

I was level 3279, and I had yet to use the boons of the living tribunal, meaning I still had one hundred and twenty levels to be gained at any given moment, in addition to over one hundred thousand stat points saved; I had yet to allocate.

The boons of the living tribunal I was planning to use only if Knull’s level proved to be higher than mine upon his release. The same applied to the stats I had been saving, which I planned to allocate in either LUCK or DEX, depending on the situation.

From this point forward, every single move and thought mattered; now more than ever. I had to make the most of every moment out of every little second.

“Let’s fucking do this,” I muttered, entering a new dungeon, after all. There were only one hundred and forty-nine hours left, and I planned to make each second in them count.


[?????? POV]

In just six days, Alex would face Knull. 

Unlike previous events, though, he seems to be more prepared for what is to come, so I am glad for that.

“It’s been a while since you last spied on Alex,” My companion snickered, to which I simply rolled my eyes at her.

“I have other things to do, every now and then.” I shrugged, summoning a few cans of Coke and Pepsi. I wonder if Mimir would want one, he seems lonely, the last time he had any visitors was when I gave him his body back.

“Will he defeat Knull?” My companion asked, grabbing one of my drinks without even asking. The audacity I tell you! I can’t even!

“No idea how strong is Knull, to be honest,” I replied, summoning a safe to put my drinks in while giving my companion a narrowed look.

“Really?” My companion asked, in seeming shock.

“Yes! It’s not about the soda, it’s about the principles!” I nodded, summoning another safe with a safe inside for my safe. Just in case.

“W-what? No! I mean about Knull!” My companion groaned.

“Oh, that? Well, yeah, no idea how strong he is, I mean, I know how strong he isn’t, but that’s not an accurate bar to measure anything,” I replied with a nod.

“But, aren’t you like…. Older than the universe?” My companion asked, tilting her head to the side in confusion.

“How old are you?” I asked, taking a sip of my drink.

“A bit over three hundred years old, why?” My companion answered, with a quizzical look on her face, her lips forming a thin line.

“Do you know everyone under three hundred years, in the whole universe?” I asked.

“I… huh, I see your point. But aren’t you omniscient and stuff? Like, as powerful as the Beyonder and stuff?” My companion asked, golly fucking jeez with this lady, and her questions.

“First of all, yes, I am omniscient, but that’s an optional power. I prefer not knowing shit, it makes life interesting, knowing everything about everything would make immortality a hell to live with, as for the Beyonder comment, I can spank that Michael Jackson wannabe any day of the week,” I nodded, I was, after all, speaking facts.

“But you said you didn’t know how a battle between the two of you would end last time…” My increasingly annoying companion remarked.

I sighed, “Yes, yes I did. But that’s mostly because I am using an avatar, and there’s only so much power you can put into a construct of energy, so… yeah.”

“Oh… well fuck,” My companion sighed, rubbing her temples. “So, will you help him this time?”

“No,” I replied. I had no intentions of helping Alex to overcome this challenge, besides, I had already helped him in the roots of Yggdrasil.

“Hm, ok,” My companion nodded with a sigh, before turning to look at me and ask. “Can I have another drink?”

“No! You had your chance!” I replied, summoning another safe, to put my safe elevated to three inside.


[Hela Odinsdottir POV]

I might not be able to kill Odin, because Thor, my little brother, likes the putrid bastard enough to protect him, but I had my ways to get the closest thing to a fulfilling revenge against him.

I had convinced Sif to take Gungnir as her weapon, after convincing Thor, to convince her.

Now, all I had to do was wait for Odin to find out that his weapon was no longer his.

I could almost giggle in anticipation.

But I would not.

I had standards to keep.

“You think Sif will be okay?” Thor asked, a frown of worry dawning on his face.

I nodded, scrutinizing his broken body, the newly acquired wounds, and the gains he had obtained since then. I was honestly surprised he was still standing, he was more wounds than God right now.

“She will, I trained her, and I am certain she has what it takes to overcome this challenge,” I added, taking a deep breath as I looked at the box, before turning my eyes back on him, asking. “You’ve been pushing yourself a lot, haven’t you?”

At this question, he beamed at me for who knows what reason, his laughter echoing across the castle like a roar, “I have!”

“In any case. I must go, like you, I have some training to complete,” I said, giving the box of truth one last look before turning around. Sif would be okay, and so would be Thor.

Right now I needed to focus on regaining my full power. 

After all, spending a few thousand years locked in a cage had significantly weakened my abilities. In turn, making me overly reliant on the Odin Force I once had.

A revoltingly glaring flaw I aimed to fix before the war began.

“Take care sis!” Thor gushed as I left the room.

….. I will let that comment slide.

“And don’t worry! I will take care of myself!” Thor added, in the same silly happy tone.

“I do not care,” I replied, rolling my eyes.

“Yes, you do! You are just shy~ But I know you care! I saw the love in your face when you said I was pushing myself too hard~” Thor replied, singing his words out. “Don’t worry though! I love you too~”

Note to self, next time spray salt and lemon over his wounds.



More chaps coming in an hour.


Thanks for the chapter