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I looked into Dormammu’s eyes, my mind almost completely blank, all of my thoughts crashing and breaking into waves of confusion and desire that didn’t allow me to form a single coherent thought, as my entire body vibrated ever so slightly, half-singing, haft crying in hunger, famished at the sight of Dormammu and his power.

I wanted his power.

I craved it.


I walked towards him, almost unable to put one foot in front of the other out of sheer excitement, as I sank into the feeling that swallowed everything around me, letting my hunger guide me.

[Warning! Falling into an abnormal state -Cosmic Hunger-.]

[Warning! Falling into an abnormal state -Cosmic Hunger-.]

[Warning! Falling into an abnormal state -Cosmic Hunger-.]

[Warning! Falling into an abnormal state -Cosmic Hunger-.]

“You seem to be troubled,” Dormammu commented with a small chuckle, floating around me as I stopped walking towards him, my mind clearing for the briefest of moments.

[Warning! Falling into an abnormal state -Cosmic Hunger-.]

I gasped, bringing both of my hands to my throat, trying to hold into something. 

This hunger.

This feeling of emptiness and desire was like nothing I had ever felt before.

It clouded my mind.

It guided my actions in ways I would never permit.

[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

“Now that I think about it, this might be the best time to end you,” Dormammu said, whispering each word out with sickening delight.

I said nothing, baring my teeth at him, waves of cosmic power exploding out of my body threatening to end everything, at any given moment, as I bellowed with rage in a roar that shook his entire dimension, ripping across the nothingness of his realm like thunder.

Dormammu froze for a moment, his incorporeal being oscillating irregularly as he took a step back, without even realizing a part of him was pushing him to flee as he stared at me in shock.

[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

I could see it in his eyes. Dread and rejection blooming within him at the same time, his mind exploding in an array of emotions new to him, as he couldn’t conceive the fact he had felt fear because of me a few moments ago, it was Inconceivable for him, an impossibility. Yet, even at this fervent denial of what had happened, the part of his brain that didn’t operate guided by pride, but out of baser instincts screamed at him to run.

[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

I laughed, clutching my head in pain, as I stared at him, “It would be wise for you to leave, as it is right now, I can barely contain myself.” My voice came out broken, like that of a man on the brink of falling into the abyss, a mad delirious overtone lacing each and every single word.

[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

Dormammu said nothing, his own instincts, and desires conflicting within him, creating a turmoil of emotions that showed on his ever-changing face. He wanted to fight me, to strike me, to kill me for insulting him the way I was, yet for all his rage, his instincts were pushing him towards the opposite path.

[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

I grinned, the pain that assaulted my body and mind with throbbing anger, still present but slowly becoming more manageable.

[Thanks to the continuous strain of your MIND and BODY, your WIS, DEF, and VIT increased by 55.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

I laughed, much to Dormmamu’s shock, who once again took a step back without even realizing it.

I was adapting.

I could feel it.

The pain and hunger that afflicted me, shattering my mind and body ravenously, with each broken piece this affliction left behind coming back stronger.


[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

[Thanks to the continuous strain of your MIND and BODY, your WIS, DEF, and VIT increased by 50.]

I was glad.

Glad this had happened before Knull.

Luck was really on my side this time, for had this happened in front of the King in Black, had I lost control of my bearings in front of him because of it, I would’ve died before I even managed to realize what had happened.

I was truly glad.

[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

[Thanks to the continuous strain of your MIND and BODY, your WIS, DEF, and VIT increased by 150.]

[Thanks to the continuous strain of your MIND and BODY, your WIS, DEF, and VIT increased by 155.]

[Thanks to the continuous strain of your MIND and BODY, your WIS, DEF, and VIT increased by 159.]

[Thanks to the continuous strain of your MIND and BODY, your WIS, DEF, and VIT increased by189.]

[Thanks to the continuous strain of your MIND and BODY, your WIS, DEF, and VIT increased by197.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[Thanks to the continuous strain of your MIND and BODY, your WIS, DEF, and VIT increased by 250.]

[Thanks to the continuous strain of your MIND and BODY, your WIS, DEF, and VIT increased by 361.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- has begun.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- is canceled due to WILL.]

Thanks to the continuous strain of your MIND and BODY, your WIS, DEF, and VIT increased by 5257.]

[-Cosmic Hunger- affliction negated.]

[A new skill has been created by an specific action - Indomitable Will-]

[Indomitable Will - PASSIVE - LV MAX -

Through the course of unthinkable challenges, the user has forged his mind through pain and suffering, and through it all, he has remained true to himself, developing an unnaturally strong willpower, enabling through unshakable determination to be immune to all forms of temptation, such as subordination, telepathy, mind control, and seduction. 

Not only that, but through will, and will alone, the user can now face great physical pain and psychological trauma and will refuse to surrender no matter how much the odds are stacked against them, possibly up to the point of cheating death and pushing themselves past their own limitations.]

[A new skill has been created by a specific action -Corruption Immunity-]

[Corruption Immunity - PASSIVE - LV MAX -

The willpower coursing through the user is such. The user is now immune to corruption and all corruption-based powers as long as the user is aware of them.]

[A new skill has been created by a specific action -Accelerated Development-]

[Accelerated Development - PASSIVE - LV MAX -

By pushing your body to the brink of shattering, you have evolved through the pain.

With this skill, the user can improve their natural abilities far faster and to a greater extent or beyond the limitations of other members of their species. This skill applies at a genetic level, allowing the body to keep up with the user's own rapidly developing skills/physical attributes, and at an intellectual level, to which their mind/mental capabilities can develop beyond their normal limits. 

This power also allows the user to awaken any latent abilities within them as long as certain requirements are met.




[A new skill has been created by a specific action -Limitation Transcendence-]

[Limitation Transcendence - PASSIVE - LV MAX -

The user can now overcome their limitations and weaknesses, whether personal, from their species or inherent to their other powers, becoming either more resistant or completely immune to said weaknesses. This can be accomplished through a vast array of ways, forcing natural evolution.]

I panted, my body healing itself at a rapid rate, the pain from a moment ago finally gone as several notifications appeared in front of me. I chuckled, elated at the sight of the notifications and what they said.

I had gained a lot, more than I expected by simply fighting an affliction. Then again, the affliction had been incredibly violent in nature, damaging me not only in mind but in body, taking around half of my HP during its short but painful lifespan.

“Still here?” I said, noticing Dormmamu floating a few meters away from me in complete silence, in a trance of sorts.

My voice at first didn’t seem to reach him, but after a few seconds, he snapped back to the real world, glaring at me, “Leave, and never come back!”

I smiled at his reaction, deciding that for now, I would leave him be, after all, he had been kind enough not to disturb me while I purged the side effects of my own gluttony.

Granted, it had been out of fear, but credit where it is due.

“Until later, Dormammu,” I waved at him, feeling a sense of tranquility I had never felt before washing over me, as I opened the portal back to Asgard, leaving a very agitated Dormammu behind.



Thanks for the chapter