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[Alex Walker POV]

After Thanos had finally decided to pick a place for me to tell him what he had to do, he left, leaving in a bitter state of mind. I mean, I had created no less than forty over the top structures, and in the fucking end, he had decided to pick the middle of the room.

I created twelve castles, and eighteen skyscrapers!

But, in the end, it didn’t matter.

As long as he was on his mission, I could deal with my disappointment.

As to how he took the information about his mission? Well, he took them particularly well, sure, he didn’t know he had to kill Gamora to get the stone, but he had understood the fact he had to go to the planet with her to get the stone.

Only her. A fact Maw didn’t like at all, so, as to avoid Maw fucking my plans by convicing Thanos I was a scammer of some sorts, I altered his memories, creating a version of him that would support my plan instead of fucking it up.

I remember a time when such tricks were out of the question for me.

I guess I have outgrown my morals.


With Thanos on the path I wanted him to be.

I teleported back to my office.

I still had much to do.

Knull was coming, and while I had done many things to prepare for him already, I was still extraordinarily underprepared.

I had the armies to fight his, but that would not win me the war.

I sighed, suddenly remembering something. A long time ago, I had acquired a crafting item that at the time I had no use for, a fragment of the universe before the bang, before the creation of the stones, meaning said fragment predated the current universe just like Knull.

[Fragment of the Cosmos - Legendary Crafting Item.

 A piece of what was before the bang, elemental like the six aspects of the universe, but hollow lacking a purpose.

 This can be used for crafting.]

“I wonder if that can help me,” I muttered, reading over the item's description. 

[A new quest has been created = The Weapon of a God.

With war drawing closer, you can feel the darkness lurking at every corner, as you feel the weight of everyone’s lives lay upon your shoulders, it is more than clear you need a weapon worthy of a God, to guide those who oppose the old order of things. 

A weapon capable of opposing the god-killing monstrosity that is All-Black, Knull's weapon, a weapon specifically forged to slay divine beings.

Objectives = Craft a weapon of unmatched power using the fragment of cosmos within your possession.

Rewards = The Weapon of A Singularity, ?????.

Failure = Possible death, Broken Fragment of the Cosmos.]

Huh, it’s been a while since I got a quest.

A good one at that.

I chuckled, reading over the quest one more time before sighing.

Crafting a weapon, I guess the question now is, what do I want for a weapon? Unlike my Uru weapons, or Vibranium/Adamantium ones, my decision here was permanent, after all, I only had one [Fragment of the Cosmos - Legendary Crafting Item.] 

So, I had to be absolutely sure when it came to my choice. Not only that, but I also had to consider what was the best weapon choice to fight Knull.

He had, All-Black, a weapon specifically forged to kill divine beings.

I guess I could always uno-reverse his own idea, by forging a weapon specifically to kill him. But that felt like a waste, not in the immediate time, but after I dealt with Knull.

Sure, he was the biggest threat as of the moment, stronger than me, and most of the universe, but in the big scheme of things, he was inconsequential, as I was.

So this project had to serve a greater purpose than just defeating Knull.

I wanted a weapon with the power to aid me beyond my immediate problems.

And that only made my quest to forge one, even harder.

I chuckled at the thought, looking over the [Fragment of the Cosmos - Legendary Crafting Item.] that laid in my hands.

Perhaps I didn’t have to choose.

Why bound myself to a single weapon, a single style, a single approach with it, after all. The universe was ever changing, ever expanding, so why couldn’t my weapon be just like that?

I grinned, I liked the sound of that.

A weapon without form, one ever adaptable, to fit any and all situations.

I could work with that.

Now the question was? What fundamental purpose would this weapon serve?

Knull created his weapon with the sole purpose to slay those who had disrupted the old order. The gods, the celestials, the divine beings and their creations intruding and shattering his perfect world of darkness. That was All-Black’s purpose, to be the end of everything in creation.

That purpose made All-Black stronger, the same way an attack with a name was stronger than one without one. Names, just like purposes, gave the weapon and attack, power and intent, one that made them vastly more powerful on a fundamental level.

I guess it was because it gave them an identity, one bigger than just an attack or a simple weapon.

I needed to find that before I crafted my weapon, I needed to find the name and purpose of it.

A purpose beyond just being my weapon.

And a name to identify that purpose.

I had my work cut out for me, but I couldn't really complain, nothing that was ever worth the trouble was easy to achieve, be it power, money, or love, all of it required work, hard work, one way or another.

Sure, some had an easier path to some of those things. With some being born into money, like Tony Stark, and others being born into power like Tiamut, but regardless of how easy you had it from the start, there would be the day, where you would have to work hard for something, be it love, power or something else.



Thanks for the chapter