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The playdate ended, and I didn’t know what to think. Those two were strange, yet I didn’t feel particularly threatened by them, which on its own was weird.

They were a mystery, even after using my powers to try and find some sort of information, I found nothing, but what was clearly a fabricated bio, like those you would find in roleplaying games. 

Helping with Mr. Ara didn't help either. At first, I tried to talk with him, without making my intentions clear. But it was no to avail, everything for that man was a game, an opportunity to do something irritatingly silly.

I now understood what Emily meant by cartoonish.

But even after all this, I found myself lowering my guard against him.

I guess he was simply annoying, and annoying doesn’t mean inherently bad.

Maybe this is one of those parental situations where I have to hang out with people I clearly don’t like for the sake of Emily’s social life.


That was too harsh for them.

I didn’t hate them or anything.

Vest seemed like a very good friend for Em, and was a contrast compared to her father in terms of behavior, and yes, Mr. Ara gave an array of mixed emotions, but none were bad, most of them were simply based in my confusion.

What really bothered me the most, was the fact they had no levels.

I mean, was that a new thing? Even the Beyonder had some questions marks for his level, indicating his level was way above mine. But them, nothing, just their names.

Perhaps they came from a different universe, but that wouldn’t explain why they didn’t have levels.

“Enough,” I sighed, I had been wasting enough time as it is with this, if they are a threat, that for some reason I am sure they are not, I will deal with them accordingly, in the meantime, I have things to do, Knull wasn’t going to kill himself.

Taking a deep breath, I opened a portal to my office, but, before I could take a single step forward, I saw something approaching, nearing me by the second at an alarming speed, while shouting, “BROOOOOOTHEEEEEEER!” 

I sighed, bracing for the impact while wondering if my days would always be like this, with Thor doing Thor stuff. Crashing against me at mach 8, the floor beneath us caved, crumbling into pieces as Thor blasted me with his body a few dozen floors down.

“My bad brother, I was training a new move, but pressed the wrong button,” Thor chuckled, standing up as he dusted his armor.

Meanwhile, I laid on the floor, completely unharmed, but currently questioning my life choices.

I blinked, rewinding inside my mind what he had just said, “Pressed the wrong button? The fuck were you doing?”

“Oh, I said that? My bad, must be the terrible concussion I have, everything smells and tastes like copper right now, but!” Thor smiled, stopping me before I could talk, “I put a bandaid on my head, so don’t worry.”

He tried to… heal a concussion with a band aid?! What kind of idiot he… he got a ton of knowledge from the fucking tree and well, where did that all go?! No no, Alex, focus, one problem at a time, heal the idiot first, scold him later.

Sighing, I stood up from the ground, pressing my hand against his head, using [Heal].

“Ahh, that’s much better, I knew the band aid was right about to kick in,” Thor smiled, giving me a hug.

“First,” I smiled, kicking him on the knee with enough strength to bring him down, “What were you doing healing a concussion with a band-aid, second, please tell you know you can’t heal a concussion with a band-aid, and third, what in the fuck were you doing to get injured in the first place, you are basically indestructible.”

“Well, answering your questions in order, the band-aid was part of a loot! I mean, an orc challenged me to a fight, I electrocuted him to ashes, and in the middle of it all, there was a band-aid, so, yeah, I used that like you use your potions,” Thor chuckled, scratching the back of his head as one of my eyes twitched, “But, I guess it was no magical item, at least not like ones your monster drop, and, yes, I know a band-aid doesn’t cure a concussion, obviously you need two.”

I glared at him.

“I’m joking,” Thor chuckled, “As for your last question, well, I was training a new form of mine! I call it, the super duper Thor, the name is a work in progress.”

“A new form?” I asked, unsure what to think of that.

“Yes, a transformation, where I, the mightiest brother, uncle, god, king, lover, hair keeper, and biggest shareholder of Thorial, my personal brand of shampoo, get access to power beyond my imagination!” Thor nodded, as I used [Great Heal] on him.

I mean, there had to be something in there that [Heal] didn’t heal, maybe [Holy Heal] next if [Great Heal] doesn’t work. If none of that works, I might need to use the stones.

“Brother, stop healing me, I’m fine!” Thor protested.

“I… that’s debatable, today you are being more Thor-like than usual, too Thor-like,” I muttered, narrowing my eyes, “This will end poorly.”

Thor chuckled, “Bah, I’m just happy, if I perfect this transformation, name pending, I will be able to fight by your side!” he grinned.

I chuckled, “But, how did you get hurt then?”

“Oh, well, I exploded after losing control of the transformation, and well, the explosion sent me flying towards you,” Thor replied, giving me a small shrug.

“How about, you train that… transformation, in a place where you can’t hurt others, I mean, had it not been me, you would’ve made a paste of whoever you had landed on,” I said.

“I… very good point,” Thor nodded, “In my defense though, I didn’t know I could explode, but granted, I am mighty, I should’ve expected it!” he grinned.



Thanks for the chapter