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I looked at Odin in rage, my fists shaking.

“Alex,” Odin spoke, “You must understand, you are a father too!”

“You are nothing like me!” I roared, we had nothing in common, I would never hurt my daughters, I would never push them to become monsters. 

“In that we can agree,” Hela nodded, rolling her eyes.

“Hela, silence!” Odin hissed.

“She could have harmed your people, my daughters, everyone, and you never thought to tell us?” I laughed, was he really so blind to his own mistakes.

“Look at her, can she hurt anyone as she is?” Odin shot back, pointing at Hela.

[Hela Odinsdottir LV 350 - SEVERLY WEAKENED- LV 30]

“So what?” I replied, looking at her.

“I want to give her a chance,” Odin replied, his eye begging me to not fight him on this one. The worse part was, I could truly see the love between those eyes, the desperation behind them, which only helped my fury, he loved her? After all the shit he made her do? Would he really dare to say he loved her? To now try and protect her?

“Where were those eyes when Thor was fighting her?” I asked, my voice cold and steeled.

“What?” Odin replied.

“When Hela tried to kill him, where were those eyes?” I asked again.

“That’s a very good question, darling.” Hela smiled.

“I knew he would win,” Odin replied, looking at me.

“I see,” I sighed, before teleporting behind him.

“And the show begins,” Hela grinned.

“Alex, don’t make me-” Odin began, trying to turn around to face me, but before he could do such a thing, I balled up my fist and punched him in the face, using the power of the Power Stone.

“You know what? You are right, and it sickens me,” I chuckled, walking towards the old man, who was simply staring at his blood-covered hand in shock, “It angers me, sure, but you are right, Hela deserves a second chance because it was you who fucked her first, but you? You don’t.”

“I do?” Hela asked from the back, “Darling, I’m not following this conversation anymore.”

“You mean to kill me then?” Odin scoffed, standing up from the ground, his nose and mouth broken from the previous attack.

“Not sure I can,” I sighed, “I love Thor, he’s my best friend, and begrudgingly, my self-appointed brother, so I can’t kill you, it would hurt him a lot, so while I figure out what to do with her, be it sealing her or killing her.” I added pointing at Hela with one finger, who simply shrugged at my pointing, “I will take out my frustrations with you.”

“And the flood begins,” Hela muttered, looking between her legs.

“Really?” I sighed, turning around to face her.

“What? It’s not only hot, but it’s also cathartic by proxy, so… two kinks in one,” Hela winked, blowing me a kiss.

“So be it, I will do what I must,” Odin declared.

I scoffed, “First time for everything.”

I had barely finished my sentence when Odin charged at me, but unlike last time, this battle would end quickly, and in my favor, not I was vastly more powerful, but this time, I was fighting to win. So without even moving a finger from where I stood, I used the [Time Stone] alongside the skill [Time] and stopped time in Asgard completely, leaving me in a world of my own, with everything and everyone around me frozen in place, except for me.

Then, I calmly walked toward Odin and put my hand on his head, using the [Power Stone] to drain all of his energy, when that was done, I returned to my previous position and unfroze time, to see Odin falling to the ground with a loud thud.

“What?” Odin muttered, his whole body shaking.

“I won,” I replied to his unspoken question.

“Wait what?” Hela exclaimed, “He… how the Hel did you, you know what, never mind, he lost, I can die happy.” she added, throwing her hands to the air.

“You used the infinity stones?! You would dare to go so low?” Odin spat in anger.

“I’m angry, unbelievably so, but, I love Thor more than I hate you right now, so, I held back, and used the stones, because, without them, I would’ve killed you,” I sighed, “Easily, I am far beyond your reach now, only Thor can stop me now, and that’s an if.”

“You would–” Odin began, but once again, I cut him short, by teleporting behind him, knocking him out by slamming his face to the ground with enough force to make half of Asgard shake.

“I wish I had a recording device,” Hela sighed full of sadness.

“You are very cheery for someone whose destiny it’s hanging on a thin thread,” I said, turning to look at her.

“Darling, I know what battles to fight, and this one,” Hela chuckled, pointing at me, “It’s not one I can win, not even in my wildest dreams, and believe me, you are in them.”

I sighed, I truly wanted to kill her, but at the same time, I pitied her, she was the result of Odin being the worse possible father he could be, she was Loki in more ways than one, “I’ll talk with Thor to decide your fate,” with that said, I snapped my fingers, sealing Hela in a cube of magic for easy transportation.

“Very well,” Hela chuckled, “I can wait to see the King, crowned by a foreigner.”

I glared at her.

“Oh darling, I meant no offense,” Hela winked, “At least to you anyways.”

“You know I almost killed you the first time we battled, and I’m currently debating whether or not to kill you right now, right?” I asked, giving her a side glance.

“Yes, and I respect you for it, a true warrior through and through, not like the pathetic excuse of one Odin is,” Hela nodded, she really was sick, apparently the fact I had tried to kill her, made her infatuation with me even stronger.

No matter, I would let Thor decide, it was his family after all, and he had the right to vote on their fate.



Thanks for the chapter


Damn, she's an M...