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Thor had made me a prince.

Even though I didn’t want the title, he had gone and made a speech about how I had saved Asgard when no one else could, the speech in question was moving, some even cried, it got to the point the people of Asgard were shouting that I should be a prince for my heroic sacrifice.

Just what Thor wanted.

That little shit knew how to play the game.


In the end, I reluctantly accepted. 

Because why not?

Also, Thor’s ideas had some merits.

In short, he wanted to make a council, a council of people he trusted.

Sif, The Ancient One, Bucky, and, of course, me.

This council would basically deal with problems as they came as a unity of sorts, dealing with threats like Thanos, or in the most recent case Hela as one. It would also deal with minor problems around the nine realms, basically doing what Odin promised to do, but never did, which was to protect the nine realms.

I mean.

He did.

But, not as he had promised.


The council would not work under Thor, but with him, as every member of the council would share the same rank as Thor or anyone else for that matter.

Needless to say.

We all accepted.

I mean, why wouldn’t we?

We had all been operating under those guidelines already.

With this, we just made it official in a sense, with the council of ravens.

I have no idea why Thor had decided to propose that name, but I accepted, it was after all, as good as any name.

After all the official business.

I had a fight with Thor.

And lost, very fast.

Not that I expected to last much, considering he now had the full Odin Force within him, but it bruised my ego to lose that fast, but good for him.

“I’m not used to this power,” Thor admitted, frowning as he looked into his hands with concern.

I sighed, brushing my hair with my hand, “Thor, just give it time, your body will eventually acclimate to the change.” 

Thor chuckled averting his eyes to the side, “I suppose, but what good is having power if you don’t know how to use it?”

He had a good point.

Since when Thor is so mature?

“How did your father learn to control that power then?” I asked, Odin seemed like in his time he had been like Thor, but worse.

“Well… not sure,” Thor mused turning to look at me with a thoughtful look on his face.

“Maybe we should ask him?” I offered.

“I… I don’t want to talk to him right now,” Thor muttered, his eyes turning dark.

I nodded, he had every reason to be mad at his father right now, “Then, maybe I can for you?” I offered.

“You would do that for me?” Thor asked, his eyes beaming once again with his usual innocence.

“Sure,” I nodded.

“I owe you one brother,” Thor smiled, pulling me into a hug.

“You owe me many,” I grinned, hugging him back.


[Odin Borson POV]

Hela had died.

At the hands of the one destined to be her beloved.

And now Thor had the full power of that made one a true King of Asgard.

“Odin,” That voice, so the brat has finally come.

“Alex,” I greeted, my tone a bit cold, I couldn’t help it, he had killed my daughter, and while I knew it had been a necessary thing to do, I still felt conflicted about it.

Alex raised an eyebrow, “I need some information.”

I looked at him, my eyes staring into his, “Right now it’s not the time.”

“Odin, you owe Thor this,” Alex said, his tone growing cold, “I don’t care for your family drama, I truly don’t, but I care for Thor, so if you care even a little for him, you will answer some questions? Is that alright? Odin?”

“YOU DARE?!” I roared, rising to my feet.

“I dare,” Alex replied, unfazed by my anger.

“I still stronger than you brat,” I growled, moving closer to him. He had no right to judge, I did what I did for a reason, and no mortal would ever have the right to judge me! He was a brat, a mere child, he was still too young to understand the sacrifices I had to make.

“You wanna fight? Then stop bitching, and throw the first punch, otherwise, answer my questions,” Alex growled back, taking a few steps towards me, his eyes burning with an unyielding desire for combat, as his face was inches away from mine.

“YOU ARE FORGETTING YOUR PLACE,” I roared, the ground beneath me trembling as my magic flared, “You think me weak without the essence of Asgard?! I haven’t used that power since I sealed my daughter! I’m still as strong as you remember!”

“As I said, you want to fight? Then stop bitching about your shit and throw the first punch, otherwise, answer my questions,” Alex repeated, cracking his neck, “Either option works for me, fighting you will be a breeze compared to Thor right now.” he grinned.

I growled, throwing the first punch to his face, that sent him flying across the room, the brat wanted a fight? GOOD! I would give him one, besides, I needed a way to vent my frustrations.

“Now we are talking old man,” Alex chuckled walking towards me, his mouth bleeding ever so lightly as his eyes stared into mine brimming with violent intent, “Nothing like a good fight to work your frustrations out.”

I growled, walking towards him, “You will regret angering me brat.”

Alex scoffed, moving his shoulders a bit as he got into position, “Very unlikely, but go ahead, prove me wrong.”

“Gladly,” I roared, rushing towards.


[Frigga POV]

Odin and Alex were fighting.

I could feel Odin’s rage coating the entire area.

I had to stop them.

“Don’t,” A portal appeared in front of me, with The Ancient One being the one to walk through it.

“Don’t? He’ll kill Alex!” What was this woman playing at?

“If you seriously think Alex is that easy to kill, then you need to watch closely, besides, Alex knows what he’s doing,” The Ancient One replied, her eyes aiming towards the battle.

“Killing himself?” What else would he achieve fighting Odin of all people?

“No,” The Ancient One shook her head, smiling at me in amusement, “Odin is a warrior, Alex knows this, he also knows warriors like Odin have a problem sharing their feelings the conventional way, so he’s offering Odin a way to vent all of his frustrations, believe me, by the end of this battle, Odin will be laughing.”

“If Alex survives,” I muttered.



Thanks for the chapter