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My questions are, what do you think I should improve. Anything you have ever said, “huh, I think corn should do this, or that,”

This post is for the sake of self-indulgent improvement.

Anything your heart thinks I should improve, let me know down below.




work on improving romance and fight scenes. while you make compelling romance filler i.e leading up to confession what comes after felt half assed. (not trying to be mean i'm just saying you never gave the characters a chance to explore their relationships due to plot.) Your fight scenes though while good could use more details like in your avatar fic you could've described azula's fire as "hot and passionate which was driven by pure malice." but you shouldn't become reliant on it as it would making reading a chore. I hope this didn't come off as aggressive or mean cuz alot of authors do


So a number of your series have PoVs of side characters and occasionally when its the main arc villain we will get some Villain PoVs like we've had a few Beyonder ones and there is that tidbit with the Owls, I enjoy seeing the villains because I like it when their reasons for doing what they are doing is fleshed out, not necessarily their plans but their motivations. Also while I don't think they should get as much screen time, if you are going to have a female romantic interest while showing her PoVs it should imo be along the lines of MC>Romantic Interest>Friends/Side characters>Villains in terms of number of PoVs in the story.