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After my date with Sif, It didn’t take me long to figure out it would be inhumane to rescue Janet after I managed to level my [Technomancy], so I decided that instead of doing that, I would trick Hank into helping me rescue his wife.


Well, a few illusions here and there would do just the trick, with my intention being him thinking he was in a dream.

Was it an underhanded tactic? Sure, there was no other way to describe it, but frankly, if the end result of said tactic was him having his wife back, and his daughter having his mom back, what was the problem?

So, during one night after work, where he had had a few drinks with me before going home, I teleported to his house before he arrived and started my plan.

First, I put his daughter to sleep using a basic spell to induce such.

Then, once he arrived, and got into his bed, I started using my magic to not only create an accurate image of his wife, but to access his head to make the illusion believable using his surface thoughts about her to make my illusion a perfect one, and from the shadows, I started to move the strings.

Surprisingly enough, as I scanned his mind about Janet, I found out he knew she was alive, he simply didn’t know where she was exactly.

Or how to reach her.

In fact, in his free time, he had apparently been researching about the quantum realm trying to find a way to enter it and find his lost wife.

At this, I frowned.

If he knew, and couldn’t reach her, my entire plan was useless, because he wouldn’t be able to help me.

“Fuck,” I muttered under my breath, if Hank’s technology was not there yet, I was royally fucked with this quest, the infinity stones were useless within the sub-atomic realm, meaning even if I collected the infinity stones, I had no guarantee I would be able to rescue her.

Then what? I questioned, walking out of Hank’s house using a portal.

If his technology wasn’t the answer, then what? 

The magical realm?

“It’s worth the shot,” I sighed.


“I can’t help you there, Mr. Walker,” The Ancient One replied, “The quantum realm as you speak of, is well beyond my powers to truly access, for to reach such a realm, is beyond my power as a sorceress,”

“Well, it was a long shot, to begin with,” I sighed, if Hank and The Ancient One weren't capable of helping me, I was at a loss.

“But, I didn’t say others couldn’t help you,” The Ancient One smiled.

“Can you not be cryptic for a moment?” I frowned.

“I must apologize, you see, I enjoy messing with you,” Oh, and she has the gall to admit it, oh well, I suppose she has earned that right.

“So, who can help me?” I asked.

“Me,” She replied, as I was starting to question if she was going senile on me, I mean, she just said, she couldn’t help me.

“You just said you couldn't help me,” I replied, crossing my arms.

“Indeed,” The Ancient One nodded, “You see, when I said I couldn’t help you, I wasn’t messing up with you, I truly can’t help you, not in the way you want,”

“How then?” I asked.

“Well, I can’t access the quantum realm, or send someone there, but I can send someone’s soul there, momentarily of course, my magic can’t sustain such thing for too long, but if I were to send you, you could stabilize it using your mana,”

“What do you mean?” I inquired.

“Well, with my power, I can push your soul into the quantum realm, leaving your physical body behind, from there, it would be up to you to force your soul to stay within the subatomic realm by feeding it mana,” The Ancient One replied, “Needless to say, even with your absurdly high levels of mana, the max you would be able to stay within the realm without dying is one hour,”

One hour? I could work with that, “I can work with that,”

“Can you?” The Ancient One smiled, putting her left hand on my chest, “I will need a demonstration, if you don’t mind that is,” I nodded, and without another word, she pushed my soul out of my body.

“This feels weird,” I chuckled.

“It does,” The Ancient One nodded, “But enough about that, now try to use your magic in that form,”

Doing as she had requested, I tried to summon a fireball to my hand but ended up exploding.

“That hurt,” I muttered, frowning.

Why had my magic backfired? A fireball was one of the easiest spells I knew, besides the portals.

“As symmetrical as you are, the lack of a body hinders your powers massively, you see, when one does magic, one connects the mystical, which comes from the soul with the physical, which in this case is obvious,” The Ancient One chuckled, “In your very symmetrical case, this can’t be truer, because your body functions like a machine, a machine that without one of its components, becomes a liability, exhibit a, that spell you tried to cast,”

So the Gamer was messing with my magic, because of my body.

“So, what then?” I muttered, without my powers moving within the quantum realm would take a lot of time.

“You train, it’s high time you learn how we the normal people manage our magic,” The Ancient One smiled, snapping her fingers, pulling my soul back into my body.

“Well,” I chuckled, back in my body, “When do we begin?” I asked.

“Whenever you are ready, Mr. Walker,” The Ancient One replied.

“Then let’s get started right now,” The sooner I learned how to use my magic without my body, the sooner I would get to rescue Janet, and who knows, maybe even get a power boost in the process.

“Wonderful,” The Ancient One smiled, “Then, let’s begin,”



Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️


can he access his gamer interface is his soul form ? like using inventory or map ? maybe store his body there just in case 🤣