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As soon as I pressed the option to enter the dungeon, the world around me began to tremble in an increasingly alarming way, as if the world itself was glitching. Walls, and floor, began to crumble one above the other, leaving me floating in a void of nothingness.

[Time Walking Dungeon Initiated…]

No shit Sherlock.

[Setting Augmented Virtual Reality Parameters…]

I wonder how this will differ between a normal dungeon and such, in terms of AI.

[Task Complete…]

[Loading World… Avengers: The Rise of Ultron V0121]

[Task Complete]

[Welcome to your first Time Walking Dungeon, before you begin, there are a few things you must know, a few rules and tips so to speak.

Infinity Stones are banned in the simulation, the use of one will void all wins, this includes, but it’s not limited to, EXP, Items, and others.

Now, that’s the only rule in the simulation, let’s talk about the tips!

This World operates just like your own, with the minor difference it’s not entirely real, so beware. The AI in this world operates on precise levels meaning every NPC thinks it’s alive and will react to your approaches like any living being would.

So beware, NPCs will attack you if they deem you a threat, so proceed with caution.

Last but not least, the last, rule, I know, I know, I said only one rule, but this one doesn’t affect the simulation like the first one, this one it’s more of a minor ban.

You can’t talk about the simulation, well… you can, but NPCs on both sides would not understand you, leaving them ignoring you.

That’s all, enjoy the simulation, and remember to have fun!~]

God, it even had one of those voices that go well with this type of simulation monologue, I’m not sure whether to feel excited or…

[Entering World…]

In the blink of an eye, I was no longer in my apartment, but in the middle of 

a forest.

“Where the fuck am I?” I muttered, opening the map.


Ahh, well that explains the forest and the snow.

“Grraaar!!!” A roar, one powerful enough to shake the entire forest, that has to be the Hulk.

“Well, time to see the Avengers kicking some whatever you call someone from Sokovia ass,” I decided,  activating one of my spells, [Eldritch Illusion: Invisibilty]


It didn’t take me long to find the Avengers, with Hulk roaring every two seconds, it was a matter of following his roars, I didn’t even need to use my map or minimap to track them.

“On it!” I heard someone say, flying past me, who? Iron Man.

“Language!” That must be Capicicle.

For a few moments, I watched Cap, Iron Man, and Hulk obliterate the poor Sokovian soldiers, sitting on the ground with literal snacks I had pulled from my inventory to enjoy the show until I decided to see how Nat was doing.

Running towards her, I quickly reached her fighting point, to see her solo a squadron of soldiers with little to no difficulty, and not gonna lie, I was feeling the need of hugging her.

“That’s not your Nat,” I muttered under my breath, and immediately after, Hawkboy shot an arrow in my direction.

I looked at the arrow longed in the tree behind and inwardly chuckled, when they said the AI was better, I didn’t expect this kind of better.

“What are you shooting at?” Nat asked Hawkeye, as she cracked the neck of one of the soldiers underneath her with her legs.

“Someone,” Hawkeye replied, bow moving left and right, great, he was looking for me. “My earpiece caught notice of a sound, a man speaking, he said something about you, couldn’t quite make out what…”

“Well, it wouldn’t be the first time an enemy tries to flirt with me,” Nat snorted, looking around, meaning she believed him.

Ok, I have seen enough, time to do like every Disney parent, and vanish from here.

With that thought settled, I walked out of their zone, making sure not to be heard, my direction this time? The Hydra Base, I was curious to see how it looked, considering I had probably bombed in the real world.


I walked inside the base ignoring the energy shield around it thanks to my portals, and started to inspect the base room by room, wondering if maybe getting the mind stone before the Avengers would complete the dungeon…. I mean, without Tony pulling a Skynet move, there was no Rise of Ultron.

“Meh, it’s worth a shot,” I shrugged, searching for the stone on my map.

Two rooms down, on the second level.

Easy enough, considering everyone outside is advancing at a dramatic pace, I should have enough time to get the stone and get my rewards.

As I walked to the second level of the base, I caught notice of something, the Romanoff twins, at the sight of them I frowned, I already knew Pietro, and he didn’t look that.

[Pietro Romanoff - Clone  LV 129

Description: His the failed clone of the original Pietro, meaning that his powers in result are but a fraction of what the original Pietro can do.

While his level is relatively low, his superspeed enables him to face opponents far stronger than him

Current Thought: He wants to fight the Avengers.]

A clone… once I get out of here I need to contact the original Pietro to check if… well if he has a clone or some sci-fi shit.

Without making a noise, I turned to face Wanda.

[Wanda Romanoff - */*-/ LV 221 [REAL LEVEL LOCKED]

Description: Unlike her brother, Wanda is the perfect product, because, unlike Pietro who was born thanks to the hands of Hydra, Wanda was born thanks to the hands of Chaos.

Her powers are a danger to anyone.

Current Thought: She is wondering who you are…]

Say what now?

“I can see you,” Wanda muttered, tilting her hand to the side, doing her weird hand move before a bolt of chaotic energy blasted me into a wall, like quite literally, I was in a hole, inside the wall.

“Next time, open the conversation with… I don’t know? A hi, how are you, maybe?” I replied, seeing my HP refill back to full.

“Who are you?” Pietro asked, moving Wanda’s side at superspeed, fast enough for me to probably have troubles chasing him, but nothing compared to the Pietro I knew.

“I’m just a guy, in a hole,” I replied, walking out of the hole.

“I can relate,” Pietro shrugged.

“I can’t,” Wanda replied, her hands glowing red.

“Children, you don’t want to play with me,” I smiled, cracking my neck, not for dramatic purposes, but because her attack had kinda annoyed my neck, and cracking it was just the thing to fix it, it just happened to be extremely coincidental I cracked it while saying a relatively badass line.


André Lange

Cracking neck, yep not at all to sell the Badass moment, not at all haha 😂


Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️