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Author Note:  

I am currently somewhat sick, flu I think, and quite honestly haven't finished editing the next three chaps for marvel, so I thought to test a few ideas out.

As you guys know, I am a man of many ideas, and more than not my two Raven Advisors, Hirsch and Asmodeus help me filter through them, otherwise, I would never know what idea could be a good one, and such.

I have two ideas they helped me filter.

What becomes of them is your call.

Meaning? Well, if you guys like the drafts I posted, then I save this up as a work that needs to be made.

If you don't like the idea, then we scratch it off.


My name is Gale, and I’m a 21-year-old man.


And for the most part, I like to think I’m an average guy, your run-of-the-mill kind of man, not too ugly, not too handsome, a nice dude who enjoys life one moment at a time.


Monday through Friday, I worked for a construction company owned by my father to pay for my college, and unlike most would initially think, I didn’t get any preferential treatment from him just because I was his son, in fact, it was the contrary, but that’s a can of worms to open for later.


All and all, I liked my life, it had its ups and downs, but I liked it. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end, don’t they?


My death came in the most unexpected way, I didn’t even see it coming, then again, I was drunk, so maybe that added some obliviousness to my situation.




The day I died, I was celebrating at a bar close to my apartment, the fact I had gotten a full scholarship thanks to my outstanding grades in the last semester.


With my friends, I was drinking and partying like there was no tomorrow, funny enough, that was the case for me, of course, I didn’t know it then.


Anyway, after a long night of drinks, at one point, I decided it was time to go back home.


My friends, however, had other ideas and tried to make me stay, perhaps I should’ve listened to them, had I done that, had I listened to them I would’ve been alive, but oh well.


Drunk and tired, I ignored them with a smile and made my way to the exit as they booed at me. After all, I had already called a cab and wanted to wait outside.


Outside the bar, I waited for my cab, thinking how life was starting to smile at me, and how soon I would start a new chapter in my life with the scholarship I had earned, then all of the sudden, a fight broke out as two guys exited the bar.


Two completely random dudes I didn’t know at all started to fight as they exited the bar, beyond the fact they were throwing hands I had no idea what was happening, and to be honest, I really didn’t care.


I didn’t know them and was far too drunk to do anything about it, so I stepped out of their line and ignored them, it was after all, not my problem.


Besides, the bartender was already calling the police, so there was nothing else I could do to help alleviate the situation.


Funny enough, this was the first domino to fall, which would eventually create the chain reaction to my death.


The fight however escalated a bit higher than it should’ve had when one of the guys pulled out a knife.


Seeing this, I instinctively took a few steps back as I looked at the bartender inside the bar in mild shock, now the risk around them wasn’t getting a punch to the face or something, which while painful I could deal with.


But a knife? Heck, no, no one wants to get shanked. 


However, apparently following my instincts was a rather dire mistake, because unbeknownst to me, I had moved exactly to the place where I would draw my last breath, ironic isn’t it? I followed my common sense and tried to save my ass, but ended up sealing my fate.


As I moved, the situation once again escalated when in anger, the other guy pulled not a knife to counter the other guy's knife, but a gun and aimed at the guy and shot, however with his drunk aim, he missed his target completely, instead hitting someone else.


If you guessed me, then you were right.


It seems bringing a knife to a gunfight does pay off if your opponent is a drunk imbecile with the gun skill of a blind marksman with Parkinson’s disease.


At first, I felt no pain, mostly confusion.


Then I looked down at my chest and saw blood, and thought, did I just really get shot?


Then, the pain came as I fell to the ground clutching my chest. I didn’t want to die, this was no way to go.


“Call an ambulance!” I heard someone shout, but it sounded muffled as if someone was speaking underwater.


“Gale, don’t die on us! You owe me a beard… I mean a *hic* beer! you bastard! Don’t go!” Oh… right my friends were here, at least I don’t get to die alone.


“Oh fuck!” The nitwit who shot me cursed, finally stopping his fight with the other guy. How nice, all it took was my life to stop his stupidity for a moment.


That was my last thought after everything went black.



When I woke up again, I was shocked by the very fact that I had woken up again, with the first thought coming to my mind benign, had I survived?


As I pondered about this, light filled my eyes forcing me to narrow them in clear discomfort.


Perhaps I was in a hospital, I mean, gun wounds are not always lethal, right?


Once my eyes adjusted to the brightness in my current environment, I found myself staring at a young woman with light-blue hair, the woman was gazing at me with a lovestruck look.


Was this how I fall in love? I thought at first, remembering every movie I had seen with this very plot, a man waking up from a coma, a beautiful nurse looking at him.


As I inwardly chuckled at the thought, I noticed that beside her was a man of similar age with blonde hair, giving me the same look.


Ok, this was getting weird, I don’t swing that way, buddy! I thought.


The woman smiled and hugged the man, and for some reason, they looked big. Perhaps it was a matter of perspective, I was after all in a hospital bed, or at least, I assumed.


The man cracked a smile at the woman, as he watched me and said something, something I didn’t understand at all.

At first, I panicked a bit, how could I not, but eventually, I shrugged my lack of understanding to what they were saying to whatever hospital drugs I had been given. I mean, it could be a side effect of one or something.


“-/*--*/-*,” The young woman replied with a gentle expression adorning her beautiful face.


Now that I think about it, it’s definitely the drugs affecting me, that shit sounded like someone was censoring her on live TV.


“/*-*/-*-*//-*,” A third person said, coming into the room, wearing a nurse’s outfit.


Wait a minute… The first woman didn’t have an outfit, how odd, ohh, mayhaps she was the doctor, and was paged into surgery and had no time to change, I guess that’s plausible.


Wanting to communicate and let them know I was somewhat aware of what was happening, I tried to move, and say, hi.


But nothing came out of my mouth, though I did move, I think.


The man seeing this smiled once again, with the same lovestruck look that was sending me shivers down my spine, I needed to recover my ability to speak to tell him that while flattered, I didn’t swing that way, I swung right, which was exactly where the nurse and the light-blue-haired doc was.


All of the sudden, the man carried me.


This had to be a joke of some sort, how can he carry me with such ease? I weighed well over 180 pounds.


Wait a minute….

Something… it’s not right.


“/*-/*-/,” The man smiled at me, as I narrowed my eyes at him.


In my mind, I started to connect all the dots, his size, her size, my inability to communicate or understand them, and how easy he carried me.


I was a baby, wasn’t I?


Fuck… it even explained why he was giving me the lovey-dovey eyes.



A month passed by, and my initial theory was more than confirmed.


I was indeed a baby.

I mean, when someone shoves a tit down your face to feed you what other possibilities were? 

Not that I was particularly angry about the tit shoving business, though I was at a loss how to feel about it.


I mean, she was my mother, so disgust should be my main emotion, but I didn’t see her as my mom, it… it was a complicated affair.




The point was, I had become a baby, hurray.


I had died and somehow ended up as a baby.


I suppose it beats the alternative, which was being six feet underground.


Also, I was still me, which was good.

I guess if there was one thing I feared about reincarnation was the possibility of losing one’s individuality, by becoming a blank slate.


Which was not the case for me, I still remembered my family, my name, my friends, and while that only added salt to the injury, it was better than forgetting them.


“/*-//-” The man who I assumed was my father had a very strict routine, with him spending at least an hour a day saying a single word to me, over and over again when my mother wasn’t around.


I didn’t understand the word, but it sounded the same over and over again, so with that in mind, it was easy to deduce he was trying to win the contest every parent had between each other. What word will the baby say first, momma or papa?


Just for his low cheating ways, I would not give him the pleasure, of course.


I missed my family.


I missed my life.


More than not, I simply wanted to cry about what I had lost, and who could blame me.


But I also knew crying about it was pointless. 


[Hello sorry for the small delay, anyway… you must be wondering, how did you get here?


Well, let’s answer those questions in order, shall we?


Why are you here?

-Because you, my little tortellini died, and I thought… Why not give this sad bastard a chance?


Who is this kid?

-A baby that would’ve been a stillborn had I not shoved your soul into his very dead body, poor woman, carrying a corpse for nine months inside her, just eww.


Can I go back?

-Impossible my dear potato, once a soul dies in a dimension that dimension is forever close to them.


Did you just say dimension?

-Yes… but what dimension? Huhuhu, I’ll let you find out, hehe.

Now, worry not, I know this situation can be scary for mortals from your earth, despite how many stories you like to make about it, but I am a good guy so… I have a gift for you so to speak.

The gift in question is a shop that if used right should give you power beyond your wildest dreams. I dubbed this store as, The Seven Deadly Sins Store.

Cool name right? Now, to use this little gift you need only to think of the store, and everything will be revealed, don’t die too soon this time. I would be incredibly sad if I knew you died after all the trouble I went through, saving your soul.

With Love, your savior.]


What. In. Tarnation. Was THAT?!


Did I just hear a voice inside my head?!


Did the voice say I had a freaking store in my head!?


What is going on!!!


Ok, calm down Gale, think before you panic, the voice confirmed you were reincarnated, the rest…. The rest you can take it with a grain of salt, you don’t know this voice, so he could be lying about everything else.


Then again, why would the very ominous voice lie, I was but a newborn, the most useless thing in the world, after metapod.


First, let’s confirm the voice’s claims the easiest way there is, by opening my brain store, or… whatever.


‘Open oh great store?’ I thought, giving it a tentative try.






Holy Knights

The Seven Deadly Sins

The Ten Commandments

The Four Archangels


Human Clan

Demon Clan

Vampire Clan

Giant Clan

Fairy Clan

Goddess Clan







It worked, well I’ll be damned.


Now, this brings up the question, just where in tarnation am I?



Excuse me, you can at least swing around a hardened metapod as a weapon, unlike a baby


Interesting 🔥🔥 Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️