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I was strong.

Very strong, the feeling was unreal, I felt, unstoppable, which was idiotic thinking, I knew there were things outside earth that could kill me, but still, I felt like an entirely different person.

My mind was… I don’t know how to describe it, more awake? Things that I didn’t seem to understand before, things I didn’t even know I didn’t understand, I now did.

Everything, from my muscles to my mind was operating on an entirely different level.

It was an odd, yet welcoming feeling.

If I had to depict what I was feeling, I would say it was somewhat similar to being high, but in a healthy and good way. Not sure if one can use healthy and high together, but it was how I felt.

I was elated, but I was also scared.

Before today, I had never had any problems with my physical strength, controlling it before today, was instinctual.

Perhaps it had been easier because before today my gains had been somewhat slow compared to the sudden burst of power I had gotten.

It was honestly terrifying, in just one hour since my rebirth as a super soldier, I had broken no less than eight things, my mind and my might were uncoordinated.

My mind still operated with my previous strength, but my body… my body was beyond that.

I needed training, I needed to adjust.

And what better way to adjust than testing the very limits of my skills.

I needed to grind.

Raids and dungeons, I mean, it was more than clear, I had been neglecting them for quite a while, mostly out of my obsession to complete my little project which was now done.

But now, I had nothing to do.

Yes, I had to be a father a few hours a day when the girls were at home, but that didn’t consume much of my time.

My company was making money, thanks to my CEO.

I really had nothing stopping me now, no excuse.

It was time to... As I said, grind.

And what better way to start than by doing some dungeons.

I had one in particular that I wanted to do, the Holy of the Damned, the title was interesting enough, and the recommended levels were 150-165, good enough to test things out.

“Ok, here I go,” I said, opening a portal to where the dungeon was located.


The dungeon started like any other, with me inside a cave with a creature standing in front of me, with my objectives for the dungeon. The quest for the dungeon though, it was confusing, [Find that which cannot be seen, and kill what cannot be killed.]

No description.

But I paid it no mind, things like that usually were nothing but ridiculous turns of events that I would see somewhere in the dungeon to make it more engaging.

Besides my plans in dungeons were quite straightforward, kill everything inside the dungeon, and hope that counts as completed, so far it had worked in all of the dungeons I had done.

With a sigh, I started the dungeon, by taking the first step into the depths of the cave.

Soon enough, I encountered a few mobs, or patrols as I called them, walking the area, so, I did what any man with newfound power would’ve done in my situation, I jumped them, punching the mobs with my bare hands, after all, I was here to test my physical might, and to find the limits of said might.

It came to no surprise the monsters barely resisted my assault, monsters of my level, dying with surprising ease, my newfound power made things, easier in the physical sense, it was shocking really.

One punch and I would send a three-meter-tall centaur flying into a wall like I was superman or something.

It was exhilarating.

I felt, like a kid, putting a cheat code on GTA: San Andreas, the one that makes you punch like a god.

That’s how I felt, and it was intoxicating.

Maybe I was adorating my new power a bit too much, but can anyone blame me? I worked so hard for the serum, and now the results, they were beyond my wildest dreams.

Granted, I was technically a super soldier in terms of stats before the serum, and the serum changed my entire body on a genetic level to become more than what already was, so it was to be expected that the results would turn out to be better than with Steve and Bucky.

The possibilities right now were essentially endless.

But I wasn’t gonna get ahead of myself, for now, I would continue to see where my limits laid, and learn in the process how to control my powers.

The idea of hurting Emily, or Nat, was painful, more so than one could possibly imagine.

So, before the end of the day, I needed to understand, everything about my new self, this dungeon would be my lab, and those monsters, my test subjects.

“Intruder!” A minotaur shouted, running towards me with a spear in my hands.

“That’s me,” I waved at the minotaur with a smile, the day was young, and I had much to do.


[Unknown POV]

Alex’s future, it pained me, to know so much about it, but not be able to share it, for like a secret, once the future it’s shared, it stops being what it is, it ceases to exist.

So much pain was ahead of him, so much sacrifice, but he had to endure it, for the sake of this reality.

He was the champion of his reality, ignorant to the schemes of the universe, yet essential to its survival, an ironic yet necessary path.

This world, this reality, it would break him… it would shatter him, but from the dust of his pain, from the pieces of his suffering, he would rise to do what he was born to do, to do what he had been chosen to do in this universe.

Unfortunately he had no choice, the moment he woke up here, his destiny had been written.



I'm getting flashbacks to your Percy Jackson fic, and I like it👍

Orion Chung

Chapter 92 please