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Name = Alex Walker
Occupation = The Gamer
         Level = 59
EXP = 3875/194512
HP = 10000/10000
MP = 16500/16500
STR = 138
VIT = 110
DEF = 95
DEX= 155
INT = 175
CHA = 84
WIS = 140
WILL = 115
PER = 105
LUK = 69
MONEY: 54500$

Soon after I left Emily with the Professor, I left to explore the states doing any dungeons I found along the way, the majority of them being below my level, but one or two had been just right, level wise, which was the sole reason I had been able to level up a few times during this short amount of time, heck I even learned a new skill, [Telekinesis LV 10]

Today, I was on my way to meet with Charles Xavier, for my monthly therapy session with him, as per our agreement. I was also going to see Emily, it had been around two weeks since I saw her, and I had promised to take her to the park after my session with the professor. 

“Well, here goes nothing,” I sighed, as I saw the X-Mansion ahead, turning the turn signals to the right, I took the path into the mansion, parking a few meters away from the entrance.

“I was waiting for you, Mr. Walker,” Charles said telepathically as I entered his school, never going to get used to that, it’s… it feels weird.

“Charles, please use your outside voice,” I reminded him with a slightly annoyed tone, as I made my way to his office, walking past the mutant students without stopping.

“Mr. Walker, there is no need to feel annoyed, think of this as a better telephone, than the actual telephones,” Charles chuckles echo within my mind as I opened his office.

“Telephone?” I snorted, “I suppose you two share the same values, privacy wise,” I chuckled, taking a seat in one of the many chairs of his office, close to his desk.

“That’s just hurtful,” Charles smiled, serving me a drink, whisky on the rocks.

“My therapist giving me alcohol,” I smiled, “This is the type of therapy I like.” Taking the drink, I took a sip from its contents, savoring every moment of it. If there was one thing the professor was good at, it was having good alcohol. I guess rich people have access to the best stuff after all.

“Let’s start our session shall we?” Charles smiled, moving his wheelchair around, settling in front of me.

“Ask away doc,” I nodded, putting the whisky on the table to my right.

“Why do you think killing Hydra will set you free?” During our first session, I had told him about Hydra, not because I wanted to, but because Emily was in danger, and as their guardians when I was not around, they needed to know.

“Well, because that’s quite literally the case,” I sighed, “I worked for them, against my will for a while, you know that…” At this I scratched the back of my head, remembering my time with them, “They probably think I am dead… but the moment that belief breaks… I will be forced to run, for they will hunt me.”

“But would killing them set you free?” Charles asked once again, his eyes locking into mine, “I understand the reason why you must or feel like you must kill them, believe me I do, I have… had a friend that would wholeheartedly share that sentiment with you, and to a degree I can understand the need of your quest, but… my quest is, would killing them set you free? Free of your pain… your hate… your suffering?”

I laughed, “No, I suppose it would not, what they did to me will forever be a part of me, but don’t think I will let that define me, I will kill them not because I feel it will set me free, but because they need to die,” I sighed, “They are monsters Charles, real monsters… they experiment on humans and mutants alike, tearing them apart, piece by piece, rebuilding them in their image… they are the worst facet of humanity as a whole…”

“Such a terrible fate,” Charles sighed, “You know, Mr. Walker, I am… very much against killing, I feel every time we kill someone, we take a step back in our evolution, a step back in our long journey towards acceptance… but, this goes beyond that… right?”

“Sometimes, killing is the only option,” I sighed, rolling my eyes at his greater good bullshit, “They are a disease, and I am the cure.”

“I suppose in a way, that is also true,” Charles sighed. “But at what cost?”

“Do get all sad,” I chuckled, “If I kill Hydra the government will love mutants, they hate Hydra more than they hate us, well… that is if I reveal myself to the public, otherwise they will never know it was me.”

“I know, it's just that I don’t want people to accept us for such reasons, it would set a bad precedent, some would love us… others would fear us, and some would see us as simple weapons,” Charles replied.

“Did you get your title out of a cereal box?” I snorted, “That’s already the case, some love us, some hate us, and some only see us as weapons, you are really out of touch with what is going on in the world right?”

“Perhaps I am, but I know what this usually leads to. I saw a friend walk down the same path you are walking… and he didn’t accomplish anything… but isolation,” GOD. FUCKING. DAMN IT, when will this bald fucker stop comparing me to Magneto, I do not want to kill humanity as a whole, but Hydra, who the fuck loves Hydra, who the fuck cares about Hydra.

“Look… I am not Erik,” I replied much to his surprise, “Yes, I know who he is, and frankly I am insulted you compare me to him, unlike him, I only want to destroy those who will destroy me if don’t destroy them first, and frankly I know this is but our second session, but… I don’t think you are in any position of telling me what is or what is not morally right… considering you do nothing to help those who are really suffering,”

Insulted, Charles took a deep breath calming himself, “I do what I do, for the sake of our kind!” 

“Where were you when they torture me for months, breaking my bones, spirit and more, where were you and your high standing?” I asked, “Where were you when hundreds of our ‘kind’ were killed on their bases?” I sighed, “I don’t blame you for not saving me, or them… but please get out of that high horse, life is not as black and white as you think it is… they are grey lines… where people like me have been forced to reside… and in those lines, they is no other option but to fight, or die.”

“What will Emily think?” Charles asked, “Would she understand what you are doing?”

At this, I growled as I slammed my fist into the chair, breaking the wooden chair in half, “You think yourself so smart… you think yourself so righteous about the truths of the world, and yet you try and use my own child against me? By all means keep walking down that path, Hydra did… I wonder how that worked for them…” 

“There is no need for threats, Mr. Walker,” Charles replied.

“That was no threat,” I snorted, taking my whiskey, “But seriously, until you actually have a solution to my problems that doesn’t require killing, please do shut up, so far your self righteous bullshit is nothing but political propaganda, all talk with no results.”

“Very well, at least you, unlike Erik, are open to other paths, albeit reluctantly,” Charles smiled, “I will try to find a path that ensures your safety, and Emily’s…”

“Charles!” Before I could reply, the door to Charles's office was opened in a violent mode, as Raven entered the scene, “We have a call from the president!”

[ Mandatory Quest = The Phoenix Force

Objective = The X-Men are about to face their most formidable and powerful foe, cosmic forces come into play, and the very fabric of reality is at a risk. Help the X-Men during this mission, fight for the sake of the world!

 Reward = 5000000 EXP, 500000$, ????

Failure = Death, Earth’s Destruction]

“GOD DAMN IT!” I growled.

“What?” Charles muttered confused at my reaction.

“Look, I know it is your time with him but…” Raven started, but I stopped her midway.

“I will help you guys with this mission,” I hissed, pretending to be happy.

“How do you know?” Raven muttered, already assuming I knew.

“My power… allows me to see fragments of the future… the close one,” I lied, well, not completely, I mean, I knew the outcome if I didn’t help, so… kind of? “And I saw myself helping, and not helping, and you know what happens if I don’t help?”

“You die,” Charles answered for me, “If only I could read more from your mind,”

“For the last time, no, I won’t let you read beyond my surface thoughts,” I knew he could read beyond them, but it would take him some effort to do so.

“Charles?” Raven pressed.

“He can help,” She had yet to… oooh, sometimes I forget he reads minds of everyone else.

“Can he? We don’t even know what powers he has,” Raven replied.

“I can do lots of things, like hearing you for example,” I chuckled.


Matthew Johnson

Please save Mystique. It's not like Jennifer Lawrence's contract for your fanfic is up so she can be saved.


Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️