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Finding Emperor’s cave, or house, was rather easy, finding information about the summoning ritual, well… that was an entirely different thing. His entire abode was awfully disorganized, but little by little I managed to find bits of information about the ritual, and from what I was finding it was clear he didn’t create the ritual.

Apparently he found it, and thought it would be a good tool to increase his power, foolishly he thought those summoned by the ritual would bow to his command, a very idiotic thought, no one wanted to be a slave, every living being craved freedom.

As for the world between worlds, not much information was to be found in the scrolls I had found so far in the abode of the old dragon lord, just very vague explanations of it. Saying it was the connection between all realms.

In short, from what I understood, the world between worlds was a gate, or a bridge that connected every reality imaginable, and that was the only path between all of them, that was just speculations though, I had no idea if this was true or not, I had yet to find more information about it, but for now I would operate under that assumption.

“God, if only this dragon was as organized as Brightness,” I sighed, basically doing a maid’s job to try and find more information, cleaning and organizing his shit.

[Is everything okay?] Ainz inquired through a message.

[It is, having a blast!] I replied, reminding myself Ainz was on the blind about this, he knew I was exploring, but not why.

[Glad to hear it, if you need me… you know where to find me, I will be here in case you need back up! In the meantime though, I will move with my plans] Ainz replied with a chuckle, [Bye~~]

I didn’t like lying to him, not about this anyways, but I simply didn’t want to… it was complicated, if Ainz misunderstood my conundrum, he would act accordingly, trying to change me back, and I didn’t want that, no… I wanted to be free, no evil, no good, just me, and if that was me being evil, or good so be it, but first I wanted to be sure it was me, like I said, complicated.

Without any more distractions I continued to look in the dragon’s cave, reading every single scroll, book and note the old dragon had, finding more and more bits about this world between worlds.

Funny enough, in the scrolls I had found, the world between worlds was called the roots of Yggdrasil, ironic right? This made me wonder, was I diving into nordic shit? I mean, I knew Yggdrasil was the name of the game, but this was based on the nordic tales of the tree that connects the worlds, I mean… it certainly fits if one thinks about it.

“I will legit quit if I encounter some nordic god,” I laughed, wondering if I would have to fight some kind of God to get what I desired.


[Ainz POV]

Something had changed inside Alastor when he came back from his fight with the dragon lords, his eyes were different, almost as if he was an entirely different person, if it wasn’t because no doppelganger can copy his true form I would be quite worried about this.

So, I decided to give my friend his space. Whatever he was dealing with, he had to do it alone until he wanted help, needless to say, some in Nazarick were worried he was going to abandon us.

Demiurge blamed himself for not completing the tasks Alastor had given them, Albedo blamed herself for not pleasing him enough, or for being too clingy, in short, most servants blamed themself, in fear he was going to leave.

I had to tell them, he wasn’t going to leave, he was Alastor, he never abandoned me, I trusted him with my life, and I trusted him to always come back, and with that trust I convinced everyone in Nazarick that he was simply looking beyond the limits of the world, to find a new task for himself and Nazarick as a whole.

This calmed their fear of him leaving, but.. Brought to live an entirely different type of drama, for now they… blamed themselves for jumping to conclusions, and well… that was a problem for another day.

At times being the head of Nazarick was like being an overly glorified babysitter.


[Alastor POV]

It took me eight days, and ten hours to finally get all the scrolls related to the summoning ritual, and now I had a better idea of what was the world between worlds. In the scrolls it went into detail how this was a dimension without conventional form that connected every reality to one another.

Some envisioned this as the tree of life, Yggdrasil, as other simply saw this unique dimension as a gate of sorts, now… what or how it worked was beyond the knowledge within the scrolls I had, but what I did know was… the dragon lord Emperor was an idiot, the summoning spell even a simply glance was incomplete, meaning however had started to create the ritual had never finished leaving a product without completion, but from what I had read, and speculated along the way, if this summoning ritual was to be ever completed, the one with it would rule the world, for not only the ritual would give him the ability to summon incredibly strong beings forced to serve him, but he would be able to do it an indefinite amount of times.

The separation between summons, that apparently was between 100 to 200 years between each summon, the freedom we had… that was all a product of an incomplete product, in short, had this little shit been complete, Ainz and I would’ve been serving under Emperor, regardless of the fact he was clearly weaker than us, simply because we wouldn't had had another choice.