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I continued fighting the dragon lords, overwhelming them with ease, my power was unbounded, unmatched, and unreachable, and yet as I humiliated them, as I trampled all over their pathetic plans, Brightness the dragon who had summoned me here, was unmoved by my display of power, and this was something I couldn’t quite understand, while the others were panicking, or cursing their own weakness under the jaws of annihilation, Brightness was calm, as if victory was already his.

Was he so delusional that even with these odds he thought himself capable of achieving victory?

Striking Heavenly with a spell, I shook my head off that detail, no matter what, I was going to win, there were no buts, or ifs, I was destined to win, I was build for this, my character was build with the sole purposes of surviving the impossible, my skill set was carefully selected so that I would be able to overcome such scenarios, like the one I am dealing with right now, my heals, my power, and everything, made it so the would never manage to kill me, so victory was mine.

“Well this is getting quite boring, don’t ya guys think?” I asked, many voices speaking at once.

“I suppose,” Dragon Lord Brightness replied, as he continued to look calm.

“Boring! All you have done is dodged, and attacked us… running from our grasp!” Cure hissed, as all around him appeared a multitude of undeads.

At times like this, I was really happy I picked Holy Banisher as one of my classes, as it was the best class to deal with undead creatures, “You don’t learn, do you? You simply cannot understand the difference in power between us, right?” I sighed, erasing the undeads he had summoned with a wave of holy power.

“You are the one that doesn’t understand!” Platinum retorted, roaring in anger. “All this power, and yet you choose to play with the life of everyone, you are a fool!”

“I’m a God, and is my right to play with mortals as I see it fit, be it killing them, fucking them, or sparing them.” I replied with a chuckle.

“It’s not your own will that’s guiding you,” Brightness remarked, “it’s the will of what you created before becoming this. Your soul is tormented, blinded and shackled by a prison of your own making, each passing day you lose more and more of what you were, I feel only hate inside.”

Again with the same stupid shit, when was he going to understand, I didn't care, I was who I was now, regardless of who I was before, the me of before does not longer matter, only the me of now, the powerful me. “Perhaps you are right, there is a big possibility my summoning into this world changed everything about me, but here’s the thing… I don’t care… I like it, I like rush I feel killing those who stand in my way, I like seeing my enemies tremble in fear, I like having no moral compass, I like it all… and perhaps the me of that time would not like any of this… heck, he might even hate it, but… that version of me no longer exists Brightness, I am all there is to be… and all there is to have.”

“And yet, I feel the contrary within you.” he answered.

“What you feel is irrelevant,” I smiled, “I have won.”

“Only one of two battles.” Brightness smiled back.

“I’m tired of your shit,” I growled, teleporting in front of him, as his companions rushed to help him.

“Energy barrier!” Brightness roared, creating a barrier around him, with a smile, I took a step forward, a single hand bracing against his energy shield.

“Time to die,” I declared, summoning multiple angels to keep the other dragons busy. “I wanted to kill you last, but… you have pushed your luck.”

Effortlessly, I broke through his shield, placing my hand on his snout, “Do it,” Brightness smiled, this only enraging me more, what was his plan, to die, to just… it made no sense!

“The ritual! It's complete!” Emperor shouted, and as he did so, I felt a powerful surge of mana invading my body with a wild explosion that blinded the entire vicinity with white light.

Opening my eyes after that light show, I checked my body to find everything in order, as I noticed the sensation I was feeling before as if someone was trying to pry my mind open was gone. “What was that supposed to do? Piss me off even more?”

Emperor laughed, “You are mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!” was he on drugs? Seriously legit question…

“I will go ahead and assume you are high as fuck, so I will kill you before you piss me off even more.” I sighed, teleporting in front of him. “Bye~”

“Kneel before your master!” Emperor smirked, while I gave him a look that conveyed… really? “What…. I said kneel!”

“Is he okay?” I asked the other dragons, who seemed to be expecting something from me, did they really think a brainwash from a creature weaker than me would work, hell to nah, besides, I was a God, immune to this shit.

“It… didn’t work…” Cure hissed, turning to look at Brightness in anger.

At this brightness smiled, “It did,”

“Why isn’t he obeying him then!” Deep shouted, as Heavenly cured his wounds.

“That ritual was never supposed to enslave him, it was supposed to free him.” Platinum replied.

Free me? From what, this low budget sitcom shit? “Ok… I got bored, so…. You are all gonna die at the same time, we good…” I looked around as they all stayed quiet, “We good.” I nodded, flying into the sky to cast my strongest attack, a super tier spell, Wrath and Love of the Gods.

When activated, results in the production of a bright light that envelops a very large area inflicting massive damage on everyone around, killing undeads in a single shot as it is a spell designed to wipe them out, as for other creatures, well, more than not, it oneshots them, also, if they happen to be below my level, the spell ignores resistances and oneshots them, unless they happen to have an absurd amount of HP, tanking the attack, which so far has never happened, here’s the thing though, this baby takes fifteen minutes to cast reason why no Holy Banisher ever picked this spell on their build, I was one of few people in the game that did, and I couldn't blame them, casting during fifteen minutes would make you an easy target… fortunately… that didn’t apply to me, for money found a way to bypass that little thing, what can I say, Yggdrasil was a pay to win game in some aspects, and with money I managed to make this absurdly powerful spell viable in combat, with the use of a single cash item, the hourglass, I had thousands of hourglasses in my inventory, and a few hundred thousand in my storage in nazarick, meaning casting this spell, was but a breeze for me. “Begone..” I smiled, breaking an hourglass, reducing the cast time of my spell, from fifteen minutes to zero.

Immediately after I did that, the light engulfed the barrier and everyone inside but me, killing the dragons in an instant, no pain, no time to react, as I stood there watching from the skies, and when the light finally died down, the barrier going down with it, there was nothing but dust and the reminder, I was unmatched.

“Well… time to be beautiful again,” I sighed, putting an appearance ring on my finger, changing back to my more attractive self.



i wanted to see there reaction when they finally know he not the only player and he has all his guild base with him 😂


I bet he was even handsome and overworldly in his true appearance...😂