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Weeks after the wedding, my life returned to its normal pace, with the difference that I was now living with Tsunade, which made my mornings quite interesting. Hormonally speaking, I was dealing with a lot of stuff, but beyond that, it was fun to have a roomie.

Outside of my completely sexless married life, I dedicated myself to crafting and finishing my racial quests, to burn time. It was a good time burner, and it gave me the chance to improve upon different things, like my sealing and other similar things, like how I had discovered sealing and inscription could be mixed together, I had yet to find a practical use for this, but at least I knew you could mix the two.

As for crafting, well.. I had finally crafted a gun, bringing the very first gun into the shinobi world, which was, in short, a very powerful weapon, infinite ammunition with explosive power, it basically made my gun one of if not the most versatile weapon in the shinobi world, of today that is.

Now the hard part was, to adjust my fighting style so that I could use the gun without hurting my power. Which after some deliberation, I came to the conclusion that I would use the guns as I used shurikens and kunais, only in long-distance situations.

“Raiden! Or should I call you honey?” Tsunade, who was loving the teasing material the marriage had given her greeted me, as she entered my work shop.

Me, who was by this point immune to her shenanigans shrugged, “I am cool with whatever.”

“It’s no fun when you don’t give a reaction,” Tsunade pouted, sitting on one of the chairs of my study.

“I adapt, that’s my thing,” I said, as I continued working on my sealing.

“So… wanna train?” I knew it.

“I suppose,” I sighed, closing the scroll I was working on.

“Today, I will fight you without the weights, I want to show you how fast I have become!” Tsunade grinned, and for some reason, I didn’t like the sound of that.


I regretted many things, not watching the entire naruto series which would’ve been nice now that I am here, I also regretted not playing dark souls, and other stuff… but none of those regrets came even close to what I felt about telling Tsunade about training weights.

I was stronger than Tsunade, by a lot… I was also faster than her, but the moment she took her weights, her newfound speed shocked me, and for that brief tenth of a second that I hesisted, she broke my arm and all of my ribs with a light tap. Before I heard people in the back of my head crying, allow me to explain, the shock froze me, but not enough for me to take the full hit, so at the last second I tried to dodge… and she brushed my arm with the tip of her leg, that alone was enough to pulverize my arm and shatter all my rips as the force of the impact dispersed into my body.

“Holy jesus,” I whistled as I healed my wounds with a flash heal, realizing Tsunade was on her way to become the strongest Sannin of the trio, well… she already was.

“How was that?!” Tsunade oblivious to the fact she had crushed a good part of my body inquired happily, as she continued to try and attack me.

“You broke my arm, and ribs with that love tap,” I chuckled, as I dodged the onslaught of attacks she was unleashing upon me, never again I would let her hit me again.

“I did, but you barely flinched,” Tsunade muttered.

Of course I didn’t react, I have exploded myself multiple times, and have lost limbs during battle, breaking a few bones is a spa day for me, “I can handle pain quite well,” I winked, flickering behind her delivering a spinning kick to her side.

Tsunade in pain for my attack, chuckled, “I suppose I need to work on that too then,”

“It would be beneficial,” I nodded.

“I’m not gonna win am I?” Tsunade sighed.

“Nope,” I grinned playfully.

“Well honey, let me break a bone or two before dinner!” Tsunade giggled, dashing towards me, foolish little girl, that love tap was more than enough to mark in my head the unshakable fact that I had to dodge or redirect her attacks, never tank them… unless.

Grinning with curiosity, I casted all my armor buffs spells, bone armor, devotion aura, Ironfur and others to increase my natural defenses, “Let me take it!” and that I did, and this time, I felt nothing.

“I am fucked am I?” Tsunade chuckled nervously.

“Yep,” I grinned, continuing our sparring match.


[Black Zetsu - POV]

Peace was slowing down my plans, and it was time to act… so witht the connection to mother Madara had, I planted the idea he had to start the second shinobi world war, by making the villages think one of them broke the treaty, something easy to accomplish with the help of White Zetsu. Nothing like a good disguise and a bit of blood to start up a war, after all, no matter how much time passes, humans remain the same, unchanging animals waiting to be farmed by mother.

“Soon, soon I shall free you from the shackles of isolation mother… soon,” I had waited eons, and the time was drawing near, in a few decades all my plans would finally give me the results I so much desired, bringing back the one who had birthed me.

“Madara will send twenty clones of mine to start the war, the already have the disguises they will need…” White Zetsu informed me.

“Good, now… how is the plan to plant spores on Raiden going?” I asked, that brat while inconsecuential to my plans, had unique powers, and the potential to be my plan B should Madara fail.

“I haven’t been able to get close to him,” White Zetsu admitted, “Besides… I don’t think its wise to do so… I have a feeling he can see more than he should…”

A dojutsu? Intriguing, “Do you think its a Dojutsu,” during my time spying on him he didn’t show case such power, but he did show the odd skill to sense my presence.

“I don’t think so,” White Zetsu sighed, “I think he has the ability to see beyond facades, like he did with the females you manipulated the third raikage to send under your guise… oh great Kumo elder,” he snickered.

“Then keep an eye on him from afar, if he does have the power to see beyond our disguises I think its best to avoid direct contact, for now….”



Ha! I totally figured I’d see the pervert all over this chapter.


Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️