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After my talk with Rebecca and Billy through the radio, I continued with my exploration of the train trying to find the key to stop our ride, one cart at a time I searched the train, finding more and more creatures like the one I had killed a few minutes ago, with each shot the creatures would stagger back, eventually dying, but I didn’t fail to notice they were getting harder and harder to kill, they were learning, or rather the one controlling them was, which bode very bad for my journey.

“I will start playing E-rated games after this, maybe my next life will be on a game where no one dies, maybe FIFA,” I chuckled as I headed down the stairs I had just found. Taking a pause, I peeked through the door that opened to the second floor, giving a quick look around to make sure there wasn't anyone walking around and he headed up the stairs. And there was nothing good.

Taking a step into the second floor, the smell of rotten flesh hit me, why hadn’t I noticed this before? I stopped, breathing shallowly. I was definitely gonna throw up, again, why hadn’t I noticed this before, was the adrenaline blocking my nose or something?

Taking a deep breath and making a mental reminder that this was my life now, and that I would have to smell a whole lot more of decaying shit, I continued my path until I reached the corridor at the end of the car. Taking a step inside the corridor, I stopped once again, staring at what appeared to be hundreds of empty egg sacs, creating something like a spider's nest, the sacs were black and disturbingly wet, shining in the low light of the corridor.

“Zombie spiders…. I don’t remember that,” I muttered, studying the sacs as they swayed from one side to the other as the train rocked back and forth on the track, making them appear almost alive, and extra creepy, now the question was… what in the name of God was inside of them.

Taking a deep breath, I resolved to ignore the sacs for now and continue with my current mission, escaping this hellhole, and besides, it’s not like glaring at them would give me any answers, “I most definitely need a flamethrower,” I chuckled, picking up my pace.

Leaving the creepy spider sacs behind, I walked through the corridor, with gun at hand, if there was something I had learned from playing zombie games was that the moment you lowered your guard something would scare the crap out of you, “Maybe I can move to Alaska, I doubt there are any zombies there… cold as fuck, and I don’t any of the games took place there,” I wondered out loud as I reached two cabins in the middle of the corridor, one on each side of the narrow passage, marked by a number.

From that and the hall's luxurious decor, it was more than obvious these cabins were some sort of VIP service, imagine paying thousands of dollars to die as a zombie snacc, that is rather sad if you ask me.

With a chuckle, I pushed open the first door, aim ready to shoot at anything without a pulse, the room thank god was empty, free of bodies and zombies. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything useful for a zombie apocalypse, I mean there was a clutter of scattered personal belongings on the floor, some legal papers that didn’t exactly link to Umbrella, Money, and some jewelry. Useless stuff, I mean what am I supposed to do with money in a zombie apocalypse, buy a Pepsi? On second thought, “I guess I can take the money… in case the merchant actually exists,” I sighed, taking the ten thousand dollars off the floor, worst-case scenario I would end up using the cash as a novelty toilet paper.

Time for door number two, taking a deep breath I opened the door, aim ready like before, once again, the room was empty, but this time there was something useful lying on the floor, a real shotgun, one most commonly used for hunting, not like the toothbrush I had found earlier whose bullets were apparently like blood diamonds. With a smile, I scooped it up and with my powers, inspected the weapon, the shotgun was loaded with two twelve-gauge shells. “Fuck yeah,” I smiled, putting on my inventory, after that, I searched the room for a bit, finding a bit of ammo for my handgun, and a pair of knives, “More knives, oh well… I guess there isn’t such a thing as too many knives,” I snorted.

Done with the private rooms, I went back to the corridor and resumed my journey, until something crashed onto one of the walls ahead of me. The sound was thunderous, huge, the impact so strong the metal walls of the room morphed the impact shaking the car a bit off the rails, causing me to stumble, “I will take a wild guess and say it’s the spider,” I mumbled sarcastically taking a few steps back, keeping my eyes fixed on the wall, for a second no sound came after the initial hit, however, this was only the calm before the storm.

Whatever it was behind that wall, kept on punching and slamming itself into the walls, by the sound of it, it was big and it was angry, little by little the creature managed to pierce the wall, as a giant scorpion burst into view.

“Somehow this is better than the spider,” I muttered, as I observed the creature.

[The Stinger is a B.O.W. created by administering the T-Virus to a scorpion. It reaches lengths of up to three meters, but there have been some cases where they exceed this size reaching up to seven meters if they are females. The virus has caused the creature's exoskeleton to harden. Its pincers in particular are tough enough to cut through steel like butter

The Stinger has a tough, armoured body, but its head is surprisingly vulnerable. ]

Isn’t a headshot the weakness of everybody? I thought with snort as I watched the beast move, it seemed I had taken the role of Billy to eliminate the creature, fun, “Alright, let’s do this,”



Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️

Robert Jefferson

Nice and hey don't forget too look up too the ceiling or the sky people never look up thats how they get you