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After kicking little Timmy through a five story building, I decided to have a talk with his anti vac parents, it was for the best, “Look, what you two are doing is stupid, borderline retarded, and I’m not using the word retarded in the mentally challenged way, but in the retarded way!”

“But oh great savior, we don’t trust doctors and their vials of autisms!” Karen the mother of Timmy replied, yep, her name is Karen… not surprising though.

“Vaccines don’t give autism!” I almost shouted, “Talking with you two does!” I was moments away from killing them, or turning them into flies, either way worked.

“But oh gracious god, we know they do! The son of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a neighbor of a neighbor of an acquaintance said the child of his twice removed cousin is a victim of the vaccine mafia,” Mark the father of Timmy spoke, his eyes shining with ignorance.

I eyed the two for a second, “Ahhh dear me,” I shuddered, feeling my nose dripping with my golden ichor.

“Are you okay?” Karen asked, “I have some essential oils and crystals that can clean your energy,” cue for my nose bleed to intensify.

“Yes, I’m okay… just having an aneurysm out of sheer stupidity,” I sighed, wiping my nose.

“Oh, wow didn’t think you were that stupid,” Mark chuckled, “I guess even our God has its faults,”

“Alrighty,” I snapped my fingers, turning them into rats, “I don’t know what’s worse… that they actually believed in the vaccine mafia, or that I wasted two hours talking with them, heck I don’t think even Miss J can teach these fuckers common sense,” I sighed, noticing the anti vac rats squeaking at my feet, maybe begging me to turn them back to normal, “Seeing you two love disease so much, I have graciously decided to allow you two to be carriers of disease… be careful with the cats though,”

“My parents?” Little Timmy asked, as he entered the room.

“They are rats now,” I answered.

“Oh thank God, I mean… oh no,” Timmy who was elated at first, then tried to pretend he was sad.

“It’s not a sin in my… religion to not like your parents,” I informed little Timmy.

“Oh, then… thank god,” Timmy sighed.

I eyed the kid, not sure if his clear hate to his parents was hilarious, or sad, “Well, don’t get sick anytime soon kiddo,” I waved at him, and with a magical poof that left four words behind, I don’t give a fuck, I disappeared.

“Don’t worry, momma… papa, if you two get sick… I will spray some rock water all over you… like you two did with me…. I will help you as much as you helped me,” Timmy smiled with a dark tone, as the two rats that once were his parents sighed happily, feeling Timmy would take good care of them with their essential oils, and rocks… even in the end, the two rats were stupid.


Well… having a religion is… not something I expected or wanted, oh well if they make me stronger by believing I will beat the crap out of them on day, so be it. They are free to believe I will, because I might…

“So… how was your religion?” Odin asked, a smirk pasted on his face.

“Well, I turned two people into rats… healed one kid that by no means should be alive with a roundhouse kick, and knocked up all my followers with Magic,” I hummed, “I’d said about normal?”

“I killed my first group of followers,” Odin chuckled, “So I guess your first day with them was better than mine, heck your religion has more people than ours,” he smiled.

A bit of a morbid fact, but who am I to judge, “Neat,”

“So what are your plans for the romans?” Odin asked, changing the subject of our conversation.

“Well… for now, I will leave them alone, but at one point I will face them, I want Hestia to be whole again, and Vesta is part of that whole, also if I truly want to kill Zeus, I have to kill Jupiter… so, I guess in the end, I will end up waging a war against them too,” not that I had anything against them, but I had no guarantee Zeus would pop from out of Jupiter if I only killed Jupiter.

“I see,” Odin sighed.

“Well, not that I don’t enjoy our conversations, but I have to go!” I had some stuff to take care of before finishing for the day, like finding a way to add Hestia to my religion, without splitting her in two like it happened with Vesta.

“Bye,” Odin chuckled.


[Hestia POV]

Adam had come back from his little adventure, and… well, apparently he now had a religion, meaning he finally had humans worshipping him, “So… you kicked poor little Timmy?” I asked, in shock, poor little kid.

“It was a healing kick,” Adam nodded, “Literally, and by literally I mean I literally kicked the sick out of him,”

“Oh… well, then I suppose it’s alright,” I giggled, a bit unorthodox, but he helped someone, and that’s what mattered, not the process… and besides it’s not like Adam to do anything in a predictable way.

“Then I turn his parents into rats,” Adam chuckled, “And left,”

“Poor people! Adam!” I was shocked!

“They were antivac people,” Adam clarified.

“Oh, yeah… F them,” I nodded, anti vac parents were the worse, poor little Timmy.

“But yeah, today has been a very eventful day,” Adam chuckled, “So…. wanna watch a movie?” He offered after a second of silence, with untamed emotion I jumped from my seat and tackled him into a hug, “I will take this violent yet adorable tackle as a yes,” he chuckled.

“You pick the movie, I’ll cook the snacks,” I giggled, running off to the kitchen, it’s been a long time since I had time to just hang out with him.



For some reason I feel that little Timmy will end up being a great source of power for Adam later. 😅😂🤣

Robert Jefferson

🎵Timmy Timmy turner he be wishing for a burner 🎶