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After Freyja revealed my true emotions to Hestia, I felt… lighter, not because I thought Hestia was going to give me a chance, the chances of that were systematically null, but because I no longer had to pretend I didn’t love her like that, and in a more selfish thought I liked the idea that if she ever decided to try something, it would be with me, and with no one else.

As the war coming up, well… some things were starting to move in my favor, with more and more minor gods pledging their alliances with me, as for the things that weren’t going in my favor, well… I was called by the council of Rome to face their judgment for starting a war while connected with them.

I suppose in a way, I can understand them… I was their supposed God of Magic, one that not only had neglected his job with them but had also started a war with their alter egos without even notifying them, so... yeah, if I were them, I would also be mad, anyway. Jupiter was, at least according to the letter he sent, quite conflicted and angry with my decision, and had sent a letter full of passive-aggressive rage that somehow had been quite respectful, so seeing they didn’t insult me or anything, I agreed to their invitation to face the council of Rome. Of course, I took some… precautions, like sending a magical construct that looked and felt exactly like me, one that I would remotely control to see what they wanted.

With a smile, I teleported my construct to the Roman Pantheon. At my arrival, I was greeted by Mars and Phoebus, who both escorted me to the council room, where Diana, Jupiter and Juno awaited for me, “Adamas, God of Magic, God of Rome, you stand here for the crimes of starting a war without the approval of the council, how do you plead?” Jupiter spoke as soon as I entered the room, his voice echoing in the room, god someone needs to fix that echo, it’s annoying.

“Guilty,” I nodded, hearing my own voice echoing across the room, someone really needs to fix that, wondering what would follow next.

“In accordance to the Council, for breaking the rules, we hereby strip you of your realms,” Jupiter declared, and I snorted…. this had to be a joke, a bad one at that.

“The realm you guys gave me?” I asked, trying to make sure I was hearing them correctly.

“Every realm within your possession,” Diana answered, and at that, I kept my composure, and… who am I kidding, I laughed like a bastard… which is accurate, I am a bastard, a godly bastard, a sexy one at… ok Adam, stop sucking your own dick.

Back to the problem at hand… were…. Were they being serious, I looked at them and realized, they were, motherfuckers, “Look Jups, I apologize for ignoring my duties… I really do, though those duties were never disclosed to me… but still, I am sorry, but if you think, I will give you my realms just because you and your council are throwing a temper tantrum, then guess again,” I challenged.

“The moment you joined our pantheon, you agreed to be under my reign,” Jupiter stated, his eyes fixed into mine, “By that, any and all realms you have with you… belong to the council of Rome, and by extension, me, now hand over the realms of Magic, War, Violence, Wisdom, ---” He kept going on and on, listing the realms I had, without missing one.

“I see,” I sighed, “Well… allow me to elaborate upon my last statement, because it seems you can’t understand me, Jupiter… if you want my realms… you are free to get them... off my cold dead hands that is,”

“Child, don’t start anything…” Mars the Roman counterpart of Ares growled, “We are giving you a peaceful choice, give up your realms, and leave,”

“Frankly, I find the fact you guys think I will accept this… somehow more insulting than Dionysus thinking he had a chance against me,” I laughed, “Oh well, it was a good run here…” at that I stood up from my chair, and waved at the council, “Let’s keep in touch,”

“Your insolence knows no bounds,” Juno sighed, and the next thing I know is that my magical construct had a hole on his chest, “A.. magical construct, crafty…” she tickled her tongue, annoyed.

“I apologize you didn’t pierce the real me,” I deadpanned.

“You don’t want to have us as enemies kid,” Mars sighed, and… well, I was astonished, Mars and Ares had nothing in common, at all… “You broke the rules,”

“Rules that were never given to me, but okay….” I gestured him to continue spotting his stupid points.

“Very well,” Jupiter spoke, getting my attention, “From this day forward, you are banished from Rome,” oh no, the place I ignored till now is out of my reach, whatever shall I do…. “You are no longer welcomed here,”

“Ok,” I shrugged, destroying the construct in a violent explosion of confetti and pink glitter, why? Well, because I will always have the last laugh!


[Diana POV]

I looked at father, who was covered like everyone in the room, head to toes in pink glitter and confetti that said in bright letter ~I am a slutty god~, and I couldn’t help but wonder, why did he agree to let him go, why banish him… instead of killing him, “Father, why did you let him go?” I asked, trying but failing to eliminate the confetti and glitter of my body.

“Because I am not sure I can beat him,” Jupiter admitted, shocking everyone present, “This was my attempt to bring him down… my attempt to weaken him… alas I failed,” he chuckled.

“Surely you jest,” Mars spoke up, “He can’t by any means take on all of us, and while I can believe he is on your level, at the very least… I don’t think he can deal with all of us at once,”

“Sure, we could take him…” Jupiter nodded, “In numbers, the uncertainty about if I can beat him or not would go away… but he’s not alone is he? Thor, Odin, Sun Wukong…. So why even try... we would be bringing a violent war to our doors… one that we have no chance of winning,”

“So… we just banish him?!” I asked, still shocked.

“We closed a chapter with him, unprovoked the kid is harmless… a sleeping lion if you wish… kick the lion and you will hear him roar,” Jupiter stated, making me wonder, was Adam such a big threat, “Besides, if his family decided to help him… we would stand no chance,”



Next chapter coming in the morning.


Ha! So total BS just to make sure they don’t end up his enemy. Nice! Best to cut your losses while you can.