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With my newfound power I instantly charged at my foe, shocking the latter who had no choice but to get on a defensive stance, which allowed him to block my attack, but was still pushed back, at this I inwardly smiled as I snapped my fingers creating several fireballs that all collided with him blasting him to the ground in flames, I then teleported in front of him ready to deliver a few extra attacks, but the God of War blocked my next two blows with his weapon, before attempting to counter with a punch of his own, which failed when I grabbed him by the wrist with my left hand deviating the attack while I blasted him with my right hand with a mana attack.

Ares who was sent flying into a nearby mountain took in another stable defensive stance, angrily exhaling, things were not going the way he wanted. With a smile that no one could see for my lack of mouth, I quickly continued the assault, teleporting behind him delivering a horizontal kick, and pushed the God of War to his knees.

I had to admit, this power… this divine form was worth it, for the first time in my life I felt no restrain, no problems controlling my power, I felt free.

Ares growled from the ground, and tried to stab me with his weapon, but was taken aback by the speed with which I counter his attempt, snapping my fingers I created a ball of light that explored with a barrage of powerful blasts, each blast even stronger than the last, making Ares scream in pain and agony.

“This… can’t be happening!” Ares growled, ichor spilling down his mouth, and I could tell, the God of War was quickly becoming overwhelmed by my newfound raw force and speed, and the once aggressive head on approach he had of taking the bull by the horns, was slowly changing to a more conservative approach as he retreated under the onslaught of incoming blows.

—And here I thought I would actually get to test this new powerful yet very copyrightable new form- I wrote on a sign, as I inwardly chuckled.

Ares growled but didn’t respond, was this all the bark the God of War had, disappointing, to think he would lose all his snark after losing the advantage, pathetic.

"Getting cocky, aren’t we!’" Ares managed to finally reply, only to find himself inside a magical prison I had created during the time he took to answer, “What is this,”

—Rune Prison— I winked at him, before the runes of the prison exploded violently around him, doubling the giant to his knees, —They pack quite a punch don’t you think?—

“This can’t be… I won’t be defeated by a child!” Ares growled with uncontrollable anger as he punched the ground creating seismic movements around the country, “I won’t be defeated! Not by you!” He screamed, jumping high into the air before he blasted full speed my way.

With a sigh, I teleported my weapon behind him and with a playful wink directed to him I snapped my fingers, releasing all the kinetic energy my weapon had been saving so far, the blast blew a hole right through his chest, stopping him dead on his tracks, —So I didn’t need my divine form to defeat you, good to know…— I wrote on a sign as the God of War looked at me in shock for a brief moment, touching his wound in fright.

“Fuck…” Ares muttered a second before he started to descend into the ground, leaving a trail of golden ichor behind him.

I eyed the god wondering how he was still keeping his divine form active while having sustained such heavy damage, but before I had time to ponder over this question, a flash of blinding light answered it, showing a now normal sized Ares falling to the ground almost dead.

“Oh well… I had fun,” Ares admitted, coughing golden blood, “I died like I lived… to my fullest,” he chuckled.

—I suppose you did— I wrote on a sign as I descended towards him, —I know you don’t care about your children, but… I won’t harm them— my war was with the Gods, not their children.

“Heh, well… thanks I guess,” Ares laughed, “Well kid, be sure to win this shit… I don’t want to be the one who lose to the loser… that would be just sad…”

—Haha, well… that’s the plan,— I wrote.

“Good, now get on with it…” Ares chuckled, “I ain’t got all day,”

—I think we could’ve been friends in another life,— I admitted, as I started to extract his soul and essence.

“That sounds about right,” Ares chuckled.

—Goodbye Ares,— I wrote as his body started to disappear.

“Give them hell kid,” Ares laughed, his body turning to dust… one could say he had the last laugh, I can admire that.

“Impressive,” Someone clapped behind me, someone I was too familiar with, Nyarlathotep… my father, “Too bad you still don’t fully accept your outer heritage…”

I eyed the outer god for a second, noticing once again he was on his human guise, taking I decided to write an answer only to be stopped by him, “Others can’t understand you… buts that’s because only creatures of the outer can…. so try to speak normally…”

“What do you mean I haven’t accepted my outer heritage…” I said, but instead of words coming out of me, it kinda sounded like hisses and growls.

“That form… underneath that armor it’s the real you,” Nyarlathotep answered, “You could say the armor represents your desire to rebel against your father… what a naughty boy,”

I know that wasn’t supposed to sound sexual, but… “I am leaving,” was all I said in response, taking the soul of Ares with me.

“You want to devour his soul… you know you need it,” Nyarlathotep stated, “You will need that power…” with that he left, leaving me and the soul of Ares alone.


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