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Ares yelled, raising his fists above his head as a sickly blood red aura appeared around him. And I had to admit, this was going to be hard, his aura was wild filled with bloodlust as it extended in every direction, “We shall see who shall bow!” He declared with a mad grin, his power ever growing, I had definitely made the right choice coming after him.

But even under his overwhelming power, I merely smiled, for some reason I was glad to see this amazing show force; I think a part of me was enjoying the challenge Ares represented, that I would get to push myself beyond I have ever did before.

“Pretty sure it will be you,” I grinned, levitating my weapon behind me while I activated one of its aspects.

Ares smiled at that, then flung his arms in sweeping motion shooting blood red energy blasts around him in every direction, these attacks were easy to avoid, and this made me wonder, what was he trying to accomplish?

“That’s enough warm up… time to end your little parade of idiotic traitors!” Ares barked in laughter rushing at me.

"Finally!" I inwardly chuckled while powering up to match his current power.

Ares reached me in no time and with a sadistic smile tried to strike my face with all his strength using his right fist. While powerful he was painfully predictable and very straightforward, so it was no surprise when I easily dodged his attack by jumping over the God of War whose attack destroyed a mountain behind me.

Ares growled as he turned as quickly as he could to face me once again, with the clear intention to try and attack me once more, but while it was clear in terms of physical strength he was stronger by a decent margin, I was faster, and when his second attack came, I smiled as I slipped under his attack and flung a mana powered punch to his face. Our exchange of attacks continued following these patterns, with me capitalizing on my speed, pushing the battle to my own terms.

This tactical advantage however didn’t last long, because out of nowhere, Ares increased his power once more with a violent scream. Gaining not only more power, but more speed, and thanks to that he managed to grab me by the arms, as I was about to hit him once more, with a smile Ares looked at me in the eyes, before he proceeded to slam my face to his knee repeatedly, much to his shock his attacks weren’t having any effect.

“Reverse,” I muttered and in a bright flash Ares was flung across the earth like a rag doll, “Wow, am I glad, I used my weapon to neutralize your attacks,” I whistled.

“A weapon that absorbs physical attacks,” Ares laughed, “Good, otherwise… this wouldn’t be fun!” At that his power doubled once more, as he grew in size, but not quite reaching his divine form.

“You are not the only one who has been holding back,” I grinned as my aura took on a more violent aspect as my power grew, now instead of my normal blue aura, the one I was currently projecting was now green with black edges around, emanating the power I had awoken in hell.

“The outer…” Ares took a step back, hesitation crawling down his spine, “No wonder you are able to match me! Hahahah! Fun! This is so fun!” However his hesitation didn’t last long, and it was soon replaced with sick joy.

“You are one piece of work aren’t ya,” I sighed, getting into position.

“A masterpiece,” Ares laughed.


[Athena POV]

Ares and Adam were facing each other out of Zeus’s sight, and by the looks of it, Ares had the power advantage in terms of experience, what I meant by that was that while Adam was undoubtedly stronger, he had yet to access his divine form, while Ares had mastered his eons ago, meaning that when the battle reached the point of Ares going all out, all hopes of Adam winning would be lost, and yet… even with that information… the power Adam was now using, the outer power within him… made me feel like no analytical deduction would really predict the outcome of this battle.

“Shouldn’t you be… I don’t know…. helping him!?” The demon pet Adam kept hissed at me angrily.

“Learn your place,” I glared at her, “And to answer your idiotic suggestion, Adam needs to overcome this on his own, otherwise no one will actually follow him into battle,”

“I see,” The demon sighed, “And I know my place, it’s above you…” she smiled, sticking her tongue out at me, “I know for a fact my master would kill you should anything happen to me under you, so the one that needs to learn its place it’s you,”

I glared at her, how dare she think I.. a god was beneath a mere demon made for pleasuring males, me?! The goddess of wisdom and warfare, beneath a talking fleshlight?! “I am willing to try that theory,” I replied, summoning my spear.

“You won’t try anything,” Hestia said in a cold tone, “She’s important to Adam, and therefore it’s important to me… touch her, and I will send Odín after you,”

“Her food is amazing, so I would do it, no hesitation, I’m not even gonna ask what you did wrong, don’t care,” Odín that had appeared out of nowhere shrugged, “Her Kroppkakor is to die for,” the Norse king added, his mouth watering in something akin to anticipation.

“‘May I as well join in on this endeavor?!” Thor who had also appeared out of nowhere asked, “I am in need of some Hestia Gravlax,”

“See,” The demon smiled, “Everybody loves dear old honey,”

“I retract my previous statement,” I reluctantly said, one day Adam would grow bored of his little whore, and she would face the consequences of insulting a goddess, for now, I would ignore her.


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