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Before leaving hell, I had to take care of a few things, things I had promised Honey when I became the mayor, that the system would change for those like her. This task could only be completed in one of two ways, one…. killing Lucifer, and two… negotiating with him, and considering the big baddy of the Bible was still stronger than me, even after my power boost, I decided to make a deal… with the devil, huh… a deal with the devil…. to be honest, I thought I would get to that point years before this.

Dealing with Lucifer was going to be difficult, or so I would say, you see… when I went to his palace, he seemed ready to fight me, and while that is something quite common in my life, he seemed almost as distressed as me, it didn’t take me long to connect the dots and see what had happened, my father… had paid a visit to him, and well… I can only assume how things went from there, but considering how tended he looked, not well at all.

So taking that into account, I offered the following, he could either fight me to the death, which he seemed to want with all his might, but would risk summoning the hentai nightmare I have for a father or he could do me a favor here and there about the situation in hell, and in return I would leave hell for good, making the chance of that man visiting his realm less likely to happen.

For a moment, it seemed like Lucifer was having an inner debate about what option was the best, but in the end, selected the one that would work best for us. And so, the hellborn citizens got what they wanted, and I was free of my commitments in Hell.

After that, I opened a portal from Hell to New York, where I would… release some stress in the streets, by pranking and having some fun around town, maybe visit the sorority girls I nailed last time, and before I hear the cosmos say, you have a succubi under you, yes… I know, but I’m a firm believer you don’t fuck your employees, or… self appointed slaves, it would be weird.


As I walked the streets of New York with Honey by my side, I was stopped by a weird looking man, and boy I was ready to throw some hands, thinking he was a demon or something, but the man ended up being a recruiter for a strip club down the street… and my first thought was, this motherfucker thinks I’m a pimp, and Honey is one of my bitches, and wants to hire her, but I was quickly proved wrong when the man offered me a job.

“A… say what now?” I was so surprised, I didn’t know what emotion was the correct one to display, in one part… I was flattered, but… while I was flattered, I also felt insulted, did he really think I was that bad economically that I needed to work a pole?

“You will make five thousand an hour,” The man offered, and… I accepted, but soon he would regret hiring me, because I was a type of stripper he had no idea how to deal with, I was a pranking stripper!

And so I went with a weird guy to the strip club, where I would prank the owner and the girls inside dressed as a firefighter. My prank was simple yet diabolical, I would dress with a very concervative firefighter outfit that covered everything. And under that I would enchant my clothes with new ones, creating a loop of undressing that would never end.

“So… you are stripper now,” Honey giggled seeing frustration around, “How much for a private dance hot stuff, or maybe a quick fuck?,”

“I’m a pranking stripper that likes to tease these lonely sad ladies by making them think I will eventually show something, when in reality that will never happen, not a gigolo!” I gasped insulted, my art was making sure these horny ladies questioned how was that, no matter how many clothes I took off, I always had a new costume underneath, and the only thing they would get to see for a brief moment were them godly thighs.

“Hi hot stuff,” A very attractive blonde woman said, with a rather seductive smile that promised a good time, “Me and my girls,” the girls aka her friends were equally hot, “Want to have some fun, how does ten thousand dollars sound for you to… fuck us all?”

I turned to Honey, and smiled, “I am a gigolo now,” I looked at the girls and turned back to Honey once again, “I’m a free gigolo,” a real man doesn't ask for money!

“Oh come on!” Honey complained.


After having a rather good time releasing both sexual and pranking tension, I decided to go to Asgard. I was curious as to what Hestia was doing, but decided to go after relaxing a bit, mostly to avoid exploding my frustrations at her, besides when the universe offers you five supermodels for free, you say yes.

“It’s not fair… I am your personal succubi… and yet I don’t get any love,” Honey pouted and I snorted.

“Honey, I’ll be honest with ya, I don’t fuck friends,” I chuckled, “I value the little friendships I have too much, to risk them with a night of pleasure, strangers? I don’t mind, the chance of them finding me ever again is very slim, but… the people close to me, I don’t want it,”

“In your sleep,” Honey chuckled, but then her demeanor turned rather serious, “In your sleep you kept saying one name, Hestia, Hestia… Hestia,”

I eyed her not sure why that would be worth mentioning, “Well, she is the most important person in my life, my best friend if you will,”

“Yeah, tell yourself that,” Honey snorted in clear amusement, her lips perking up into a small smirk.

“I… she is,” I wasn’t sure where she was going with this.

“Adam, we succubi can see and eat emotions,” Honey stated, “Lust though is the only one that we can actually touch or handle, the rest are quite toxic for us… unless they are connected in someway to Lust,” I will be honest, I was lost… “In your sleep, when you said her name, I felt love your love, and is not the kind of love you are telling yourself you have for her, because… believe me I know… you want more,”



I really hope hestia hears them talking because I really want her do know how he feels


Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️