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[Adam POV - Main Consciousness]

I am not gonna lie, this deal of being in three places at the same time, was confusing and at the same time, it was not. It was weird how I was able to keep track of everything to the most little detail of what was happening around me, not only in Hell, but in Asgard without having any problems whatsoever.

I guess in the end things worked out for me, in a very odd way naruto way, now the question was, what to do… what to do… I mean… my goal had drastically changed after discovering my very being was capable of splitting into equally sentient clones of myself by dividing my power into equal fractions, with this, I no longer needed the Princes and their keys to escape hell, I could do it at will. So what was I to do now that leaving was a very easy option? I mean… Odín seemed to think training in Hell was a good idea, and considering there weren't many things this place could really offer, besides the Princes themselves, led me to believe Odín wanted me to fight them, besides them this place had nothing to offer.

So knowing Odín like I did, the princes had moved a few numbers in my be careful bitch list. Odín was not one to have others waste time, so under that… I could only assume the princes were powerful enough to challenge and perhaps even beat me if I was cocky. Which in turn meant, Lucifer was out of my league, for now.

So with that in mind, I decided it was time to train, regardless of how powerful the beings of hell really were, I had to learn control, I had to become more than I already was… gaining control over all the power I had, this was a thought Odín himself agreed on, and because of that, did something I didn’t expect… he became my teacher, well… of one of my three beings…. When did I become three? Well, allow me to elaborate.

Odín said, that best way now that I… was able to split myself was to train in a… training triangle, it’s… a lame name I know, but bear with me for a second, each corner of this triangle dealt with something I was lacking right now, my corner… was freestyle training, meaning what I did before becoming a God, feeding my creativity, Thor and Sun Wukong would deal with my hand to hand and armed combat in their corner, and last but not least Odín, he would guide me in the arcane arts, teaching me how to become a better mage.

So… right now, there were three Adams across reality, one was in Asgard training with Odín and hanging out with Hestia, the second one was in Brazil, fighting Thor and Sun Wukong in a never ending battle for supremacy, and the last was in Hell, planning in what order he was going to kill the princes of Hell, each Adam had a task, that if completed… would change the balance of power, forever.


[Adam POV - Asgard ]

Odín was…. not the kind of teacher I would’ve wanted in highschool… why? Well… because he was one to believe you had to break someone to their very core to actually teach them… and because of that he had forced me back to the bases, and that didn’t even mean the Mnemonic chapter, no… that would’ve been easy…. no… he was going to the true base of all magic, or as he said, control… theory, and application, or CTA.

Control was… pretty self explanatory not gonna lie, but so were the other steps, soool I still gonna explain it. Control meant the capability of a mage to mold, change, transmute and reign his mana. For a mage without control, is nothing.

Theory was the honey… of every mage, and no I did not mean Honey my unwanted slave, it just happened the word I used for my metaphor was also her name…. Anywho, without it, what was the point of having control? Theory was supposed to be the knowledge one has accumulated, making things simpler for mages, because the more knowledge one had, the more power one had. Because knowledge was power, and this was something every mage lived by.

Application, as the word itself explained, it was well… the application of step one and two, while adding an extra layer, the application of one’s knowledge.

“You are using too much mana, that is a waste, try to concentrate more… focus on the feeling inside your chest when you mold the mana necessary to cast a spell,” Odín instructed.

“Alright,” I nodded.


[Adam POV - Hell ]

Remember when I said… Honey had thanked me for saving her from a life of slavery by… becoming my slave, well.. that truck of shit doesn’t end there, because… in the span of one day, Honey somehow made half of demons of this town, to give a rough estimate… see me as some kind of chosen one, and therefore… did the same as her, pledging their souls and bodies to me… I somehow find the body part more disturbing than the soup… I mean the soul part.

So here I was, with hundreds of slaves I didn’t even want to… and no idea what to do… yeih, at least one thing was clear… I now cannot have a Twitter account, or any account in social media… I mean… I would probably get canceled the moment one of my… servants commented I was his master… then again, people might take as some kind of kinky shit… jokes aside … I had no idea how to proceed.

“Everything okay?” Honey asked, smiling at me.

“Well… I guess I’m god,” I chuckled, “I mean… in the sixteen hundreds I would’ve been a popular dude,”

“Because of the slaves?” Honey asked.

“Because of the slaves,” I nodded, rolling my eyes at her playfully, “Jokes aside… I need to know… how the fuck do we get water here?”

“Through the tunnels laying into the underground,” Honey answered, “Though the only one that gets clean and fresh water in all town is the mayor, the rest don't have the money nor the permission to drink anything clear, mayor orders,” Really… no clear water… was the mayor so desperate to flex his power over them?.... damn, no wonder these people see me as their personal Messiah, even a potato would make a better mayor than the last guy, heck I even bet their list of requirements for the position was something like… Breathing… optional.



Adam and the Adams... the pranking potential is endless!


Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️