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[Odin POV]

Adam’s untapped power was growing alarmingly fast, not only his… I don’t want to call it a religion, but the church he unknowingly created was growing quite fast having already a few hundred members, which normally would do nothing to a God, a few believers made no important change on a god... but the pantheon his father belonged to was affecting him, they believed in Adam, not under that name, but they believed in him… even if the mentions of his person dated thousands of years ago... the point was… an entire pantheon of believers was somewhat aware of Adam and his power, under another name…. meaning his power was… ever growing, faster than Adam could adapt himself to control.

In fact, I reckoned that in a decade or two, his power would naturally surpass that of his siblings, not counting his training. And by that I was referring to the fact that his power would get to those highs without any external aid like training, but if he did that, that would leave him in the same situation he was in now, a lot of power and no control over it. It was funny really, him complaining about Sun Wukong’s aura, or Thor’s, when in reality his aura is even more wild and unrestrained than those two, he simply doesn't feel it… he has grown accustomed to his unpredictable aura, I reckoned he did so in Tartarus.

My job now was to prepare… not only me… but Adam for the unavoidable visit of his father, a man… that by no means I wanted to ever see again. Adam and him… were both so different and yet so similar in some aspects, it was… disturbing, but I suppose it was to be expected, he was his father, huh… there were days I wanted to tell Adam, who his father was I really did, but he still wasn’t strong enough, no… he needed to be stronger, to face the cruel reality of his destiny, because only if he was strong, he would have the power to bend fate itself to his whim…. Instead of following the path his father paved for him.

And as long as I had the power to help Adam, I would do it. Not that I was doing this just because I wanted to be a good guy, no… you needed more than that, I was the King of Asgard, and helping Adam helped Asgard, had I grown soft of the kid? Maybe, he was a good warrior, with a thirst for knowledge that made it hard not to like him, but that was just a bonus, I had my reasons to help the possible future king of the Greeks,

“How is Adam doing?” Frigg inquired, a worried tone carrying her voice, “Is he doing okay?”

“He is… improving,” I chuckled, seeing Adam getting his ass kicked over and over again was getting old…. But it was proving to generate the expected results Thor and Sun Wukong wanted from him.

“Is his destiny still the same?” Frigg asked, her lips closing into a thin line, “Or has he changed anything?”

“His distant future is clouded… I can see various possible glimpses of his various probable futures, but they glimpses I get vary a lot according to what is going on around him, but… in every single one of them there is always a constant, love and darkness always following him up close,” I sighed.

“Love and darkness,” Frigg muttered, “A poetic name for Hestia and his father,”

“Hahaha, I suppose it is, haha,” I admitted.


[Adam POV]

Have you ever wondered what it feels to fracture every single bone in your body in a single day? Yeah, me neither, I mean who the fuck wonders that shit… but here I was… in the span of forty eight hours I have not only experienced that, but worse, not only the sons of… my friends had broken my body over and over, but at times I would find bones where they didn’t belong, and no… I will not elaborate… which reminded me… how was this over the top freaking violent training not killing me? But the big ass snake almost did with a bitch slap? I had no fucking idea… but I had to admit, I was quite confused with how my body worked right now, perhaps I was allergic to snakes or something, and it was kinda like a pokemon match up type perhaps?

The worst part was, I had no idea how long it would take me to pass the test, Sun Wukon had yet to disclose, was the test beating him? It couldn't be, that would take me a few centuries, maybe less… but still, too much time, so it had to be something else, but what exactly? That still eluded me, so for now, I would simply try to adapt to this situation, so that I could eventually overcome whatever the Monkey King planned to throw at me. On other news, this training was proving to be successful on other parts of my development, my weapon.

I was making slow but steady progress with my new weapon, one that I had yet to name. The weapon in question seemed to be a lightning rod of sorts for magical and physical attacks, storing the energy from an attack it received later allowing me to use the stored energy to attack my enemies, was there a catch? Of course there was... the catch was I could only block one of the two.

Allow me to elaborate, for example…. let’s say Thor is coming at me, ready to bash my head with his trusty weapon, on this hypothetical case, Mjolnir is fully charged with his magic lightning breaking from the hammer itself shattering the very earth on its wake, and not only that… but Thor is not holding back his strength ready to push beyond his limits, in this case if I chose to block the physical part of his attack, my weapon would absorb the physical part of the attack, transforming said part into kinetic force, storing the kinetic force inside of it, for me to use on a later date, but….. what happens to the magical part of Thor’s attack? Well, it's quite simple, that shit would hit me, at least on this hypothetical case.

“Ready for round fifty two!?” Thor barked, breaking me out of my train of thought, with a bored gaze, I eyed the norse god for a moment, seeing he had a smile on his face.

Oh well, I suppose I will have time to ponder about my abilities and the abilities of my weapon later on, when my new upcoming fractures have to regenerate, “I am,” I sighed, this was going to be a loooong long day.


Sondre - Asumodeus

I had completely forgotten about that crack head convert... will be hillarious once Adam learns about that

Orion Chung

Chapter please