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After dealing with our initial grief, we rushed to the room where we had last smelled our Alice, inside the room there was nothing, but faint traces of blood… her blood.

Where was her body… was the first thing that came to our mind, had another vampire move it while we fought? Unlikely we would've detected the beast before it managed to reach her, so then… what had happened?

Maybe… We had been too out of our zone to notice whatever had moved her corpse, “We will find it,” we declared, our talons flexing in anticipation, “In the meantime, we will hunt them all!” We were going to make sure, they… paid for taking so much from us.


[13 Years Later - 1933 - Rochester New York - Jack POV]

It had been thirteen years since I… we lost the last living member of our family, and since that day, Venom… and I had been hunting every single vampire, we could get our claws on. Destroying the cancer they represented one at a time, soon enough we learned a few things about them, one… they were immune to sunlight, but loved to hunt during the night, two…. they had powers, Venom simply assumed those with powers were mutants that had been turned.

Those with powers were difficult to hunt, depending on the power the hunt could take hours or years, like our last prey, a vampire with telekinesis…. a very annoying combination.

We had also learned they would usually move to… highly populated areas, it was a no brainer... more people more prey... which is why we currently were in New York, the perfect place to hunt them.

—It’s time,— Venom hissed within my mind, reminding me once again why we were here. The sun had already dropped below the upper edges of the tall buildings around more than an hour ago, so it was the perfect time to start hunting them.

“You and me buddy,” I inwardly smiled.

-Forever- Venom added.

With that said and done I crouched ready to start my job, and in a blur I leapt as high as I could, digging into the bricks with my claws before I shot a web line to the next nearby building, to start patrolling the area.

If there was one thing I loved… it was web-slinging… I loved it, it was fun, the repetitive process of. Reach, shoot, thwip, snag, swing, pull, release, repeat. It felt good. I felt free, we felt free… like a bird I suppose… I wonder if that’s why America chose the Bald Eagle as his national bird.

As we moved around the area, a smell caught our attention… blood, lots of it, “It seems we have a prey,” we hissed in delight.


[Rosalie Hale POV]

“Royce… I think you hit her too hard, she’s bleeding out… should we get a doctor?” Mark, one of Royce's friends asked.

Royce, had beaten me… broken my body, and now here I laid… dying, all I wanted was a family, was that so wrong.

“No…” Royce replied, licking his lips as he eyed me up and down, “I think she’s perfect the way she is…”

I… he couldn’t mean… fear creeped up my spine… I knew that look… haha don’t know why but I knew that look… he was going to rape me, he wasn’t going to let me die with some dignity?!

“Royce… I don’t think…” John commented, “She will die….”

“And we will fuck her to death,” Royce laughed, ripping my dress apart, “Look at her, shaking in fear even though her body is all broken…” with a diabolical lustful desire, Royce licked my face, and pulled out his cock, “Good! Rosie… I like my prey… when they fear me!” He smirked and his friends started to laugh.

“What a coincidence!” The snarling hiss of a voice came from above. Whatever it was stopped Royce dead on his tracks. With what little I could make I saw a monster dropping beside Royce, a predator-like creature that had frozen in fear, my very own monster, Royce. I could literally see the chill that ran up Royce’s spine as he stared at the creature. “So do we!” The monster hissed once again.

“Lord save—” Royce started to pray as he tried to run, but before he could actually run away, escape the monster, the creature’s hand shot up, black claws clamping on his throat like a collar.

“Sometimes… you humans are worse than anything we have ever faced!” The monster hissed, digging his claws into his neck. This woke up Royce’s friends who all started to run, “Running… how fun,”

This had to be divine justice… I was dying that much I knew, but I would get to see all of them… die before me.

“You and all your kind…” The monster snarled, his talons flexing, digging deeper into Royce’s neck, breaking a dam of blood that now dripped down his neck like a river, “Are the worse!” The monster growled, throwing the now limb body of Royce at his friends with such force that all I saw was a blurry of motion.

With a loud crack, two of Royce’s friends screamed, while the other was stopped by what I assumed was a black tendril coming from the beast, “No matter what reality… what time, you humans always hurt yourselves more than anything…” with that he pulled the tendril to him, with a screaming man attached to it, “Have the decency of dying like a man,” the monster growled, opening his mouth… no… his maw above the head of the man I could no longer recognize thanks to my vision slowly deteriorating, then the monster pushed the screaming man forward putting his head inside his mouth and…. the screaming stopped.

“Disgusting,” The monster hissed, throwing the decapitated body to the side, “But beggars can't be choosers,” the monster turned to me, and approached.

Was I going to die like that…. eaten by a monster… well, if that was the price I had or paid for seeing them die… then, I was happy.

“You will die…” The monsters whispered, “We are sorry, we arrived too late…” he sounded sorrowful, “Have solace in the fact you didn’t die alone today,”



Okay, now that I've binged all of these chapters from first to eleventh in like half an hour, I'm really starting to wonder why I hadn't read this earlier. I really like this, and I'm actually now hoping you don't drop this one. Your top three novels for me at the moment are 1. Percy Jackson 2. Avatar 3.Twilight Like it's literally third place and you've had the chapters out for quite a while now. Anyways, all this to say, thanks for this chapter, and I hope you'll continue to write this one too!


Literally me RN. I don't know why the hell I hadn't seen this sooner.


Twilight, for me, is at the top since it's the only Twilight actually unique. The other Twilight fics are boring.