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The weapon of Zeus, the King of Olympus had been stolen, the most powerful weapon in existence the fucking Master Bolt was lost, and the supernatural world of the gods was in utter chaos, and I had to admit that I had no fucking idea how Luke managed to steal the weapon, and I don't mean the fact he managed to take it, Zeus, no, I mean the guy fucks all day long with anything with a pulse… and without a pulse, completely neglecting his wife, so stealing from him should be in theory easy. What I mean was the fact that for weeks I have been watching Luke with my magic. And yet he managed to escape from my sights, both literal and magical, and from the camp... to steal the weapon.

How did he do that? No idea, but the guy was good, I had to admit it, that… or he had stolen the weapon way before I came. Which would leave to question how incompetent was Zeus to not notice his weapon was missing for a couple of months?

Oh well, no time to figure out if Luke did a Houdini on us or Zeus just didn’t notice until now, I hope it is the latter otherwise my magic game is being circumvented by him and I don’t like that… not at all considering his boss, anyway... I am very concerned about certain… details about this event, normally I would just let bygones be bygones, I mean Percy is about to come and save the day, but there were certain incriminating things about me and this event that would lead me to an early grave, like the fact I had previously taken Apollo’s weapon…. And if anyone else found out, I would die.

But why Adam, why must you be pessimistic, well, allow me to illuminate, see Zeus is as paranoid as they come maybe even more…. so if he discovers or hears I was able to summon Apollo’s weapon without his consent, he would connect some very bad dots for me, which in turn would end with me being electrocuted to the afterlife or Tartarus, probably Tartarus.

And before I hear anyone say, your siblings would never betray you! Well, that is partly true, but…. Apollo won’t be able to help it, he is the God of Truth and he always says the truth, which… fucks my life if they ask him.

So in front of me, I had two options… recovering the master bolt myself from Ares, or hoping that no one asks Apollo the right questions… or I could always anonymously hint Ares has the weapons if push comes to shove.

Yeah, the last one works… or doesn’t I didn’t really know, because I had no idea if my canon knowledge was canonical anymore. I mean for all I knew my presence here changed who Luke gave the weapons to.

So in the meantime, I shall be as secondary as possible… I will be so secondary that if ever make an anime out of me I will be one of those characters they draw in the back to fill the environment.

“Wanna join the arena later on?” Annabeth said as she walked up to me with smirk, while I was currently doing sit-ups out my cabin as part of my training to gain some extra needed stamina, “With your current skills I am sure you will get a nice position, and probably a hefty price,”

“Annabeth, I am the sole provider of haircuts and clothes and games in the camp… money it’s not a problem,” I smirked, wiping the sweat of my training with money.

“Was that necessary?” Annabeth chuckled.

“Yes, I had to assert my dominance!” I laughed, drying the money with Magic, “Not but for real, I don’t need the money, I have all the sweaty money I need,”

“Very well, but you are coming to see the fights at least right?” Annabeth asked with a smile.

“Sure, why not?” I nodded, “It should be a nice change of pace seeing others getting their asses kicked… which reminds me, if you ever hit me in the nuts again, I will erase your tits out of existence, not that you have any…” I muttered the last part just for me to hear as I remembered how she had won the last duel with a super kick to my boys… my poor boys.

“You almost won our last duel…” Annabeth chuckled, “I saw an window for victory and I took it,”

“Annabeth… if you ever see that window again, you better not take it!” I said, narrowing my eyes at her into a thin line, “That is a window you never take, I mean… I avoid hitting you on the breasts, which by the is a privilege you lost with the last nut shot, sooo next duel be sure to have some armor up there, unless you want a tit shoot,”

Annabeth sighed and then shuddered, “I don’t think I want to fight against you anymore… I have a strong feeling you will seek revenge on my chest area,”

“I will avenge my boys one way or another Annabeth, I will avenge them!” I declared to the winds.

“Is that what a gentleman would do?” Oh trying to play the gentleman card.

“I believe in gender equality,” I smiled at her.

“Weaponizing my beliefs…. well played,” Annabeth clapped her hands admitting she had lost against me in an argument, which for the children of Athena was a rarity.

“I play to win,” I chuckled, “but in all seriousness I will be there to see you kick some demigod arse,”

“Perfect,” Annabeth perked up at that, “So that means no revenge?”

“Oh no, I will have my revenge, but that will come when you least expect it,” I laughed like a mad man, leaving a very concerned Annabeth behind, I felt bad for her, but it was out of my hands… she had crossed a line, one a man upholds above all, and now… I had to plan a very elaborated and over the top prank to ruin her first encounter with Percy… haha, hahahah… muahahaha!


Sad Rain

I love the evil laugh thing. Please keep it up


Vengeance must be Glorious!💥