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Author note: Still in the hospital waiting for my check out.... yeih.... but this is part of the surprise I worked, I have in my PC five more episodes ready, this is just the prologue that I happened to have on my phone to post, as to why I’m doing this novel? Well, I want to take a break from twilight, I found myself against a dry wall of imagination, and this idea has been revolving around my head since my family bought me the Percy Jackson series for Xmas.

As soon as I get home I will release the rest and the avatar ones sorry for the inconvenience.


My name is Adam Aragon, and I died.

When I died during my last moments, I didn't pray to any godly figure or whatever mumbo jumbo controls the universe to resurrect me, and besides it wasn't like I expected it either; my death was quite common... no truck like in most animes, no saving anyone just because, just boom one second I was there and the next I was dead, so a pretty common death...well, pretty common for my condition anyways, a very brutal heart attack that ended my short run.

The point is that since I was a child, I always knew I was going to die young; living in the hospital most of your life to prolong a pitiful painful existence makes your destiny clear from a young age.

But even with a life filled with crappy parents and a good chunk of medical experiments, I couldn’t complain, well…. I could, but that ain’t gonna solve shit, so I didn't have any regrets in the end, and with that resolve, when I felt my life fading away, I welcomed the eternal embrace of the sweet darkness of death with my open arms, or... At least that’s what I thought so.

You see, instead of dying... dying like I expected, something strange happened, one moment I stopped breathing, and the next I felt like I was being crushed or rather squeezed, and the first thing that went through my head was that this couldn’t be normal, but… then again it's not like I was an expert on dying, this was, after all, my first time dying, so maybe this was what it felt like to die?

"Leto! You must push!" A not at all familiar voice said with concern, leaving me to wonder for a second what did she meant by push… Ohh… fuck.

It took me two seconds to realize what was happening; not only had I died, but I was now being reincarnated, and while many would surely freak out about the fact of being a newborn, I was… intrigued, not like my panic could do much right now besides making people believe I am throwing a tantrum. Oh well, if God wants to screw with me being a baby, at least I ask to be healthy.

And who knows, maybe this time I'll have parents who are present in my life, it'll be interesting to experience that.


It took my new mother eight hours to push me out and two to get rid of me; that’s a personal best; maybe next time I reincarnate, I can be an abortion and break my record. Anywho, at least I know her name, which gives me some clues as to who am I; Leto was her name, meaning I was greek; I wonder if I have to fill in some stereotypes now. Ohh, maybe my new name can be Stelio… Stelio Contos, Stelio… haha, it would be hilarious; I would have my own theme song.

Anywho, without a mother or a father, I was left in a very… VERY creepy catholic orphanage, so…. the odds of getting molested are very high, so… at least one thing is for sure, from this point on, life will only go UPWARDS!.


[Ten years later]

I gotta stop saying shit…. MAYBE ILL HAVE PARENTS, LIFE CAN ONLY GET BETTER, it’s like the universe likes to fuck with me, I mean besides the fact I am VERY healthy now, which if the power that reincarnated me is reading my inner thoughts I must say thank you, everything else is crap.

Not only was I abandoned, which I wouldn’t really care much for it.. If it wasn’t for the fact where my mother dropped me, which I had escaped a year ago, you know it surprisingly easy to survive on the streets as a kid with the brains of an adult, anywho, not only I was abandoned but apparently I was an idiot now, like I know I wasn’t a genius before, but fuck cocking damn it, I can even read now… like it takes me a loooooot of time to read something, and to top that shit, I have the attention span of a brainless fly; literally, I can’t keep my head on one task for more than two seconds.

“Let’s see the pros and cons,” Oh yeah, the pros and cons, something I would do daily to keep my upbeat attitude, which I am not going to lie was getting harder and harder by the second, “I am healthy, but apparently I am an idiot now, my attention span is very short, and I might have dyslexia, and I live in a dumpster so…. Meh, fuck it, still beats being sick with money,” What can I say, I am easy to please, “And risking my life getting worse, I will say, things can only get better from now on!”



HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH GOD FUCKING DAMN IT, I teased the murphy law with my positivity, and the universe winked at me and slapped me in the A, and the worse part was that I didn’t even see that shit coming, I mean not like it came, one day I was reading about Greek Mythology in the library nearby the park I was living in, trying to understand more about my people, cause I am greek now, and the next thing I know is that a big ass monster is chasing me, hurray.

The monster looked like something straight out of a…. Greek book, huh I can see a pattern there, “Don’t run little demigod, let me bite your head off!”

And… that answers my question, alright you won Mr. Universe, you can take you metaphorical dick out of me now, thank you, “I rather not,” I shouted at the monster as I ran like an OLYMPIC athlete… don’t judge me for that pun, I might die soon.

It took me eight hours and ten minutes to lose the monster; apparently, if you smell like shit, they can’t chase you, so I jumped into the sewers and hid, and while I meditated about what had just happened, and how to deal with it, I started to cry, not out of fear, but stress, so far everything life had thrown at me was easy to solve, but monsters?

At least now I know why my mother wasn’t in the picture, Olympian rules, oh, right many might be wondering how did I come to that conclusion, well, the answer is quite simple, it was thanks to the monster, and before I hear the cosmos say duh, it wasn’t just because he called me a demigod, that was just a part of it, adding the fact I have severe dyslexia, ADHD and somehow I ran for hours even though I live on the streets and my nutrition is not exactly good, made the answer simple, I was a demigod, but not in any world, I was one on the world of Percy Jackson.

I know many in my position would be elated to have this opportunity to have untold power at the tips of their hands, but not me; I didn't want to be a half-blood. Being a half-blood is dangerous. It's scary. Most of the time, it gets you killed in very painful, nasty ways. I already had a crappy life; I don’t want another, I don’t need a pair.

“Alright,” I sighed with a smile on my face, “The time for whining is up; now it’s time to find solutions,” But, nonetheless, I was going to make this second chance at life worth it.



Well damn this is definitely great intro! 13/10