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Defeating the Ursoc, the fire bear, was somewhat easy, though we destroyed part of the forest, close to the library, he had a lot of spirit no pun intended, after his defeat, the bear decided to stay by my side so that he could have a rematch, while I learned and practice how to control my Avatar state, or how I called it, my assault mode, it feels better, considering how bloodthirsty I get with it.

“Are you okay?” Cheshire inquired, worried that I was shaking.

What a stupid question, am I okay? Ha!. It takes every ounce of my will power and more to keep my mind in check. It’s like fighting your instincts; you can’t do it without suffering. It’s deeply upsetting.

But I wasn’t going to let my power control me; I was the captain of my fucking body; if I wanted to kill, I would do it with a calm mind, not because; every time I used the Avatar state, or as I call it, my assault mode, the feeling… the need to destroy would get stronger, more intoxicating.

Meaning, whatever that was going on inside of me with that power, was only growing stronger, which left me with little to no choices in the training matter; if I wanted to get a hand of it, I would have to force myself into the state for long periods of time. In theory, after extended periods of time, my body and mind should acclimate to the state. That or kill me, one of the two.

But for me to do that, I had to be alone, without anyone close to kill; otherwise, it would be impossible to get anything from that training. In short, I had to get the fuck out of the spirit realm and find a very secluded spot.

Well, it seems I am going to the Southern Water Tribe, the most secluded and unimportant place on the Avatar world.

“Alright,” I sighed while rubbing my forehead, “I’m leaving,”

“Back to the human world?” Wan Shi Tong inquired, closing a book he was reading for the hundredth time.

I looked up to him and nodded, “Yes, I need to be in a calm environment so that I don’t go on a murderous rampage,”

“I see,” The Owl sighed.

“Wait… you were about to kill us?” Ursoc inquired, getting a nod from an answer, “NEAT!”

What the fuck is wrong with that bear, “Anyway, do you have the scrolls… the copies I asked you?” A few week ago, I had asked Wan to make copies for all the Air Bending, Earth Bending, and Fire Bending scrolls in the library.

“I did,” Wan Shi Tong nodded, giving me the scrolls in a six-foot-tall wooden box that weighted around one hundred pounds. Maybe I should’ve selected fewer scrolls, “Well, my friend, I hope we can see each other soon,” Wan Shi Tong smiled, opening a portal, “This should drop you where the library was before, be careful.”

“He is a magnet for problems,” Cheshire purred, “But he is somehow more dangerous than the things that chase him; he’ll be okay,”

“I will go with you!” Bernard stated.

“Didn’t’ you hear what I said… I need to be alone,” I sighed; this bear only had one thing in mind, and that was fighting me.

“I won’t be close during training, but it has just occurred to me that you need me,” Bernard said, and I raised an eyebrow at that, “If you lose control and direct your attention to those of fairer means, no one would be able to stop you,” he chuckled, “Not that I can stop you, but I can keep your attention occupied in me, so that way you don’t end killing innocent,”

I blinked in surprise, in part; he was right; there wasn’t anything stopping me from going to a nearby town if I let my bloodlust take over, “But if that happens, I could end up killing you,” I stated.

“I know,” Ursoc smiled.

“And you are okay with that?” I asked.

“I am; that’s what rivals do!” Ursoc said with a slight smirk, “Besides, I get to see the human world, two in one!”

“Very well,” I sighed.


[Katara POV]

Every night I would wake up trembling in fear, remembering how badly hurt Aang was; when I woke up after the duel, his body broken and shattered, his blood coating the cold marble floor, and the eyes of that man, he said he was helping Aang, but I could see on his eyes, he wanted to kill him more than anything. It was like staring at the jaws of death, to the dark abyss where monsters laid. It scared me, more than I cared to admit, knowing that not even Aang was able to defeat him, terrified me. If that monster ever wanted to hurt my family, my brother, Aang, I wouldn’t be able to stop him.

“Are you okay Katara,” Aang quaked in worry.

“I’m fine, just thinking what are we going to eat tomorrow,” I lied; I didn’t want to worry him; he already had one big task on his shoulders, defeating Ozai; he was already too young to fight a monster like the Fire Lord, I didn’t want to burden him with a second one.

“It’s okay, Kats,” Sokka smiled, sounding fragile, “We will make by as we have always done,” he knew, he knew I was afraid.

“Yeah,” I cried, as a worried and confused Aang hugged me, trying to soothe my worries away.

“Everything is going to be okay, Katara,” Aang stated, so confident it made me for a brief second forget about everything, “I will make things right,”

“I know you will,” I chuckled, but I knew I was only lying to myself; that monster was perhaps worse than Ozai, I couldn’t really know until I met the Fire Lord myself, but I have never seen such a terrifying gaze before, something so devoid of emotion, I had to ask myself, was it even human?



Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️

Robert Jefferson

🤣🤣I love that bear man always spices the story up