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I talked for hours with Ned, about how we had to handle the upcoming situation at hand, we had to slowly debilitate the enemy, before clashing with them. They outnumbered us, meaning one mistake could prove to me catastrophic for our cause.

We also had to focus on certain objectives first, for one. We had to deal with the dragon the enemy forces had. That monster alone was able to take on my army. Fortunately for everyone, my sons had a plan, they would fight the dragon and lure him into the sea, where the Krakens would destroy the beast.

A dragon might be the strongest creature overall, but a Kraken is unmatched on the water. Making their idea the best path to destroy that beast.

“Neltharion, Qrow and Rhaegal will focus on the dragon,” I stated once again, “Meanwhile we will use the wildfire to slow them down, we must delay the real fight for as long as we can,”

“I already have all the archers ready with fire posts near them,” Robb said, “All our arrows are with dragonglass to maximize the damage,”

“Good,” I said.

“We also have some dragonglass bombs,” Jon added, “I think it is best if we have your ravens dropping them in their lines,” He finished showing me the small bombs, that were the size of a baseball ball.

“How do you ignite them?” I inquired with curiosity.

“The alchemists said that they explode upon impact, I don’t know the exact science behind it,” Jon explained, “We already try them, and they work as intended,”

“Very well,” I nodded, “I will have the ravens know about this,”

*Already on it,* Nick Fury cawed beside me.

“We still have more than enough wildfire to make more traps,” Ned said.

Wildfire quite the useful thing, “We will use all of the remaining fire to keep the enemy lines at bay,” I sighed, “We have to even the playing field for when we clash,”

“Our entire army is armed with dragonglass weapons, or enchanted ones thanks to the red witch,” Robb said.

“We have yet to try if they work,” I said deep in thought, “But I trust her…”

“Sorry if it sounds… bad but, what happened to your eye?” Jon asked, looking at my new flashy eye.

“I died,” I answered, without skipping a beat.

“What?” Ned said after a long pause of silence.

“I fought the Night King one on one, and lost,” I shrugged, “I was brought back to life though, so not big deal,”

“How- how can you fucking say that?!” Ned shouted.

Ned cursing, well that’s a new one, “Ned while I appreciate your concern, do I need to remind you who is the King here?” I asked with a faint smile.

“You are the King, but for that same reason you need to stop thinking your life belongs only to you!” Ned countered his resolve unwavered by my previous statement.

“I suppose,” I shrugged, “I learned by lesson, and know the enemies strengths, I’m here, so please stop yelling and wasting everyone’s time,” I sighed.

“How did you come back to life?” Robb asked.

“The red witch prayed to her god… and here I am,” I chuckled, “I can’t die… not until I kill the Night King, I will forever be in a prison of bone and flesh until I finish the mission forced upon me,”

“Was he that strong?” Jon asked with worry.

“Hmmm, not really,” I hummed, “He just outclassed me in one area, in everything else I was superior,”

“What?” Ned inquired, clearly still angry.

“Battle awareness,” I answered, “He sees what his minions see… meaning I was fighting someone with more than a thousand eyes,” I chuckled, “He had no blind spots, and had more than enough visual information to counter my every move,”

“That’s why we have to spread them,” Ned realized, “Otherwise you would lose again…”

“To be honest with you,” I smiled, “I don’t think he would crush me like he did before, now that I know how he fights, I can at least fight on a equal ground, but I doubt I will be able to kill him,” I hummed, “It would be more like an endless battle this time,”

“If he dies… all of his army dies with him right?” Jon asked.

“Yes,” I answered, wishing that was still the same.

“Then, we will put our lives in the fire for you,” Ned stated, “If all you need is to fight him without his minions around, we will make it happen,”

I looked at Ned with a faint smile, “I’m counting on you then,”


[Neltharion Mormont Ravenicus Targaryen POV]

Father was different, since he woke up… his entire aura was different, he smelled dangerous now, as if a wild beast that had lived in chains for all his life was now finally free.

I knew he still loved us, I knew he wasn’t dangerous for any of us, but the change was… troubling.

His fire felt like it could burn me, and that was not normal, *I wonder if this is the price for being alive once again,*

*No matter what he’s still our dad,* Qrow stated, with a low hiss.

*I know,* Rhaegal nodded.

*Whatever he lost… we have to help him take it back,* I stated, with determination, *We are also creatures of fire… so that god has to hear us!*

*Aye!* Qrow roared in agreement.

*Maybe we can all share the price?* Rhaegal added, *We can all pay with father,*

*Yes, perhaps*


[Daenerys POV]

While Ronard was taking care of the army, I was making sure all our army was in the north on time.

We had the need for every person able to hold a sword and kill, this was not a war for the throne but for surviving.

“I can contact all the priests and priestess in Essos,” Melisandre offered, “All of us together fighting for the same cause, would prove to be force to be reckoned with,”

“It would take them months to arrive,” I sighed, “But send them a message nonetheless,”

“I already did,” Melisandre said, “I contacted them a month and a half ago, and if they are as loyal to the lord as me, they will be here,”

“A man has it’s doubts,” A woman chuckled behind us, “Those priests and priestess are pretty selfish, not all of them, but a great part of them,”

“What do you want faceless,” I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

“A man is here to help,” The faceless man said as he took his face out, revealing a man around his forties, “A man needs this world as much as you do,”

“Then help… being cryptic is useless,” Melisandre scoffed.

“A man will,” The faceless man smiled, as he pulled a blade from a box behind him, and it wasn’t any blade, it was none other than Lightbringer, the sword Melisandre had mistakenly given to Stannis, the sword that belonged to the champion of light, as she described, “This blade was belongs to your champion, Valyrian steel blessed with the the ancestral fire, this is the most lethal thing for the others in this world,”

“It is,” Melisandre nodded with an awestruck expression.

“Will this help Ronard win?” I asked.

“This sword is capable of cutting through steel like butter,” The faceless man nodded, “It was meant to be wielded by him… but that’s no the only sword I have retrieved,”

“What do you mean?” Melisandre asked, as the man smiled pulling another blade from the cage.

“Dawn,” I muttered.

“A man believes some people will be angry… but a man doesn’t care,” The faceless chuckled.



Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️