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After my meeting with the Doctor, I stayed off the radar, communicating with the doctor every now and then, and keeping hydra on the belief I was their loyal pawn, as for Steve, well… I haven’t seen him in a while, not since he was accepted in the army, he was already on his path to becoming the first avenger, as for me. I had slightly different plans.

I couldn’t care less if the world burned, as long Hydra was in it, I wasn’t a hero, I couldn’t be one, not anymore… but sometimes what the world needs is one bad broken person, with good intentions, someone that is not afraid to cross the stupid line morality, to get the desired results.

[END has increased by 1]

Huh, two weeks and I have yet to create the skill I need, Focused Strike, what a drag, “I don’t know what am I doing wrong… I’m focusing all my strength into my fists, and yet nothing happens,” I muttered, as I went over what I had been doing so far, maybe I was trying to solve this problem in the wrong angle, perhaps what I actually needed was to… go shopping.

Books, also known as skill book, were good for learning a useful skill, perhaps one of the many books around, would help me gain a skill to guide me to the skill I really want, Focused Strike.

With that in mind, I grabbed my wallet, and ran down the stairs… finding my handler, on the door, “Mr Valentine, your progress has been, less than desirable,”

God, if I didn’t have this bomb inside of me, I would rip you apart, “Do not worry, I have everything under control, Hydra will get what it so rightfully deserves,” I said truthfully.

“We sure hope so, Mr Valentine… otherwise, well… I guess you know by this point,” The bitch grinned in delight…. She was going to be the first one to go down.

“Never, that little reminder is always in my heart, don’t worry.” I smiled at her, holding my urge to strangle her, “Until next time,”

“Until next time,”


The library was not as helpful as I thought it would be, though… I had options for learning things like basic martial arts, and stuff...but nothing substantially useful.

“Well… there goes my brilliant plan,” I sighed, as I walked out the store, seeing a woman returning a book, [A GUIDE OF SPIRIT AND BODY]

Huh…. that one seems, along the lines of what I’m looking for… “Excuse, can I get this book?” I asked with a charming smile to the librarian.

“Sure, just let me stamp it as returned,” The librarian smiled, as she filled all the paperwork needed to put the book back into her system, and out of it, immediately, “Here you go, it will be fifty cents for the month,”

Huh pretty darn expensive, but then again… I don’t plan to return it, and I just consumed many books right now, as I was looking for something like this, so… yeah, “Here you go,” I said giving her the fifty cents.

“After the month, is two cents a day for the late fee!” The librarian warned, little did she know… I was never coming back.



Requirements: 40 END, 20 WIS, 35 DEX, 30 STR

This book will help you learn how to manipulate your inner spirit, also known as Ki. Most beings cannot freely control their ki, but to those who can manipulate it they can also learn to control the flow of ki within their bodies, allowing them to channel larger or smaller amounts of their ki reserves. In essence, they can adjust their strength to match the situation and generate attacks which contain larger concentrations of ki than they are normally capable of.

Do you want to learn this skill -- YES/NO --


Not waiting any longer, I air smashed the button, and a flow of new information came over me, all of a sudden I had a basic grasp on how to control my Ki, how-to guide my spirit through my body like water in a river, though my knowledge was very rudimentary, I knew now how to create the skill I wanted.

Knowing how to control my energy, how-to guide it more easily… was just what I needed, so taking a stance, I threw my fist back and punched the air sending an air current that originated from my first, that cracked the door in front of me with a small fissure, even though I hadn’t even touched it.

[A New Skill has been created by a specific action!

Focused Strike - Active - LV 1

Focused Strike is an active skill that builds up power that then its releases it in a single devastating blow, the more time the technique is held the more devastating the blow.

Minimum Damage Boost Increase: 150%]

That was mighty powerful for a LV 1 active skill, truly impressive, I wonder if I can bitch slap Steve with this in the future.




Someone is calling me, to the number I alone bought, meaning it was either Hydra… which it was bad news for me, or the professor, telling it was time to remove this nuisance out of my chest.

“Hello?” I said as I picked up the phone, anticipation building in as the seconds went by without an answer.

“Hi! Is Mr Williams, is Doctor Erskine!” God this motherfucker knows how to build anticipation, “I have what you requested, just meet me in an hour where the stark expo took place,”

Weird location, but okay, “I’ll be there,”

“I’m bringing some friends with me to help with the situation,” The doctor informed me before hanging up.

Immediately I dropped the old archaic phone to the ground, as I sprinted out of the apartment, I was about to be free, I was about to start my own path… of destroying Hydra…. And boy… did the idea felt good.


When I arrived at the park, where the convention had taken place something was off, the professor was nowhere to be seen, did the old man forgot, or had I been subject to… a trap. I hope is the

“So this is the gentleman with the big heart?” I turned around to see Howard Stark walking beside the doctor, “Big enough to kill us… might I add,”

“An explosive pun… really? You can do better than that,” I rolled my eyes at the duo, “Why were you so late anyway?”

“We had to make sure those pesky multiple headed little assholes didn’t follow you,” Howard sighed, “One can never be too sure with those bastards these days,”

“Oh, so that’s why some soldiers were in the perimeter,” I hummed, remembering the soldiers I had ignored as I rushed my way here, “Don’t worry, if I’m careful enough, nothing can escape my eyes,” that much was true, observe in general was an overwhelmingly broken skill for gathering information about my surroundings.

“As I said, one can never be too sure,” Howard sighed, “Now… let us take that wretched thing out of your chest before you kill America’s hope on this suicide operation,”

“I can’t wait,” I smiled following the duo, soon… soon I would have my revenge.



Great chapter 👍👍👍♥️♥️


Thank You For The Chapter ❤️❤️