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I had a character sheet… that appeared every time I thought of said sheet and closed my eyes, it was… a bit disturbing, to see my life being quantified in numbers, and sad to see my LUCK being so low… seriously I… well I did wake up in this shitty place so… I guess that’s about right. But going back to the point, on my character sheet, I could see my stats, my name, my hp and mp, my energy, and a lot… a lot more, from statuses to any other thing, it was quite informative.

As for my appearance, well.. on the character sheet I looked… very different to what I remember looking, I was now a fairly tall man of fair complexion. With purple eyes, and jet-black hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail, not exactly my old… but I guess I wasn’t bad looking, with a sigh I opened my eyes and looked around the forest, then to the werewolf corpse that was in front of me.

“Alright… where am I?” I muttered, taking a quick look around.

I judged by all that had happened… that I was nowhere near my house… perhaps not even the same country… though a part of me questioned if I was even in the same world… nothing around me made sense, werewolves were not supposed to be real; I wanted some answers.

As I walked through the forest something caught my attention, a group of people had gotten worryingly close to my location, and considering everyone was supposed to be my enemy right now. I gripped my knife tight as I hid between the trees. The group was moving slow, some of the members were even limping, meaning that I could out-walk them, but for now, it was best to remain hidden and see where they intended to go, I wanted to avoid fighting if they had a chance at overpowering me in numbers, that... And the fact that they probably had some weird superpower had me on edge.

“Alright, let’s see how many are there,” I muttered, as I counted, counting around six, the trees made it hard to get an accurate number on them. The closest of them was around two hundred meters away if I had to guess.

----For all of those that remain… a little extra information, there is a bomb inside each of you, should the time of this little experiment runs out, everyone will explode, should anyone survive without killing or killing to little they will explode, we only want the best, and a coward hiding in the shadows is not head material, good luck----

Fear once again took control for a second, but a stronger instinct took over, the instinct to survive, and so I walked up slowly towards the group, cautiously with my knife held tight in front of me, as I moved towards the jungle, I focused on what I had to do should a fight breaks in, the art stabbing was harder than movies make it seem, so I had to avoid areas where my knife could get stuck, the heart, the head, and places like that if I wanted to win, I had to aim to places like their throat and kidney.

‘What am I thinking… killing people so easily... but… it's either them or me, and I’m not that good of a person,’ Deep down I was panicking, I never had to deal with any of this before, and now… my life depended on it.

As I got closer, I heard the group talking about how they would kill everyone and then face each other, well, it was then or me, and with that in mind, I lined up my knife and swung for the girl’s neck walking in the back of the ground. The girl turned around choking on her blood, and I hacked at her again, this time striking her in the kidney. Her scream of pain muffled by the blood of her throat made me wince back a little and got the attention of the group.

[Meta-human slain x1


[A new skill has been created by a specific action!

Skill: Backstab!


Backstabs the target, causing 150% weapon damage. Must be behind the target. Requires a weapon with a sharp edge.]

“Get him!” One shouted as I ran deeper into the forest, if I wanted to survive I had to pick them one by one.

As I ran, I saw a shadow looming above me, intuitively I ducked out of the way the shadow was coming, seeing someone had thrown a boulder at me, great super strength, little by little my knife was looking more and more useless.

“No hay donde correr marica!, (Nowhere to run bitch!)” The guy grinned running towards me, as I kept avoiding the things he kept throwing at me.

He outclassed me in brute strength, so I had to outsmart him, so I ran with all my might as the little group continued to follow me, none of them were attacking, meaning their weird skills were close range most likely.

As I ran, a cave caught my attention, knowing the guys behind me would catch up to me any moment now, I rushed towards the cave, where the darkness would serve me as the perfect ally.

“The bastard killed our long-range… and now he got inside a cave, this feels like a trap,” One commented as I hid in the shadows, gripping my knife tight.

“He got lucky, so either help or largate!” The guy that had been throwing me boulders said.

This cave would give me a good few minutes, minutes that I needed to plan, the Spanish speaking guy, seemed to be the bigger threat, after all, everyone was somewhat following him, and his power was super strength, meaning he was probably super durable, so he had to be the last target.

‘Wait… my powers are those of a game… perhaps,’ I pondered over the idea if using inspect would give me any useful information, perhaps my powers would prove to be helpful, ‘Inspect’

[Jacobo Martinez

Gender: M

Power: Low Tier - Superhuman strength

Age: 24]

Well, I expected more, though I wonder what low tier means, perhaps he is not that strong, well I suppose this will do for now, let’s see the rest of his gang

[Aaron White

Gender: M

Power: Low Tier - Divination

Age: 19]

Divination, well… shit, if that guy can see the future I’m fucked, then again, if he was able to control that shit, he would know I’m right beside him, let see next.

[Brandon Bronx

Gender: M

Power: Low Tier - Pathokinesis

Age: 23]

Pathokinesis, the power to control emotions, well… I suppose that can be dangerous, he could probably induce someone to kill themselves with that power, well, three down, one to go.

[Henry Smith

Gender: M

Power: Medium Tier - Fire Control

Age: 27]

Well, the most troublesome are the super buff dude, and the fire ass, but the fire one had to go first, his power seemed more threatening somehow.

As the group passed and inspected the cave, shouting me to come out I waited for the fire boy to be close to me, and when it did, I lined my knife and attacked using [BACKSTAB], trying to exploit the 150% damage bonus of the attack. My knife came down on his neck without giving the guy time to react, piercing his throat.

[Skill increased: One-handed Weapons LVL 3!

--BUFF: +3% proficiency with one-handed weapons]

“Henry no!” Brandon shouted, at first I thought the guy was worried about his teammate, but a quick glance at the fire boy answered that for me, the bastard was about to burst into flames like a freaking suicidal bomber.

Deciding it was best to take cover I ran behind a formation of rocks, and seconds later the cave was engulfed in flames, my arms and legs being painfully burned with third-degree burns, but apparently, even though I was suffering the gang was suffering more, as none of them had the time to take cover.

[Meta-human slain x4


Bonus EXP: 50EXP!

Level Up!]

I had never been happier before to level up in my life, as soon as the notification appeared, my damaged skin disappeared almost entirely, leaving a pleasant sensation compared to the unbearable pain I felt a few seconds ago.

‘Well, not what I was expecting… but, it worked either way… wait...four metahumans…. Where is the fifth?’ One had survived, but in hindsight, I was probably able to take on it, there was no way anything was able to come unscathed from that.

“Te voy a matar cabron (I will kill you bitch!!)” Someone roared, that someone was Jacobo, who was burned beyond recognition, and somehow was able to move still, “I will break you in half!”

Parts of his skin were falling down like pieces of slimy and slightly burned meat, how in the hell was he still alive! “Bye,” deciding it was best to leave the burned man, bark provoking man alone, I walked out of the cave, as he struggled to follow me.


Pieces of meat landed on my face, back and… well everywhere, making me throw up exorcist style, as everything I had done was finally sinking in, before today, I was a normal guy, and now… I was a murderer, and the fact that I had no other choice didn’t help my mental state.

[New Affliction: Toxic Regret

DE-BUFF: -10% WIS, -10% STA

BUFF: None]

Well, fuck you too power I never asked for.

---Congratulations to the winner, you proved to have enough talent worthy of working on, rejoice, you are part of Hydra now, your training begins---

Hydra… that, that is the name of that infamous organization in the marvel universe… oh no.

[NAME: Arthur Valentine


TITLE: The Gamer

EXP: 50/300

STR: 5

DEX: 6

END: 7

INT: 6

WIS: 6

LUK: 2




