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Sorry for the delay, but I was working on a lot of chapters with the editor, the new one! This is the first of today, later the editor will sending me chapters 133 to 140, I worked with him all day telling him what I wanted and stuff, and he said he could give me those 7 chapters during the day tomorrow. Thanks to those that have been patient and staying with me, I know sometimes I don’t keep the deadlines but know that I tried with all my might, sometimes things like my editor not doing the editing or real life mess with my plans.

I wrote this two past days a lot.

A second chapter for the Gamer novel.

Chaps 3-10 for the dragon ball one.

Chapters 6-12 for the avatar one

And chaps 133-140 for GOT

I haven’t sleep in 29 hours...

The why I’m not releasing all of them is because I speed write them, because I have more trust on this editor, to catch on the mistakes.

Normally I would take an hour checking my chaps and you still get some... questionable results, but without focusing on that I was able to put a lot more of words letting my editor do well... the thing I suck at the editing.

For those that are patient and for somereason still stay... thank you, I love you all.


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