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The bright morning sun shone high in a cloudless sky, and i couldn’t help but chuckle, it has been two officially two years since I arrived here, I was thirteen year old apparently, but malnourishment and other factors made Kami believe I was six, Morgiana on the other hand two years younger than me, being probably the strongest eleven years old I know.

Busily running through the kitchen of the lookout, I could smell Mr.Popo preparing breakfast, the mere smell making my stomach growl, he was an amazing cook. "Time to eat," Kami called out to us, "breakfast is ready!" while it was true he had kidnapped us, he was a very good guy, helping us in every way he could, training was definitely the best part of this arrangement..

“What are we eating today?” I asked, as I eagerly sat on the table.

Before Kami could reply, the sound I like to call, the Morgiana rush, made it’s glorious appearance, as we heard Morgiana running towards the kitchen breaking the very ground her feet touched, the old namekian grinned at the sight, “Morgiana never misses a meal,” Kami chuckled.

The eleven year old girl smiled stuffing her face with food, “I don’t”

Morgiana, was…still a mystery for me, I had yet to understand why she had been displaced with me to this place, she was an anime character that now was within another anime world, but I suppose finding a logic answer to my situation is out of the question, besides at this point I had grown attached to her, she was at times the only one that could understand me, as if we had a bond beyond words, it was almost animalistic…. I wonder if it had to do with the factI was a Fanalis…. either way she trusted me, blind trust, believing everything I told her, and telling me everything about her past, with details about how she was mistreated and abused my her ex-master, Jabil, and things along those lines, and to be honest I trusted her too, not on the same level, but considering I don’t trust my own shadow, “Wanna spar after breakfast?” I inquired putting my stupid thoughts away for a moment, as Mr. Popo served me a big continental breakfast.

“Yes,” Morgiana nodded with her trademark adorable expression that shoute her lust for battle.


After breakfast the thunderous booms of powerful blows echoed through the lookout, as our attacks collided. The shock waves produced were so powerful the floor on the lookout was cracking, Morgiana was like always giving it her all, and at times, she was able to push me back, to fight with my full strength, she was really a genius when it came to fighting.

But this battle was a nothing but simple warm up, a match between what Morgiana calls packmates, a way to bond, by fighting and bleeding together, “No bad,” I praised as I blocked Morgiana’s kick with my left arm, feeling the impact on my entire body.

“I have yet to win,” Morgiana smile at the compliment, pushing herself forward, trying to deliver another kick.

I smirked as we continued our friendly spar, after a few minutes giving our all, Kami came with a panicked expression as he ordered us to stop, for the sake of his lookout, “That’s enough for now,” Kami sighed.

"I haven't even sweat" Morgiana pouted, complaining about how short our sparring match was. "I was above to test a new attack..." apparently she wanted to try her new technique with me.

"Kami is right,." I chuckled, scratching my head as I looked around the lookout, slightly embarrassed at how we had destroyed almost everything. "We need to start fighting out of the lookout," if we continued fighting up here at one point we would destroy the lookout, that much was for sure.

Kami smiled, as he approached us, “That’s something I wanted to talk with you two today,” he took a deep breath and added, “I think you two are ready to explore the world, to find your own path,”

I narrowed my eyes, it was clear when he captured us, he had ulterior motives and while his actions were mostly based in good intentions he mostly did it out of fear we turned evil, so he decided to nourish us helping us grow through the good path, which is why I never expected him to tell us to go out and explore the world, in fact I was waiting for him to offer one of us the Kami position, then again, we were far from pure hearted, at least I was, “I see,”

Morgiana simply replied by giving her thumbs up, approving of the idea, she had been asking me to go out explore for quite sometime now.

“Does that mean our training is complete?” I inquired, as stretched.

“It has been quite a while since you two became stronger than me,” Kami smiled, patting Morgiana’s head with a loving grandfather attitude, “The teachings you need… are out there, in the world,”

I knew I was stronger than him, since last year that much was true, but even then his training was super effective, a master does not need to be stronger than his pupil, he only needs to have something to teach, and Kami had a lot to teach, “I will be back,” I nodded, he knew I wanted to give the room of time and spirit a go, but he said we were still too weak for it, and considering that room wasn't used until the Cell Saga, maybe he was right., “Any place in particular you recommend?”

“Earth is beautiful, so I said the entire world,” Kami smiled, “Or perhaps you can try collecting the dragon balls? You two seemed interested in that old story,”

I knew he was the creator of the dragon balls, something that for some reason he had never told us himself, “Sounds like fun, what do you say, Morgiana?” I asked my partner.

“I will wish for infinity bacon,” Morgiana said with a smile, already determinated to find the balls and get her wish, “I love bacon,”

“That sounds like the best possible wish,” I chuckled.

“It is,” Morgiana nodded with enthusiasm, sparkles of happiness and excitement coming out of her eyes, anime style.

“Then let’s have one last mediation together…” Kami chuckled at Morgiana.

“We’ll be back,” I stated, Kami knew I wanted to use the room of time and spirit, but I was far too weak at the moment to survive the room, but one day I would be strong enough.


Author note: Here we start the canon timeline, but let’s see how much our pair of Fanalis change history, maybe they already did.

Power Levels:

Masrur: 407

Morgiana: 384

Kami: 310

Mr. Popo: 285

Master Roshi: 140

Master Shen: 110

Tien: 15

Goku: 10


Orion Chung

Chapter please


Well it depends on the mc with how much will change because either him doing something or him telling Morgiana to not do something since I think she is more like goku to just fight head on and not care lol so she could practically do the entire early arcs herself..... also because of him and Morgiana being so much stronger than goku, now goku will end up being stronger than cannon. If he does use the dragon balls and makes his wish don’t make it a zenkai because it’s overused(but I wouldn’t be against it lol since it’s one of the lost useful wishes) or make a wish that makes it obvious that the mc knows too much like asking for instant transmission.... he could ask for a technique and describe it perfectly and that’s how he gets it.... lol do you know what I mean? But he could ask for something that will help the him and Morgiana like having a type of regeneration to help train and get stronger or wish to be healthy so no dumb death can happen to either of them in the future(gokus heart disease)


So far really enjoying this story and the avatar one.... was in love with the got one but idk with him nonstop moving and seems like it’s only conquering and needs a little of slice of life with mc and dany so I put that on hold for a bit... so hoping this story keeps going