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Starting wildly off-topic to these images, I recently purchased a typewriter for dirt cheap. The best part about the whole acquisition of the typewriter; it is basically brand new, only used twice. Cheap and new is music to my ears especially when it is a well known typewriter brand that they fortunately still make ribbons for. My point in bringing this up to you is that it feels odd and strange to type on a normal keyboard with all of my fingers since I have been learning how to catch the ebb and flow of typing on the typewriter. It is a full manual typewriter so there is no mechanism that is going to punch the ink onto the paper besides the force of my fingers. It is delightful to say the least. I am considering a side-use of it to date stamp my Polaroids that I shoot.

Anyways, speaking of delightful; let us talk about Rachel. I have officially finished editing the images that I shot in Wyoming with Rachel and it is a bittersweet feeling knowing that I have everything done, but that means that it will soon go into the archives of my mind. Granted, Rachel and I have already spoke about the next trip we are going to take with one another. We have not landed on where we will go, but I can tell you that it will certainly be epic.

These images were shot just after the previous set that was released. We ventured away from he rock quarry on the side of the river and towards the water's edge. It is always such an exciting feeling to hear the water getting closer and closer through the trees. You can never see it until it is right in front of your face, but you can hear it and smell it getting closer. The river looked even better than it did from afar where we parked our cars. The smell of fresh air, rolling waters and pine were overtaking the air. It was another one of those moments on this trip, that of which I had many, I just had to sit there and appreciate where I was and whom I was with. Rachel and I got settled into our spot and as she was laying out her things I broke out my camera and began snapping some images. Most of these are candid, which I most certainly love of Rachel. I think I am also finding myself more and more leaning towards capturing candid moments, especially while on the road.

Rachel and I shot for a brief time and then she laid out on this massive rock with her book and Bucket for a long drawn bathe in the sun. I eventually left Rachel and went to take a nap in the back of my Jeep with Kylea. There is nothing quite like falling asleep with not a care in the world to the sounds of flowing water, wildlife and not much else. Enjoy!

- AW Media




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