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This is probably the only post that I will keep as brief as the 'set' is. Rachel and I mainly went to this lake for us, with just a couple of cameras at my disposal; the F5, my digital and my SLR680. It was a spot that Rachel found on one of her apps that included a short walk through the woods, an empty recreation area and not a soul to be found. When we first exited the woods and came up on the shoreline of the lake we were placed that no one else was around, but at the same time we were mildly saddened. A recreation area that was once nestled right along the water line, was sitting at least one hundred feet away. The drought that has plagued the Southwest for so long was now reaching into the Midwest and taking a drastic toll on water levels. You can see behind her where the tree line meets the rocks that were once submerged under water. As beautiful as the landscape was, it was almost heart breaking to see that probably billions of gallons of water were missing from this view. We did our best to push aside the feeling of sadness and focus on the remaining beauty that the landscape had to offer.

With no one around, Rachel stripped won to take a skinny dip in the freezing lake. I sat along the side of the lake and captured a few shots of her frolicking in the water. Enjoy!

- AW Media




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