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A new set w with my absolute favorite.

Anna and I planned you a day with one another that included all of my favorite things. Coffee, food, photography and yes, more food. Needless to say, it was a perfect day. We started off in the afternoon with a trip to a local taco shop; street tacos for Anna and a burrito for me. Typically you would not catch me red handed with a burrito, but I was really feeling it that day. Regrettably, I ate the entire thing and very quickly became way too full. In a slight food coma we went back to the house and made some coffee to pep us right back up for the evening ahead.

While they got ready I started the task of pasta. A homemade carbonara to be precise! It had been a long while since I made carbonara and it would be the first time making it with fresh pasta. Everything tastes better when its from scratch and I can definitively tell you that pasta is absolutely better when it is fresh.

With the dough kneaded and resting, I awaited for Anna to finish getting ready and then we were off to what looks like a distant place, but only a few minutes away. We drove up into the rolling hills off a primitive road looking for the perfect spot to shoot. The drive started as an unfortunate sight; trash. People from the surrounding area had taken it upon themselves to make these hills their dumping grounds. What could easily be brought to the dump or left on the side of the road for the city to dispose of, was left to slowly rot. Tires, fridges, mattresses and more sitting all along the sides of the primitive road. Saddening, if you ask me.

Anna had just received a gift from Mariemur, a lingerie company that we were hard pressed to have her in. After passing most of the trash and debris, we came up on a peak that overlooked a valley of beautiful rolling hills. Thankfully, the roads that were placed behind Anna while shooting were a little more difficult to get to so not anyone and everyone could go and dump their trash there. We found a perfect spot with beautiful yellow flowers, green grasses in the foreground and background with a stunning start to a sunset through the massive clouds kissing the distant mountain tops.

It was cold so we had to shoot quickly. I put together all of my gear, got my F5 loaded with a roll of CineStill 800T and we got to work. With a few breaks in between for a quick throw of the jacket over Anna's shoulders we wrapped up and got them dressed once more. The feeling we both had was amazing. What started off as questionable with the surrounding debris of terrible people quickly turned into a beautiful spot and a stunning final set. Enjoy!

- AW Media




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