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I have said it before and I will say it again, some of my favorite shoots that I have had are the ones that are unplanned, on a whim and out of the blue; impromptu if you will. That narrative is no different for this shoot with Mia. The feeling is ten fold since this was my last full day shooting in my studio before moving out of it at the end of January.

Mia came to Los Angeles for about two weeks and I had the pleasure of hosting her for her time while she was in Los Angeles. When I host a friend, I truly like to encompass the 'make yourself at home' mentality. Especially if someone is staying with me for the first time or staying with anyone for the first time that matter, they are always a little cautionary about that blanketed statement. I reassured Mia that what was mine was hers and to treat my studio as her second home. By the next morning she was walking around naked with a smile on her face. I believe comfortability is important, no matter the case. A loft to her own, a key to the studio and the front door security aware she would be in and out at her own leisure.

Mia has a full schedule while she was in town. When I say a full schedule, I am in no way over exaggerating. Mia was busting out about four to six shoots a day every day for while she was in Los Angeles. At one point, we had talked about how when we were fresh in the industry, that was a cake walk. But now, it takes a lot out of us and I am truly not sure how she made it happen.

One of the days that Mia had several shoots planned, a couple got pushed back to a later time and she had the morning free which prompted her to ask if I wanted to shoot. Since the last time we shot was before she moved out of L.A. and shipped off to New York, I was hard pressed to say yes, which I did. We planned out our morning, she ran a couple of errands as did I and then we met back at the studio around noon to shot. We landed on yellow and chains, obviously. I can honestly say that anything Mia puts together for a shoot with always look good in the end results and it is no different for this set. Enjoy!

- AW Media




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