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Fear not, I have not forgotten about you all; I never could, honestly. Merely just not a second to breathe, but a constant grind and getting pulled in endless directions. I can say that it seems all is finally leveling out. January was a turbulent month to say the least, most notably; my move. I have left the heart of Los Angeles and moved out to the suburbs for some time away from the constant bustle, noise and sheer lack of peace. Although my studio was a little slice of heaven in what seemingly felt like a war zone from time to time, I made the decision to leave the city, refocus and get some much needed things tended to and in order.

Now, January was not a dry month for shooting in the least, this is just truly the first time that I have had more than a moment to sit down and scan Polaroids and quickly post them for you all. I will have a better work life balance in my new home, thus lending me more time and moreover, energy, to be able to edit through my work and share it with you all. January was actually one of the busiest shoot months I have had in some time and I cannot wait to work through all of the images in the coming weeks and show them to you. I am buckling down, making extra batches of coffee in a day and getting you all what you are here for, photos!

I greatly appreciate you all and your support. I am not much of a 'New Year's Resolution' type. However, this years theme is short term sacrifices for long term growth.

- AW Media



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