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I would shy very far away from saying that I am they type of photographer that is a "Collector of Faces." I seldom work with new people for seemingly endless amounts of reasons, but it is always a breath of fresh air when you work with someone new and a budding friendship comes out of it. Lexi is one of those times.

We have been following one another for some time now and we got together a little while ago for our first shoot. She ran out that day to pick up this amazing piece of lingerie, she said she splurged. Needless to say, I am glad she did. Just like working with a new camera, working with a new person is always fun to navigate. Learning the ebb and flow of the creative chemistry is a blast. The first photos will always be rigid, its bound to happen. However, as the connection begins to happen that stiffness fades away and the flow begins; like the thawing of a winter stream in the early spring. Enjoy!

- AW Media




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