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The last two days that I was scheduled to be in Wyoming, it was unfortunately going to rain for the entire time. I made the decision to head out of Wyoming and take a trip down to Phoenix to see some friends, eat some good food and enjoy a little change of weather. It is a hard city to spend just one day in, but it was definitely worth it.

The morning before I leave back to California to end my vacation, Reed brought me out to somewhere I had never been before that was due East of Phoenix, somewhere passed Mesa. An early rise, a quick stop at Cartel Coffee Co. and a brief drive out of the city later we were at location. The shoot started with a little giggle because of the extensive amount of gear that I had with me. A camera backpack, shouldering a massive tripod, hand holding the 600SE and a few more cameras draped around my neck for good measure.

As we approached the river there was an older gentleman that we had met right on the shoreline that we were intending to shoot on. He told us he had just caught a fish, to not step on it and that he would be back in about an hour or so to retrieve it. Well, that was perfect timing. If any of you know how Reed and I work together, we need not more than twenty minutes to get everything that we would be more than happy with capturing. We moved a little slower than usual just because of the heat. It was only just passed ten in the morning and it was just shy of one hundred degrees. Many water breaks and deep breaths in between each camera switch.

We focused on shooting film, but managed to snap a solid set on digital in between the film. I am a little pressed to be annoyed with myself because we did not shoot a single digital that is safe to share on Instagram. I guess this set will be reserved for Patreon! Enjoy!

- AW Media




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