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Once again before I begin typing, Patreon is telling me to 'tell a story'. So that, I will.

Meredith and I have had an array of different shoots, some planned and some impromptu. It has become very apparent that we seem to work better together in the impromptu setting. These Polaroids are no different. Now, that is not to say our planned shoots complete with mood boards, talks of outfits, poses and locations. Meredith and I both have just always loved our captures from shooting on a whim vastly more. When I stop to think about it, I think it is because there is something inside me that gets pulled towards the spontaneity of unplanned shoots. It simply peaks my creative mind a little more so.

A couple days ago, Meredith was coming over for a brief catch up and some help with one of her malfunctioning lenses. She was due to arrive in the last afternoon. Before her arrival I sent a simple and innocuous text. A text that said "May I take a couple Polaroids of you while you are here?" Of course, Meredith obliged. With no talks of outfits, mood boards or poses, Meredith arrived in the late afternoon. Cameras emerged, film packs opened and loaded. On this day, the 600SE was loaded with something special. A pack of 669 Type film from a dual pack I had opened over a year ago. The first pack was shot and it proceeded the most beautiful tones with a blue/green hue to the entire image. I wrote on the pack 'Blue' to remember which one it was. Will I have other packs of 669 come out this color? Maybe, but in the off chance I do not, I wanted the exposures to be something innately special, just at the film.

Meredith and I blasted through several exposures of a residual pack of FP-100C so we could get to the fun stuff, the 669 Type. Earlier today I thought about the feeling I get when looking through the viewfinder of a Polaroid camera. Sometimes when I see the framing, the pose and the lighting I get immensely excited of what's to come. As soon as I release the shutter, a feeling I cannot fathom words to describe comes over me. In anticipation for the grand reveal, I rile myself up as I wait for the 120 seconds. With the first exposure through the rollers I stood there and said "Will it be blue? Will it be blue?"

Indeed it was.

The rest of the pack was used and the last 'outfit', for lack of a better term, was the jacket. Meredith grabbed it and threw it over her shoulders. She stepped into frame and the same feeling came over me once more. Upon every peel of this pack, I was elated to have used it on this day, with one of my very good friends.

Many of these exposures have been listed for sale in my Polaroid shop. Click here if you wish to shop and own one of these originals. Yes, the topless ones too are listed.

Please keep in mind, my main focus and goal is to stay within a models comfort zone and strictly adhere to that. I have several friends and models that are comfortable shooting implied and even topless, but wish to not have the uncensored images shared anywhere. As I know this is Patreon where I do share my uncensored work, it is with Meredith's wishes that I only share censored images. In my respect for the art, women and specifically Meredith, all images of her will be shared censored if there is nudity in them. Thank you for understanding! If you wish to see them uncensored, you can head over to Meredith's Patreon and pledge to her 'Exclusively Me' tier where she is now offering uncensored photos and a more intimate look into her life.

These exposures were shot on Polaroid 669 Type Color film with a Polaroid 600SE, Fujifilm FP-100C Color Professional film with a Polaroid 600SE and Polaroid 600 Type Color Film with a Polaroid SLR680.

- AW Media



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